Version 5: The Critters

Yes. I actually own a couple critters, Lord knows why, and this is the place where you can take a peekers at them. I am known as "Mum" to: 3 chinchillas (One of them is a baby, and will be leaving soon to find a new Mum), 1 cat/kitten named Rosie, 2 old geezer cats otherwise known as Suki and Sam, and a happy-doodle Green Anole which for his incredibly small size has been dubbed Godzilla.

I'll start with the story of the chinchillas. I currently have no GOOD pix of my two orignal chins, Gemi and Sage. Their fulls names are Gemini and Sagittarius, Gemi and Sage fir short. Gemi came from one of my buds Liz. She had two chins herself, Cupcake and BJ (short for Blackjack). And when Cupcake gave birth to triplets on March 15, 1999, Liz promised me the only silver-colored baby in the bunch, and the weeniest one: a little female by the name of Gemini.
And so with Gemini being too young to take home, I had time to find a baby boy chin under 3 months to join Gemi. I happened to work in a Pet Shop which often got chins. I gave my co-worker Deb my number in case a baby boy chinnie came in on a day I wasn't working. Lo and behold, I got a call, and I found a red-eyed beige furred ball of fluff. Since I was keeping to the Zodiac sign patterns in the name, I dubbed the little guy Sagittarius, or Sage. He was cuddlely and sweet in the store, but turned out to be a piss who liked to chew on EVERYTHING, including my socks, my wallpaper and my watch.
So I shoved the two babies in the cage, let them grow up, and on Febuary 22, 2000, Gemi gave birth to two lovely babies.

Capri (or Capricorn) was born around 10:30 in the morning. I was in Socials class at the time, and since I needed to get some shots from the doctor (I was going to China over Spring Break) my Mom came to pick me up and annouced that Gemi had given birth. I got all excited, gave a yell, quickly explained why I had gone pyscho to Jean, then ran out to get the shots. After, Mom brought me home to see Capri (I was all excited, and I didn't want to wait until afterschool!) I found ANOTHER baby, but we'll talk about HIM later. Capri is a little girl, and takes after her mom's grey coloring. She loves to hide behind the cage when I let them out and hates to be held. She's also kinda a weenie. She hides alot (I don't know why...I've been handling her since the day she popped out of Gemi) and basically acts like a wimp. But I luv her.

The second baby born was Picses. He had just been born when I first saw him and marveled because he was a whitey-beige color. He's lighter than Sage ism and he's a heck of alot nicer. Picses loves to be cuddled, and he doesn't let his 'rents push him around. He usually steals their treats when it's treat-time. He's the opposite in personality to his Dad. He's also alot braver than Capri: she'll hide behind him. He's a great little critter, and I'm glad I have him to lighten things up. I'm sad tho...they're almost ready to be sold! I have to, since I have no room for 2 more sad...WAH!

Both Picses and Capri have been sold. Picses went to a lady who owns several Chinchillas...she collects beige coloured ones you see. I sold Capri to a local Pet Shop...she's still there and I'm considering re-purchasing her and selling her to a family who will look after her. 3 months in a Pet Store is NOT healthy for a chinchilla.

It was a happy day on July 12- I came home from school to find two new balls of fluff under Gemi. She had two lovely girls, who I named Aqua and Libra. They were both grey and I fell in love, though it was hard to tell them apart.

Aqua (or Aquarius) was a shy girl. She liked to hide behind the food hopper. After handling her alot, she'd walk out into my hand, and liked to be cuddled. Sometimes she'd even fall asleep. But then tragety struck...and after being sick for a couple days, Aqua died on July 28, while I was out of the country in Baltimore. Mom didn't tell me until I came home and noticed she was missing (I was alone in Baltimore). I have no pictures of Aqua.

Libra is/was much more outgoing than her sister. She'd come out and sniff my hand while Aqua would quiver behind the food hopper. Libra would also steal treats from her Mum and Dad during treat time. She was also the first one to venture outside the cage during the nightly run, and the first to learn how to take a dust bath. Luckily, whatever contamination that killed Aqua didn't effect Libra or her parents. Libea is happy and healthy, thought I can tell she misses her sister. I don't have pictures of Libra yet.

I'm still in the process of scanning some pix of Suki and Sam. Hold on tight kids, they're coming...
