Television - During the
post-War years a new technology emerged in the United States which would
forever change mass media and entertainment forever. This new device,
called television, worked much like radio, transforming broadcast waves
into sound, but with one key twist: the sounds were accompanied by moving
pictures. No longer were audiences forced to imagine the scene; the
television would portray the action in realistic detail. Soon new
advancements, such as color tubes and surround sound transformed the
television into a virtual home theater. For viewers, it proved a popular
and enduring past-time. But behind the development and marketing of
television lay a worldwide conspiracy laid out by the United States
government and the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency. Realizing
that television would completely revolutionize mass entertainment, the
C.I.A. funnelled vast amounts of capitol into researcher's accounts to
speed up development and marketing. By the time television hit the
market, a whole series of "programs" and entertainment specials had been
created. The appeal of television to the government seemed all too
simple: by keeping the vast majority of Americans occupied, attention
would be drawn away from secret defence programs. It was hoped that with
this modern
equivalent to bread and circuses the United States could compete
effectively with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Graceland was but a small part of a larger
conspiracy which reached to the highest levels of the United States
government. The rise in popularity of Elvis Presley, himself an agent for
the C.I.A., allowed for a top secret military installation in the heart of
Memphis, Tennessee. According to sources, the site was chosen
due to its high profile, as it was thought that no one, domestic or
foreign, would ever suspect a musician's home as a hotbed of international
espionage. To prevent an unsightly number of government vehicles in the
King's driveway, an extensive network of tunnels was dug, some stretching
for several hundread yards. At Agent Presley's death, the government took
measures to ensure that the mansion would remain in the Presley family.
Sources indicate that, despite waves of tourists, the instillation has
remained in continuous use.
The British Invasion - Since the collapse of its
North American empire, the English have sought to undermine and subvert
the integrity of the United States of America. On several occasions the
English launched offensives geared to regain the 'lost colonies.' During
the early 1960s, the English took advantage of the rising popularity of
several musical outfits and formulated a grand scheme to corrupt the minds
of American youths in order to gain economic and cultural superiority over
the nation. With careful marketing, English bands, including the Beatles,
the Rolling Stones, and the Who, soon took the United States by storm.
Critics of this theory cite the apparently minimal effects of this
'British Invasion' on the American cultural landscape. Perhaps more
telling is the English attitude toward its cultural soldiers, which has
included several Knightings by Queen Elizabeth II. Perhaps the English
impact may remain undected to this day.
Bennigin's - In
the years following the legalization of alchololic beverages, the Irish
Mafia found themselves increasingly out-flanked and out-funded by their
Sicilian rivals. The situation only grew worse during the '50s and '60s
as the Italians expanded into almost every major city in the United
States. To counter this rising threat to their business, the Irish bosses
devised a solution which would provide both a needed source of revenue and
new bases of operation in cities nationwide. Drawing on their knowledge
of Irish lore and the love of the American people with the Emerald Isle,
the bosses founded Bennigin's, a chain of restaurants featuring
themes of Irish pubs and folklore. The restaurant proved an immediate
success, and within a few years had opened new franchises throughout the
United States; this success allowed the Irish to once again compete
effectively with the Italians in the world of organized crime.
The 1973 Oil Embargo - This ranks as another
conspiricy which happened in a different manner then is commonly thought.
Following World War II, the Japanese rebuilt their nation with the help of
the United States, their one-time enemy. But, even in the face of defeat,
the Japanese continued to harbor thoughts of one day conquering the United
States, and they decided to follow this policy through the sale of
mass-produced goods. All went according to planned, except on one
critical front: the automobile industries could not sell to a nation bred
on large cars and cheap gas. To achieve their ends, the Japanese secretly
met and bargained with several Middle Eastern leaders and monarchs, who
themselves bore grudges against the Unites States for aiding the
establishment of Israel. Finally, when all was in place, the Eastern oil
lords placed an embargo on the United States. With its supply of gasoline
severely limited, Americans turned to Japanese cars, whose chief appeal
was excellent fuel milage. The plan worked as the Japanese hoped.
The Christian Coalition -
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War,
the United States government has lain divided over which direction to
persue. Amidst
this confusion new political organizations have clambered for power in the
halls of
the Capitol building. The Christian Coalition, one of these groups, may
rank as the most dangerous of these organizations. The
coalition bases its beliefs on conservative Christian values and
advertises a platform which would rid the government of radical and
subversive elements which they feel are detrimental to the nation.
claims quickly attracted followers, which has fueled the organization
enthusiasm and funding. Unfortunately, beneath claims of Christian values
lies a much more comprehensive and diabolical scheme to transform the
States into a militaristic Christian nation. The political structure of
the nation would parallel the Third Reich of Hitler's Germany, with a
tyrranical despot exercizing absolute and unchecked authority over a
beaurocracy comprised entirely of loyal followers. As part of this goal,
all peoples of rival faiths would either be expelled from the country,
forcibly converted using coercion and torture, or even executed en masse.
Even other Christians,
such as Roman Catholics and liberal Protestants would be targeted.
In addition, members of minority populations would be targeted in an
"ethnic clensing" campaign similar to that which occurred in the Balkins.
Sources within the organization indicate that Robertson, the nephew
of a known Nazi sympathizer, seems intent on creating a homogeneous nation
using any means necessary. The nation would supercede over all matters of
free speech and individuality. He envisions a state where the Holy Bible
is Law and the State is its long arm. Only time will reveal whether or
not the Christian Coalition's plans come to fruition.
The O.J. Simpson Trial - Here again was a conspiracy
which reached to the highest levels of the United States government.
Faced with the knowledge that many Americans opposed Affirmative Action on
the charges that it simply didn't work, several government officials hit
on a plan to keep their program alive. They moved quickly, especially
after the world found out about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson; this
act was not initally connected with the conspiracy, but provided a
convenient arena to renew interest in 1960s civil rights issues. The
officials worked to place an incompitant judge and a hyper-liberal jury
into the trial, knowing well that such a combination, coupled with the
threat of another Los Angelos race riot, would result in the aquittal of
the defendant. Although O.J. Simpson was later found civally liable for
the murder of his ex-wife and her boyfriend, the plot ultimately achieved
its goals, as it proved that Affirmative Action still worked perfectly.
The case proved beyond any reasonable doubt that a black man with money
could get away with murder as easily as a white man with money.
Rap Murders - The latest twist to this controversial
episode may also be its last. A report issued by the White House seems to
indicate that a gag order has been placed over all those involved with the
murder investigations of several prominant rap artists. Inside sources
report that this order may in fact originate from the President himself.
An "East Coast/West Coast War" has been
proposed as a cause of these murders, culminating thus far with King of
Howard Stern presiding over a "peace talk" of rappers. A trusted source
high in the administration
indicated that the C.I.A. may have been involved in a plot to "cleanse the
industry of potentially dangerous and subvertive material." That same
source further indicated that the Christian Coalition, the
conservative political group founded and led by former television minister
Pat Robertson, may have provided funding for the operation. The
Christian Coalition has long opposed leading rap artists and shock
rockers, citing a "negative effect on children" as their chief concern.
Prior to a government order, which has effectively silenced all involved
with the incident, a source revealed a trigger man "whose
cover is so deep as to remain undetected by either the United
States or the now-defunct K.G.B." did in fact assassinate rap artists
Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. using a high powered sniper rifle.
Although the same source indicated that Agent Elvis Presley may have been
that operative, no firm evidence has surfaced to support that claim.
Prior to his disappearance Agent Presley was rated third in the world with
a rifle. For the moment, it appears unlikely that new evidence will be
released or otherwise make itself known.
The Shroud Fire of 1997 -
For the third time since its relocation to Turin, Italy, the linen cloth
many believe was used to wrap the body of Jesus was nearly the victem of
fire. In the small hours of April 14 firemen arrived at the scene to find
flames and smoke pouring out of the tops of the Turin Cathedral and the
Guarini Chapel, which was built to house the Shroud. Acting
quickly, local fireman Mario Trematore used a sledgehammer to break the
bulletproof glass which housed the shroud reliquery; Trematore
and other firefighters then carried the reliquery to safety to the cheers
of onlookers. Although the Shroud escaped damage, the Renaissance
Cathedral and the Chapel, designed by architect Guarino Guarini, suffered
extensive smoke and water damage. The official report on the fire points
to an electrical failure in equipment used in the restoration of the
chapel, but an unofficial source has revealed a conspiracy which places
the Shroud of Turin at the center of an anti-Catholic plot.
It now appears that agents of the Southern Baptist Church of North America
and the Christian Coalition may have set fire to the Guarini
Chapel in an attempt to destroy the Shroud. Such an attack would preclude
a new period of attack against Roman Catholicism by reactionary
Protestant forces. The destruction of the Shroud of Turin would likely
result in a temporary de-moralization of Roman Catholics worldwide,
allowing opponents to spearhead new campaigns against the "true"
church. Pat Robertson, the former television evangelast and leader of the
Christian Coalition has repeatedly cited Catholicism as "un-American,"
mirroring the stance taken by the
Southern Baptist Church of North America, which contributes the majority
of the Christian Coalition funding. The Baptist Church has officially
denounced the Shroud of Turin as a fraud, citing recent scientific work
aimed at dating the linen. Although the studies indicate that the Shroud
of Turin may
originate in the Middle Ages, they can neither reach any concise date of
origin nor explain the image for which the Shroud is so revered. Since
the fire, the Shroud has been moved to an undisclosed monestary for