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Legend of Aradia

In 1508 AD the Italian Inquisitor Bernardo Rategno (having studied witch trial records preserved in the archives of the Inquisition at Como) wrote a text called the Tractatus de Strigibus. In this text he states that the " witches sect" had begun to expand 150 years earlier. This would place the "expansion" about 1350 (14th Century Italy). What caused this to happen ? Well, the answer may be found in the old legend called The Legend of the Beautiful Pilgrim. This legend can be found in author Charles Leland's notes for his book: Aradia, gospel of the witches.

According to this story, there once was a young woman from the town of Volterra who "traveled far and wide, teaching and preaching the religion of old times, the religion of Diana, the Queen of the Fairies and of the Moon, the Goddess of the poor and the oppressed". Leland goes on to say "And the fame of her wisdom and beauty went forth over all the land, and people worshipped her, calling her La Bella Pellegrina (the Beautiful Pilgrim). In the Aridian Tradition we refer to Aradia as The Holy Strega (pronounced Stray-gah, meaning witch) and we honor her memory. We do not worship her.

According to our teachings, Aradia formed covens (called groves) in central Italy during the 14th Century. She taught the Old Religion of Nature, and of Magic, but above all she taught a Spirituality. Beyond this she gave hope to peasants whose lives were made miserable, in service to the wealthy class. She taught them personal power, and personal value, in an Age when the Church taught shame and sin, and servitude. Aradia returned their beautiful pagan heritage to them, a heritage which was preserved in secret by courageous Priests and Priestesses of The Old Religion. Aradia taught harmony with Nature, and directed her followers to merge with Nature through seasonal rites, and ritual observation of the Full Moon (times of planetary power).

Charles Leland's version of Aradia, is not the original version. It has little to do with the Aradia I have addressed here. His work is a Christianized view of Aradia, and does not reflect the beliefs, or practices, of Hereditary Italian Witches. So, if you chose to read his book, bear in mind that he and I are NOT speaking of the same Aradia. His account of the Legend given here, is the only thing I can agree with in his book. The rest of his book does not show Aradia in a positive light.

The Gifts Of Aradia

In the 14th Century, Aradia taught that certain powers could be obtained through following The Old Religion. Aradia called them "gifts" because she stressed that these powers were side benefits of adhering to the Old Ways, and not the reason for becoming a witch. These gifts are commonly referred to, today, as the traditional powers of Witchcraft.

To bring success in matters of love
To bless and consecrate
To speak with spirits
To know of Hidden Things
To call forth spirits
To know Secret Signs
To possess the Knowledge of changing forms
To possess the Knowledge of Divination
To cure disease
To bring forth beauty
To have influence over wild beasts
To know the secrets of the hands

Aradia taught that a witch must observe the Seasonal Rites and the time of the Full Moon, in order to keep these powers.

"Nature is the Great Teacher. In Her are all things revealed. Nature reflects the Higher Ways of Spirit. The Creators established the Laws of Nature so that through them we might come to know the Laws of the Great Ones. Therefore, observe the ways of Nature around you, both great and small. Everything has purpose and reason. Be not confused by its seeming cruelty, for there is a duality in all things.

Respect Nature in all ways. Take only that which you must, from her, and remember nothing may be taken except that something be given (in return). This is the Law for all Witches.

Know that the wind speaks of the knowledge of the Earth, and the spirit of the kindredness of all living things emanates from everywhere. Nature teaches all living things, all that must be known. She teaches birds to make their nests, and animals to hunt, and to survive. She teaches children to crawl, and to walk. She teaches Life.

Once She taught all people of Her ways, but they chose to go their own way. They chose to oppose Her, and to control Her. But for witches there can be no other way than Nature. A witch must live in Harmony with the Forces of Nature". (reprinted from The Book of the Holy Strega)

The oldest tool of Italian Witchcraft is the Moon Bowl. This is a large shell, used in conjunction with nine small shells, as a tool of Invocation. I have spoken of this on other notes. The next tool to be used was the Wand, which we associate with the element of air. This is because the branches of a tree stretch up into the sky, and birds nest in them. The next tool after this was the pentacle. It was originally an oval rock, thin and smooth, usually obtained from the coastline where it had been reformed by the Ocean waves. Later this was made of clay, and marked with a five pointed, upright, star. This tool represents earth, since it was taken from the soil. Following this was the ritual dagger, which we call the Spirit Blade. This dagger is associated with the element of fire, from which it's metal was forged. Last in the line of the older tools, was the Chalice, which was originally a gourd. This tool represents the element of water. From the time of the Middle Ages came the more modern of the tools, which are the Spirit Bowl, and the Sword. The spirit bowl actually evolved out of the Moon Bowl, and is used more frequently than it's predecessor. It contains a liquid which burns a blue flame, and is used to represent the presence of Deity within the Ritual Circle. The Sword is a tool of the Guardian, but is sometimes used by the High Priest.

The proper ritual circle of the Aridian Tradition measures nine paces in all directions, from the center of circle. Directly on the center point, the altar is placed, and arranged in orientation to the North. We use a black altar cloth, and we wear black hooded robes. Black is used for two reasons. On a Metaphysical level, black absorbs light and therefore we draw light into ourselves, and retain it. The second reason is that it is easier to hide at night when you are all in black. During the time of the Inquisition, at the first sign of danger, witches would extinguish all lights, pull up their hoods, draw their hands into the large sleeves of their robes, and seemingly "vanish" right before the eyes of the Christian spies.

The Broomstick is rarely used in the Aridian Tradition, but does appear at the "Handfasting" Ceremony, and certain rites of purification. It can also serve as a symbol of the goddess, when turned upside down. This is done when there are too few women to take up all of the ritual actors needed for the Ceremony. The Skull & Cross bones are another ancient tool, rarely used now, but once symbolized the God, in the same manner as the Broom was employed for the Goddess. These things remain written in the ritual material in order to preserve our Heritage (nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten). When you go back far enough into our History, as a Race, you will find Human Sacrifice. This was replaced by Animal Sacrifice, which itself was later replaced by Plant Sacrifice. However you wish to view that, it is simply the story of the Human Race. Remnants of the Plant Sacrifice can still be found in such things as the eating of Cakes, and drinking of Wine, at the close of Ritual. The Slain God is still consumed as this sacred meal to this very day. This is not unlike the Christian tradition of the Communion Wafer.

The written material of La Vecchia is recorded in a Book, which we call, THE BOOK OF WAYS. It is divided into three sections: Ways, Calls, and Magic. "Ways" contains all of the ritual instructions, laws, and Community Rites such as the Blessings of a Child, Marriage Rite, Ceremony for the Dead, Rites of Initiation, and so on. "Ways" also contains a record of our People, and the teachings concerning our practices, as well as material concerning the Goddess and the God. "Calls" contains all of the chants, invocations, hand gestures, ritual postures, face painting designs of the Clan, and other "secret signs". "Magic" contains all of the spells, works for Magic, herbal lore, magical correspondences, healing knowledge, potions, recipes for oil and incense, and so forth.

Each initiate is required to copy from the Book of Ways, those portions which pertain to her or his degree of Initiation. This is overseen by the Initiator, because the Book of Ways is divided up into separate Degree Knowledge. In the First Degree, a member will begin to acquire their ritual set of tools. The only things which they receive at their initiation are a colored length of cord, symbolizing their degree, a symbol representing their degree, and the mark of the Clan which is painted upon their body.

Each degree has a different colored cord, which is linked to the Mythos of the Clan. The cord itself, in part, is a remnant of the bonds which once held the Sacrificial King, of the Slain God Mythos. Each degree also has a hand gesture of identification. There is also a hand gesture which identifies you as a witch. These come from the time of the Inquisition.

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