Pagan Links

These are the sites recommended by other surfers who have come to this site, our friends, and sites that we have gone to personally and found to be an excellent source of information on pagan ways.

Were-Wilds Page
Here is a site by my friend, Carissa. Not strictly dedicated to paganism but enchanting and informative nonetheless.

Copper's Cove
Copper, you will find, has a definite opinion on most issues and is willing to share it. You will find many essays on pagan topics and cool links.

The Wiccan Garden
A site filled with impressive links. Worth checking out, else why would I put it here?

Druidic Way
Lance and Grail have, here, created a fount of information, not just for those who follow any druidic path, but for pagans of other trads as well.

Pagan Teachers
An article written by the folks at CoG (Covenant of the Goddess)outlines what to look for in a good pagan teacher and what to avoid like the plague. Includes the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame (ABCDEF for short).

Shauna Wright's:What is a Witch?
An excellent summary, truly. Shauna Wright makes a strong statement here. This page has FAQ and wonderful pagan links, including a link to a Christian page that has an unusual but positive perspective on paganism. Print this out and give it to any friends or family who are having trouble getting used to the idea of paganism. Talk it over with them later, get their opinion, share some ideas.
Beautiful site recommended by Azrael. Ambrosia offers a book of shadows, a bookstore, info on astrology and numerology, contacts, chat, links and a webring to boot! Phew! This is one dedicated lady!
Welcome to the Witches' Web where People of the Earth gather to share opinions, exchange ideas, and talk about issues and upcoming events. Includes shop and forum.
A complete homestudy course in Witchcraft.
Find the pagans in your community!
Pagan bookstore, musicstore, forum, grimoire, news, contacts, software, and more!
The Witches' Voice is a pro-active educational network dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft.