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Survivor's Quest
by Timothy Zahn

Conclusion to the New Jedi Order series:

The Unifying Force
by James Luceno


Welcome to the Knight Hammer's Books section!

For chronological information about the books, go to the Books & Movies Timeline.

News & Updates

Well, it has been quite a long time since there were updates to this site.  Despite my best intentions, things have gotten considerably behind.  I am trying to at least update the lists of books that have been published.  There have especially been a lot of new publications for the younger readers.  I got the Novels page updated tonight.  It will probably be awhile before I get covers or descriptions of new books posted, but it is a start!

In case anyone notices, I have also changed the graphics at the top of this page. 

I know its been awhile, but I added Edge of Victory II: Rebirth to the new releases. It should now be widely available. An excerpt from Rebirth is available at, and an excerpt from the soon-to-be-released Jedi Quest has been posted by Enjoy! 

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