Chris's Band Info

I am in two bands right now: Blue Flame and Cerumen. Both bands play Classic & Modern Rock and I am the bassist and background vocalist for both. My bass is amplified by a fifty watt Peavy.

Blue Flame

This is the second band that I joined. I'm telling about them first because they have less to tell. The other members consist of Doug, Tom, and Eric.

Eric is the vocalist, and the band was mostly his idea. He doesn't yet have a microphone or P.A., but is getting around to that. In the meantime he'll use my old ten watt Epiphone amp for a P.A.

Tom is a mediocre guitarist that was kicked out of Cerumen shortly after I joined. He has fifteen whole watts of power in his amp.

Doug is a fourth-grade drummer who as of yet doesn't know the basic rock beat; I am going to teach it to him at our first full practice. His drum set is unexpanded from its original limited configuration.

Blue Flame is probably going to open for Cerumen with Steve Miller's The Joker.


The name of the first band that I joined is as of yet undecided. It was originally Psycho but was changed to Cerumen, the technical term for ear wax. However, the search for a good name continues. The other members of the band include Brett and Evan.

Brett is the most egotistical member of the band and therefore tends to take the position of the leader. To top it off, he plays the six-string. He is rather good, but he usually plays so loud I can't hear him very well. He is also the vocalist. He owns a 130 watt half-stack amp and a 60 watt P.A.

Evan is the drummer and as far as I know started the band. His drum set has been extremely expanded, mostly cymbal-wise; he has about six of them. He is a really great drummer, able to do off-beat sixteenth notes for a whole measure and land exactly back on the beat in the next measure. My rule is no matter what strange stuff Evan is doing, keep the beat steady in your head and you'll always stay with his beat.

Brett says that we should practice cover songs before we do original songs, but I think the cover songs have been practiced enough.

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