Well, actually, they're "What would you do if", but the title just sounds better that way.
What would you do if...
- you had to eat popcorn for the rest of your life?
- you found out that you were going to shrink to 4 feet?
- your cousin proposed to you?
- a stranger was in your house when you woke up?
- an inanimate object came to life and sang a song?
- the moon was purple?
- all of a sudden you started speaking another language?
- you locked yourself in a gas chamber?
- it started raining donuts from the sky?
- the floor disappeared out from under you?
- your computer wouldn't stop printing gibberish?
- a remote island nation elected you as leader?
- monkeys took over the world?
- you got lost in the House of Mirrors?
- you forgot all 90 digits of Pi?
(I've forgotten 15 of them already, Amy!)
And here's some neat jokes Amy made up (she wants them to be under the heading "Miscellaneous")
Schizophrenia is better than dining alone.
I was dyslexic once, but now I'm K.O.
And, my favorite:
The dyslexic agnostic insomniac stayed up all night wondering if there really was a dog.
And Amy also has some Simpsons quotes on my Simpsons page.
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