Ten Towns

Ten Towns is, as the name implies, a series of towns and small villages situated in the far North Western part of the Forgotten Realms in a area known as Icewind Dale. It is an inhospitabe place where only the foolish or desperate come.Yet even here in this frozen land, these men and women and their allies have learned to survive and flourish. Bone chilling wind continually howls across the land, bringing death, all too quickly, to those who are unprepared.

It is here that Drizzt calls home.
Here he has found some degree of acceptance among the other inhabitants.
Only some.

The area is dominated by it's three lakes and an outcropping of land called Kelvin's Cairn. These lakes, Lac Dinneshere, Maer Dualdon and Redwaters are the only place that have the rare fish, the Knucklehead Trout and as such, the exact territorial borders of the waters are the cause of many feuds amongst the towns and their fishermen. The fish are greatly sought after as the bones can be carved, by those with enough skill, into objects of rare beauty.
Whoever catches the most fish is a rich man indeed!

The biggest lake, Maer Dualdon, is home to four of the towns. There might as well be only three on the lake though because Lonelywood is just a place for the rogues to hide out, and they hold no territorial claim over those waters. They instead, have the only piece of forested area in most of the Icewind Dale. So Maer Dualdon is shared between the three remaining cities of Bremen, Targos and Termalaine.
Lac Dinneshere, the second largest lake, is home to three other towns; Caer-Konig, Caer-Dineval and Easthaven. The town of Easthaven built the road named the Eastway.

On the last and smallest lake, Redwaters, are the two remaining towns, Good Mead and Dougan's Hole.

Bryn Shander is the biggest town ( city? ) in the region and it is the economic and social centre. It is located on a small rise in the middle of the three lakes and is the only town with any sort of fortifications. The Spokesman of this town is Cassius, and it is he who controls the trade between the towns and the outside world. He is the chairman of the meetings when the ten town's spokesmen get together for council meetings - discussing either trade or war.

Located on the southern side of Kelvin's Cairn are a series of caverns where the remnants of Clan Battlehammer has ended up. Here, Bruenor Battlehammer leads his people after the sacking of their ancestral home - Mithral Hall, by the Shadow Dragon, Shimmergloom.
Even though this has been the home of Clan Battlehammer for some two hundred years, it cannot compare to Mithril Hall and Bruenor dreams of one day setting foot in those hallowed halls and again calling it home.

