The Eagle Nebula. Star forming area with newborn stars emerging from gas cloud being sculpted by the solar winds of nearby mature stars. Our own Sun was born in a similar way about five billion years ago. These nebula are made up of mainly hydrogen and heleium gas, mixed with the dust of exploded stars. This dust is what made everything you see, including yourself!
This started the space race...and scared the hell out of us back in 1957. The main stage had four engines, plus four strap-on boosters each with four engines. There are also smaller steering motors for a total of 32 rocket engines on the first stage. Intended as an ICBM to carry huge H-bombs to our cities, it was used to put the first satellite in orbit.Later versions launched the first man to orbit the Earth, and the first probes to Mars and Venus. The latest models of the A4 are still used today to man and supply the Mir space station.
Our new hope to find life in the solar system. Scientists think there is a liquid ocean beneath the ice surface of Europa. We need to send a drilling rig to sample it, or a penetrating probe to break through the ice and report back. The fact that liquid water is present in large oceans on two bodies in the solar system, means that water is also likely in other planetary systems.
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