Everybody is making a huge fuss about how cool they think Java is and all of this independent platform capablilites. Well, the major problem with all of this is that we just have lazy programmers who don't want to write good, solid, ANSI C/C++. Besides, just look at C/C++. This language system is designed for power programming. Just check out how manly these books look:

Now let's compare this with some standard symbols from Java:

Notice how all of this Java crap looks all touchy and feely? Well, that's because Java is not for real programmers. Real programmers stay up to the wee hours of the morning drinking real caffinated beverages like Cherry Coke, Coca Cola Classic, Mountain Dew, and Fukola Cola, not by drinking Java. Additionally, notice how a good programmer can enjoy a drink pronounced foo-cola cola. There are no cool variables in Java.


Now just what are they trying to do by calling their little logo thing Duke? That isn't the Duke, nor does it even remotely look anythink like the real Duke.

Java's "Duke"


The Real Duke

In conclusion, Java is merely a joke, a lame conspiracy if you will to distract lame programmers away from powerful projects, thus preserving work for real software engineers and developers. Do you want other people to know that you speak the same language as this dog? Just look how small and ratty it looks. It probably couldn't iterate its way through a paper bag!

Real dogs program in Visual C++

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