Third Adelaide's...
The third queen's clutch is due to hatch very soon, e-mail Viv
for more information.
Second Kimana's...
Ramanth- This
clutch won't hatch until after Arralawnth's, but you can still send in
a Candidate sheet early to Kim
Queen Calystath's...
Second clutch!
Congratulations to the Starsong Weyrlings! You are now under the supervision
of Weyrlingmaster E'livar.
There are no flights pending at the moment. Please contact the Weyrwoman if you would like your green or gold's flight information posted here.
First clutch
of the Turn has hatched! Congratulations to the following new owners...
Vivienne- Go Viv! She snatched up the first five eggs in the clutch and was rewarded with a bronze, brown, blue, green and the gold! Nice choices!
Kim- Kimmy grabbed numbers 19, 22 and 24, and the results? Two bronzes and a brown! Congrats!
Jenn- She picked egg number 10 and one of her personae now has a lovely new green firelizard!
Lauri- A very excited Lauri chose egg number 13, and guess what! Out popped a little blue flit! You picked a good one!
Nice work, everyone! For everyone else, there's still 12 eggs left, which will be backdatable, if anyone's interested!
Also, there is an entire backdatable clutch from the Weyrwoman's golf flit, Keown. There is a gold in it somewhere, along with lots of other pretty eggs!