- 25,000 years Invention of the Hyperdrive. The Old Republic, the first galaxywide government, is formed in the Core Worlds (Abregado-rae, Alderaan, Chandrila, Coruscant, Kuat and Ralltiir). The JEDI Knights act as the Republic's loyal guardians and peacemakers. Some JEDI Knights are obsessed with the dark side of the Force, and are expelled from the Old Republic. They will form the evil Sith Empire.
- 5,000 years The dark power of The Sith, lead by Marka Ragnos (Dark Lord of the Sith), holds unquestioning rule over the galaxy. For those black-souled, corrupt Jedi, it is a golden age, the Golden Age of the Sith, For the rest of the galaxy, it's a nightmare.
- 5,000 + years The Sith Empire has rallied its forces for an all-out battle for control of the galaxy. Their goal: Crush the Republic. And with so many Sith masters amongst them, the goal is not unachievable. As Naga Sadow readies his fleet to attack, one lone person threatens to undermine the entire campaign -- Jori Daragon. She isn't a Jedi. She doesn't come from a military background or have a history of fighting. She's an explorer, a mapper of hyperspace who stumbled on the plans of the Sith. And she just may be the savior of the Republic. The Fall of the Sith Empire.
- 4,000 years On Onderon, fanatic fallowers of the deceased dark sider Freedon Nadd instigate a civil war. The Naddists steal Nadd's corpse, invade te walled city of Iziz, and kidnap JEDI Master Arca. It is later discovered that the Naddists are being led by King Ommin, whose ancient body has been sustained for decades by the dark side of the Force.
- 3,998 years The young JEDI Knights Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider help stop the war caused by Freedon Nadd on the planet Onderon.
- 3,997 years Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider are young Jedi Knights drawn into a battle for the survival of the Old Republic. But as the power of the evil Sith spreads across the galaxy, it threatens the existence of the Jedi themselves, and draws one of their greatest allies over to the dark side. In Dark Lords of the Sith.
- 3,996 years Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun join forces in the Great Sith War and devastate Ossus.
- 896 Yoda is born.
- 200 Chewbacca is born on Kashyyyk.
- 60 Ben Kenobi is born.
- 48 Mon Mothma, future leader of the Rebel Alliance, is born on Chandrila.
- 41 Anakin Skywalker, future Darth Vader, is born.
- 32 years Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Obi-Wan Kenobi, trained by JEDI Qui-Gon Jinn, meets young Anakin Skywalker.
- 32 to 0 Episodes 2 and 3. Fall of the Republic, it's a time of corruption and social injustice. Rise of Senator Palpatine to Emperor and birth of the Rebellion. The Clone Wars begin. Han Solo is born in the Corellian Star System. Anakin falls in love with Queen Padme' Naberrie Amidala of the Naboo. Luke Skywalker and his twin sister Leia are born and hidden by Obi-Wan. Anakin is seduced by the dark side of the Force and Palpatine. Obi-Wan fights Vader hoping to turn him back, but he fails. Vader falls in a lava hole and is burned. From this point on, he must wear his black suit. Under direct orders from the Emperor, Darth Vader hunts down and executes most of the remaining JEDI Knights. Obi-Wan Kenobi flees to Tatooine and Yoda to Dagobah. The Clone Wars end.
- 10 years A young Han Solo learns the smuggling trade and later joins the Imperial Academy in The Paradise Snare.
- 3 years Lando Calrissian, in a recently acquired starship called the Millennium Falcon, gambles his way across the centrality, including Rafa V. The Lando Calrissian Trilogy.
- 2 to 1 years Han Solo and Chewbacca, now full-time smugglers, leave Nar Shaddaa to seek adventure. Han Solo at Stars' End, Han Solo's Revenge and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.
0 years Episode 4: Luke Skywalker meets Obi-Wan Kenobi and learns about the Force. Skywalker and Han Solo then rescue Princess Leia from the Death Star, which is destroyed by the rebellion in the triumphant Battle of Yavin. Star Wars: A New Hope.
0 to 3 years The Alliance evacuates Yavin 4 and searches for a new base. Imperial forces bomb Yavin 4 and Jan Dodonna is captured and sent at Ysanne Isard's prison. Luke faces Vader for the first time.
3 years Episode 5: The Alliance is routed at the Battle of Hoth, but Yoda teaches Luke to become a Jedi Knight. The price on Han Solo is now very high, Jabba and Vader want him. Boba Fett finds Solo in Cloud City and delivers him to Darth Vader. Solo is frozen in carbonite and given back to Fett. Luke faces Vader for the second time and loses his hand. The Empire Strikes Back.
3,5 years Prince Xizor, criminal overlord of the Black Sun, plots to kill Luke Skywalker. He almost gets him, but Vader saves Luke. While Boba Fett delivers the frozen Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt in Shadows of the Empire.
4 years Episode 6: Han Solo is rescued and Jabba is killed by Leia. Luke defeats Darth Vader. Han Solo leads a commando on Endor to bring down the shields of the second Death Star which is destroyed by the rebel fleet lead by Lando Calrissian, Admiral Ackbar and Wedge Antilles. Emperor Palpatine is dead and Mon Mothma, leader of the Rebel Alliance, proclaims the birth of a New Republic. Return of the JEDI.
4 + years The Alliance answers a distress call from the planet Bakura, where the Rebels and the Empire must join their forces to stop the Ssi-ruuk invasion. With a historic handshake, the first ever truce between the two forces took effect. The Truce at Bakura Boba Fett escapes the Sarlacc; Kyle Katarn Becomes a JEDI; Lando Calrissian regains control of Cloud City on Bespin.
5 to 6 years Zorba the Hutt, Jabba's father, plots to kill Leia. He steals Cloud City from Lando and makes several attempts on Leia's life.
6 to 8 years The courageous pilots of Rogue Squadron capture the imperial capital world of Coruscant and liberate the world of Thyferra in the Bacta War. Lead by Commander Wedge Antilles, Captain Tycho Celchu and Lieutenant Corran Horn, Rogue Squadron faces many dangerous foes in the X-wing series.
8 years Leia is courted by the handsome Prince Isolder of the planet Hapes, but a jealous Han kidnaps her. They are marrid upon their return. The Courtship of Princess Leia.
9 years Grand Admiral Thrawn takes command of the Empire and leads a devastating campaign against the New Republic with help from the mad JEDI Joruus C'baoth. Mara Jade, once the Emperor's Hand, trys to kill Luke Skywalker. Leia and Han's twins, Jacen and Jaina, are born. Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising and The Last Command.
10 to 11 years Emperor Palpatine returns in the body of a clone as rejuvenated Imperial forces drive the New Republic from Coruscant. Palpatine is eventually defeated, and Leia 's third child, Anakin Solo, is born.
11 years Luke Skywalker founds the JEDI academy on Yavin 4 while Admiral Daala strikes at the upstart Rebels on Dantooine and Mon Calamari. Leia becomes Chief of State of the New Republic. JEDI Search, Dark Apprentice and Champions of the Force.
12 years Luke falls in love with Callista, a fellow JEDI Knight. The burgeoning New Republic is menaced by the Eye of Palpatine, the Hutts' Darksaber project, and the Death Seed plague in the Meridian sector. Children of the JEDI, Darksaber and Planet of Twilight. Callista leaves him shortly after in Darksaber, and finally in Planet of Twilight.
14 years Jacen, Jaina and Anakin are kidnapped by Hethrir, cruel leader of the empire reborn, on Munto Cordu. In The Crystal Star.
15 years Boba Fett finds Han Solo away from Coruscant and is ready for a last bounty.
16 years Leia's leadership is put to the test when the Yevetha, a fanatically xenophobic alien species, emerge with an armada of warships. Before the Storm, Shields of Lies and the Tyrant's Test.
17 years One of Luke's former JEDI student masterminds a plan to overthrow the New Republic. The New Rebellion.
18 years Han Solo returns to the Corellian system with his family and gets cought up in a violent revolution. Ambush at Corellia, Assault at Selonia and Showdown at Centerpoint.
20 years Luke and Mara go in search of the Hand of Thrawn. Two books "Specter of the Past" "Vision of the Future." Luke and Mara fall in love and are engaged.
22 years Eleven-year-old Anakin Solo enrolls at Luke Skywalker's JEDI academy.
23 years Jacen and Jaina Solo, now fourteen, train at the JEDI academy.