Sound of the Pipes for All Occasions
When to use the bagpipes in your special
There are many occasions for using a bagpiper to add excitement.
Here are several ideas:
- Use a bagpiper to lead the bride and groom down the aisle and to exit the
church after they are announced as Mr. and Mrs.
- For more
details on how to use a piper at a wedding visit Wedding
- Anniversary/Birthdays
- A surprise party will benefit from a bagpiper striking in the pipes to announce
the couples arrival
- Wake up your spouse with a melodious tune played outside his or her bedroom window or at a surprise party
- National Holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July)
- Surprise your guests with America the Beautiful and Yankee Doodle
Dandy played during the fireworks display or cookout
- Monument Dedication
- A bagpiper can add a measure of royalty to a dedication, both public and
private, with a rendition before or after a speech
- Company meeting for improving motivation
or getting the troops excited
- The sound of the pipes at full volume will help jolt the audience to attention
and wake up the crowd after a long day of meetings
- Group Social Events
- If you plan an outside walking tour of your favorite pubs a piper will give
your journey between watering holes a regal appearance and help clear the
way at the bar door. Also, as the night continues the sound of the pipes can
help stragglers locate the group.
- Funerals
- A traditional event for the bagpipes. The bagpiper can play a stirring tune
during the service and an upbeat tune as the casket is lowered into the grave
- For more details
on how to use a piper at a funeral visit Funeral
IIntro page
I How the bagpipe sounds I What
to look for I When to use a piper I Weddings
& Funerals I Learning the pipes I Where
to find a piperI
All rights reserved by Thomson Chew 2008
Please contact me via email at
Thomson C. Chew
Rochester, New York
Web Site Notes:
Last Update & Software used: October 22, 2008 Dreamweaver 8.0
Printing pages from this site requires setting your page margins to .25"
on all four sides to avoid layout changes on a 8"x 11" page with "portrait"
The background music is part of Duncan McGillivray by James McGillivray(Lismor®
recording The World's Greatest Pipers volume 10)