at the Gather...
Never a dull
moment at Cibryen, and the Gather was no exception! Weyrwoman Second Kimana
went missing, soon after sunset. However, it wasn't until much later that
it was realized an imposter had taken Kimana into the woods and drugged
her, preparing herself to look like Kimana, and pretending to be the Weyrwoman
Second. Once "Kimana" was retrieved, it was believed that she couldn't
hear Ramanth due to a concussion. The impersonator had everyone fooled,
including the Senior Weyrwoman and Kimana's own mate, G'brel. The turning
point occurred when Kimana awoke as the drug wore off. The real Kimana
informed Ramanth of the situation, and the imposter somehow escaped. A
rescue operation took place, and the true Kimana is resting with what appear
to be minor injuries. The imposter has not yet been found, but a search
party will be organized shortly!
new weyrling class...
to the Starsong Weyrlings on their Impressions!