Modern Age of Heroes
1 year ago |
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1 year ago
- Harlequin (Harleen Quinzel)
- Batgirl III (Mako Cain)
- Batman I, Robin III, Nightwing, Azrael II, Batgirl III and Oracle attempt to take back Gotham City
- Wonder Woman creates the Wonderdome
- JLA teams with Sentinel, Flash I, Wildcat I, Wonder Woman III and The Spectre I in 5th-dimensional battle with Quisp (QWSP), Thunderbolt I (YZ) and LKZ
- Superman falls under control of Dominus but defeats him later
- Titans battle Goth
- Green Lantern V meets Effigy
- Starman VII returns to Earth to find Opal City destroyed
- Star-Spangled Kid II (Courtney Whitmore)
- S.T.R.I.P.E. (Pat Dugan)
- Living Assault Weapons Captain Atom, Blue Beetle II, Judomaster, Peacemaker, Nightshade, Sarge Steel
- Wonder Woman I defeats Devastation
- Cronus and his children attack Mount Olympus, Hindu pantheon and Heaven
- Martian Manhunter quits JLA then rejoins
- Wesley Dodds killed by Mordru
- Nuklon changes name to Atom-Smasher
- Obsidian disappears
- Fate killed by Mordru
- JSA - Sentinel, Wildcat I, Flash I, Black Canary II, Starman VII, Sand (Sanderson "Sandy" Hawkins), Hourman III, Atom-Smasher, Star-Spangled Kid II, Hawkgirl II (Kendra Shiera Saunders)
- Day of Judgement - Asmodel takes over The Spectre I in a failed bid against Heaven, Hell and Earth
- The Spectre II (Hal Jordan)
- Neron demoted to rhyming demon
- Dr Fate III (Hector Hall) joins JSA
- Sentinels of Magic - Sentinel, Dr Occult, Madame Xanadu, Ragman, Faust, Blue Devil
- Flash III sacrifices his life to save all reality past, present and future in battle with Cobalt Blue
- Flash IV (Walter West)
- Mr Terrific II joins JSA
- Lex Luthor sells Daily Planet
[2 years ago] | [Home page] | [Currently]
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