This web site is dedicated to anyone who has ever looked at the heavens in awe, and thought, "I want to go there." I believe space is our future, and we should begin to plan for its settlement now. Space is the final frontier.

Canadian Space Industry

Manned Spaceflight




Spaceflight from the 1990's to come soon!

Space Settlements

My Work


Space Settlement Societies


Space Agencies

Professional Space Sites

Personal Space Sites

Closing Thought

Farewell to our Homeland
By: Katie Dot

Earth is only a crescent to us
The stars are our constant companions
The sun and moon shine at all hours
Space is our home

Earth sits in the blackness of space
A beacon of hope for all weary adventurers
Her blue oceans and white clouds beckon us home
To once again lie in the cradle of our motherland

Like rebellious teenagers, we resist the pull to return home
No longer can our mother shelter us from harm
We have grown up, and moved on
Space is our home

This Star Sailor site is owned by
Katie Dot

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