Mystery Science Theater 3000
Well, as much as I hate to
admit it, MST3K is over because some "genius"
at the Sci-Fi Channel thinks
that "Sliders" is a better show, I guess.
In tribute to my all-time favorite
TV show, I have written out a history
of the show.
here to check it out.
I guess there's not much I
can say about MST3K that hasn't already been said.
It's the best show on TV! I
first found it in 1992. I thought the writing on the
show was nothing short of pure
genius. Some of my early favorites were,
"Pod People", "Time of the
Apes", "The Sidehackers" and (of coarse)
"Cave Dwellers".
Though I'm one of those people
that believes that the "Golden Age" of
MST3K was the Joel, Trace,
and Frank days, I STILL think the show is
the best thing on TV.
I'm still tring to think of
what exactly to do with my MST3K page.
Until I do, here's a list of
what MST3K stuff I have on tape. If
you'd like copies of any of
this stuff, send me an E-mail and
I'm sure we can work out some
sort of a deal! Torgo sure seems
to like my MST3K video collection.
mAsTeR hAs QuItE a ViDeO cOlLeCtIoN
And here are a couple of important
MST3K links:
official MST3K site on the Sci-Fi Channel's web site
Ex Machina: A page full of MST3K links to everything you can imagine about
the show!