Beginning to Create your Website continues...
So far, we have covered Dreamweaver’s basic functions and the process to create Web sites. You have learned how to use the work area by opening and removing floating panels. You also learned about functions in the Document window and such as the tag selector and the window size selector. You learned the basic steps of creating a Web site and how to define a site. Finally, you learned about HTML code and how Dreamweaver works with HTML code to create Web sites. You learned it is not necessary to know HTML to use Dreamweaver to begin creating Web pages and Web sites, but may be helpful in editing documents as you become more proficient in its use.

1. Dreamweaver is a complex program enabling the user to build professional Web sites.

2. The Work Area contains a main document window used to display open documents and floating panels containing the tools and buttons needed to build the documents.

3. The Window Menu allows you to display and remove windows and panels. The Launcher Bar also allows you to remove and display windows and panels as needed.

4. The Tag Selector on the Status Bar displays the HTML tags used in the document.

5. The Window Size Area of the Status Bar lets you select the size of the document so you can see what a Web page will look like in a Web browser using different resolutions.

6. The Preferences dialog box is accessed from the Edit menu and is used to select settings, such as how panels are displayed.

7. The site structure consists of folders containing the Web site files. Generally, a Web site uses one main folder, which contains various sub-folders holding the necessary information to create the site.

8. Defining a site gives Dreamweaver information about the site such as the location of the files. This information is entered using the Site definition Dialog Box.

9. Web pages are written in HTML. Dreamweaver has three buttons on the toolbar providing a Design view, Code view, and a split screen of both views for working on open documents.