Version 5: Evolutions

Yes. This is where you can view the evolution and all the different versions of my drawing style. And now...
Once upon a time in a far away land...there was a little girl with a vivid imagination. She was a simple grade 7 girl, who always had the odd notion of flying. And after looking at some of her friends' drawings...she started to doodle...and over the course of three years, it began to mold and morph into something completely different...

Version 1

Very simple. No defined parts (such as faces, hands, porportions etc) and done with felt pens. This was taken from a page I did for my Mom because I felt like it. Of course, Mom loved it and it's been hanging up by the main telephone ever since. I'm thinking of making a new one for her, because this one is getting sunbleached. It was done in early Grade 7.

Version 2

This is where I tried my hand at the anime style of drawing. I as getting more into detail than the first version. This one at least had a nose. The porportions were still off...but it was cool at the time. This is actually a picture of a comic character I created named Angel. She never really took off. I was done in mid-Grade 7.

Version 3

Here I switched from anime to a more realistic look. It's based off my no-longer friend Kim E's style. I liked hers more than my simple anime one, so I switched. She didn't mind at the time. The porportions are getting better now. This is another character from Angel's world - her sidekick Halo is really her Guardian Angel inside the body of a Peregrine Falcon. This was done over the summer going from Grade 7 to Grade 8.

Version 4

From Version 3 to 4 there is a 2 year gap. Something in Grade 8 killed my urge to draw people. Instead, I took to drawing fantasy creatures such as dragons and Unicorns. It was DragonBall Z which made my want to draw people come alive. These were done in October 1999, in my Grade 10 year. They are of my DBZ fan-fiction character 'Mia'. They are very early drawing of Mia, and I was working on profiles. I soon moved to the Akira Toriyama style of anime, and then, started to create my own style.

Version 5

Version 5, April 9th, 2000Version 5, April 11, 2000Still Version 5, December 7th, 2000

This is my current style. It's lasted from April 2000 until now, which is December. It actually has changed slightly, but not enough to evolve into Version 6. The features the more triangle eyes and sharp angles. Even the DBZ art I do has the more triangle eyes. Anyways, there's plenty of my art around the page, so find it and enjoy.

And so...the evolution continues...
