LoisAbductions Ink
Where we try to fulfill every wish and laugh at the ones that we can't.


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Jesse Cook has to be seen to be believed!  I just recently went to one of his concerts and I was totally won over.  What that man can do with a guitar is amazing.

To me, this festival is like jazz camp.  You can start out at about noon and if you take in the midnight jam sessions, you will not get to bed until at least three in the morning.  And then you start that again the next day of this five day festival.  I don't even live in Fredericton anymore but I try to make it back every year.  Well worth checking out.



Highly recommend:
Take Your Time
It's About Time (Sequel to 'Take Your Time)

The Miami Herald's own Dave Barry yucks it up for your entertainment. (Although, I believe he gets more fun out of a chosen profession than should be allowed by law.)  Here, you will find an archive of his weekly columns and you will never have to buy another one of his books.  Just kidding, buy the books, reading a little wouldn't kill you.


James Marsters

Your life will never be the same until you have played with the Spike Paper Doll.
