This site is no longer in use. Please visit my new homepage at MY FICTION PUBLISHING CREDITSNOVEL:The Opium of the People ANTHOLOGIES WHERE MY WORK HAS APPEARED:Harvest of Debts WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. longer available Lowering One's Self Before Fate, and other stories...a collection of my stories Court Martial WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. 2 The Lives of Billions WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. 3 The Least Practical of Jokes WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. 3 ANTHOLOGIES I'VE EDITED:WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. longer available WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. 2 WONDROUS WEB WORLDS VOL. 3 SPECIAL EDITIONS OF MY WORKS:A Problem in Translation as an illustrated short story Sam's Dot Publishing MAGAZINES WHERE MY WORK HAS APPEARED:Trek for Life THE SIXTH SENSE June 1997 The Lives of Billions STAR*ANTHOLOGY December 1997 Lowering One's Self Before Fate DARK STARR August 1998 Adrift Amidst the Cooling Fires of Creation THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN Fall 1998 Echoes THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN Winter 1999 The Return of Homo Erectus THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN Summer 1999 Secret of the Coltao THE MARTIAN WAVE November 1999 Who Listenes to the Voices of the Past? THE FIFTH DI... December 1999 Beyond Mudslinging APHELION February 2000 A Problem in Translation ALTERNATE REALITIES April 2000 A Tortuous Wrong Turn DARK MOON RISING May 2000 Harvest of Debts THE FIFTH DI... June 2000 The Coldness of Love and Death THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN Summer 2000 The Opium of the People APHELION July 2000 A Union in Death APHELION September 2000 The Indoctrination of the Tolari QUANTUM MUSE September 2000 The Galton Principle STARS ANTHOLOGY 2001 The Progenitors DARK MOON RISING November 2000 Harvest of Debts GREAT STORIES ONLINE October 2000 Twist of Fate PEGASUS ONLINE March 2001 Secret of the Coltao THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN Summer 2001 Court Martial THE FIFTH DI... August 2001 Sad Grey Eyes on Tharsis APHELION August 2001 Sim-Shrink THE MARTIAN WAVE September 2001 The Coldness of Love and Death RAVEN ELECTRICK September 2001 Awakening CREATOR'S CLUB Origins ANOTHEREALM 2001 A Chronic Mistake DARK MOON RISING Reality APHELION April 2002 Origins AOIFE'S KISS December 2002 A Singular Solution PLANET MAGAZINE March 2003 Out of Plato's Cave APHELION March 2003 Lost in the Dark THE MARTIAN WAVE April 2003
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