Goth Is a way of thinking a way of acting.... It is thinking very
deeply and understanding alot of things other people do not
understand. It is a personality, what is inside of you.
Many people do not understand "Goths" or being "Gothic" I have
always been gothic really... How did I
know that? Well When I was young I was very creative, I liked the
darker side of life, I wrote poetry and
drew pictures that were very disturbing.
Did my family life make me a goth? Well I cant really tell you.
But, now I know I am happy and yet I still choose to consider
myself a "Goth". I personally think it is your choice to wear
black and well... usual gothic clothing. You do
not necessarily have to be goth to have the certain way of
thinking that most goths have. Also on the
other hand, you can dress goth and be the biggest non-goth of
them all (in other words a Poser) I am
not one to judge anyone though, for I have faked myself in order
to attain a few friends (which I do not
have any longer) I learned some important lessons that week. I do
not look good in Yellow, I do not look
good with blonde hair, It is an easy way to scare people though
after they get used to you being the king of darkness. It gives you alot of headaches though. So I
naturally the next week went back to
being me... everyone was so dissapointed, but I wasn't happy like
This is just my OPINION. Everybodie's got one. SO don't be
offended by this. I know some will. But.....what are ya going to