Space Ghost!


 Here are some wavs from that humorous cartoon talk show Space Ghost Coast To Coast! Along with Space Ghost, Moltar, Brak & Zorak I have included wavs from the Martin Yan interview, cuz Martin Yan rules in the chef world. Some of these sounds are lengthy due to full punchline potential for the regular viewers.
without further adieau...
(go ahead, click da ghost!)
Wavs from the show and characters as well
as some from the Peter Fonda interview!!
Moltar & Zorak discussing food 
Zorak native tongue 
Brak doesn't like being 
blasted by Space Ghost 
Ghost man doesn't 
want Peters lava 
No rocks on Mars were
named Space Ghost 
Zorak concerned with Space 
Ghost's newly drawn rear end 
Hope you saw Zorak's 
nephew mentioned here 
 What was in Space Ghosts coffee?
 Here are some wavs from the Martin Yan interview!
 Martin introduces himself
 Space Ghost fears for his life and 
learns something about Martin
 Martin and the shows characters 
talk about cooking Space Ghost
  Martin keeps Space Ghost,
Moltar & Zorak in check
Don't miss this one:
Yan Can Cook- Visit the
zany chefs homepage!
 Yan Can Cook Home Page 
In a similar aspect to Martin Yan, please:
Visit a great site dedicated to a 
cuisine cookoff of Japanese delights!
This show pits a challenging chef 
against 1 of the 4 Iron Chef! 

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