Cibryen's Weyrlingmasters:
Acting Weyrlingmaster: E'livar and bronze Vlarinissarath
Assistant Weyrlingmaster: Dayna and green Kaylath
Pre-Impression training:
Under the instruction of: Candidate Master
C'trion and brown Tulenth
The weyrling training staff realizes that all Candidates come to Cibryen
with a wide range of skills and various levels of maturity (and Candidates
who have skills are expected to assist those who do not). The Pre-Impression
program is designed to redress deficiencies in all Candidates, and prepare
them for Hatching Day and a possible life as a Cibryen dragonrider. Candidates
receive instruction in the following:
~ What to expect on the Hatching Grounds. This includes discussions
and numerous visits.
~ The care and feeding of young dragonets
~ Weyr life and etiquette, primarily concerning Weyr rank structure
~ Literacy training when and if required
The primary thrust behind Pre-Impression is to get the Candidates used
to Weyrlife and to the concept of the Hatching. The calmer a Candidate
is on Hatching Day, the better his chances of surviving unharmed. Those
who do not Impress are examined by the weyrhealers for injury, and are
then returned home or to the Weyrling Barracks if they wish to stand for
the next Hatching.
Weyrling Training Program:
Weyrling training at Cibryen Weyr is on a twelve-month, 48-sevenday
program, as listed below:
Sevendays 1-4:
~ Feeding new dragonets -- what and what not to feed, and when and how
much to feed
~ Methods of training dragonets to follow a human schedule
~ Dragon first aid -- hide care and oiling, and the consequences and
treatment of overfeeding
~ The dragon-rider bond -- strengthening it, and how to deal with dragon-induced
~ Making the first set of weyrling rank cords
Sevendays 5-8
~ Dragon nutrition and health care beyond the basics learned in the
first few sevendays
~ History of Cibryen Weyr and of dragonkind
~ Geography of Pern, North and South
~ Ground drills. These are a series of intricate maneuvers by individual
weyrlings and by groups designed to instill self-discipline and endurance.
Sevendays 9-12
~ Geography of Pern, North and South. Weyrlings are tested on this during
this phase.
~ Ground drills continue with an emphasis on the group formation.
~ Weyrlings begin to be liable for work details where needed, depending
on training requirements.
Sevendays 13-16
~ Ground drills continue. Weyrlings are encouraged to think about transferring
the drills to the air.
~ Preflight training begins, covering but not limited to the following:
preparation and maintenance of riding straps and other ancillary equipment,
and hand and arm signals for use while in flight.
~ Weyrlings begin familiarization flights, administered by the weyrling
training staff and other full dragonriders. This allows weyrlings to become
accustomed to the sensations of flight.
Sevendays 17-20
~ Basic weather prediction. Air currents and weather conditions that
can affect flight.
~ Dragon first aid, concerning muscle development and strain.
~ Flight training begins. Weyrlings begin flying at
the discretion of the Weyrlingmaster, starting with short
glides and shorter flights in the Weyr itself.
Sevendays 21-24
~ Weyrlings go on longer and longer flights in and around the immediate
vicinity of Cibryen. These flights are designed to slowly build a dragon's
stamina and endurance, and the weyrlings are carefully monitored to prevent
overflying and the resultant injuries.
~ Internal ferry duty for Weyr residents when needed.
Sevendays 25-28
~ Flight training continues.
~ Introduction to formation flying.
~ Weyrlings with leadership potential are identified and selected for
additional training and responsibilities.
~ On or about the 25th sevenday of training, weyrlings move out of
the barracks and are assigned to individual, private weyrs.
Sevendays 29-32
~ Ground drill concepts transferred to aerial medium.
~ Weyrlings drilled in visualization exercises.
~ Terrain recognition drills.
Sevendays 33-36
~ Terrain recognition and visualization exercises continue.
~ Weyrlings start an intense series of aerial drills.
~ Introduction to between; its benefits and dangers.
~ Weyrlings accompany weyrling trainers and senior riders on several
jumps between.
~ Weyrlings make first solo flight between.
Sevendays 37-40
~ Formation flying between, at first in small groups, working up to
the inclusion of the entire training group.
~ Terrain recognition drills combined with jumps between to check accuracy
and build weyrling confidence in their abilities.
Sevendays 41-44
~ Introduction to Threadfighting -- selection and use of firestone, methods of producing and sustaining flame, and Threadfighting tactics on the individual, Wing, and Flight levels.
Sevendays 45-48
~ Threadfighting training continues, culminating in a Rope Drill being
flown by the entire weyrling wing.
~ Introduction to Cibryen's Wing structure and wing duties.
~ Greenriders given gender-specific training -- signs of a green's
readiness for a mating flight, how to handle a green during a flight, how
to deal with a proddy dragon, and a rider's probable reaction to it.
~ Preliminary interviews by Wingleaders.
~ Graduation and selection for a regular wing. If a weyrling wishes
to be assigned to a specific Wing, he or she should contact that Wing's
wingleader at least two months before graduation to obtain the appropriate
permissions and clearances. It is that weyrling's responsibility to make
sure that the Weyrleader and the Weyrlingmaster have been notified of the
After graduation, weyrlings assist in the training of junior weyrlings
until selected by a regular wing. Once selected, the Wing performs advanced,
Wing-specific training, usually by pairing the new rider with an experienced
wingrider. Weyrlings that are not ready, for whatever reason, after the
end of the 48th sevenday of training will be held back for remedial training.
Goldrider training
All Goldriders are required to complete the standard weyrling-training
program, with the following changes and additions. This additional training
is usually given by an active weyrwoman on an as-needed basis. Please note
that all weyrling Goldriders are required to participate in and complete
this additional training.
~ Weyr record keeping, including reading and writing if not even already
known. This covers the care and maintenance of Records (skin and paper),
and requires mastery of the Weyr's filing system. All Records -- personnel,
historical, clutch charts, tithing records, and supply/inventory Records
for both the Lower Caverns and the Infirmary are covered in the course
of this training.
~ Special care required by golds, including but not limited to controlling
a gold during mating flights, the care of an egg-heavy queen, and what
to do during clutching and Hatching.
~ Preparation and use of flame-throwers (usually done near the 45th
sevenday of training).
~ Domestic management, covering personnel assignments, childcare, diplomacy
(especially in relation to the Weyr's Holders), arbitration, the welfare
of the Weyr's dragons and riders, and maintenance of the Weyr's physical
~ Timing: what it is, how it can happen, why it is so dangerous when
improperly controlled, and how to help a queen inhibit it in other dragons
when required.
A Goldrider does not officially obtain the rank of "junior weyrwoman"
until her dragon has risen and completed her first mating flight. Until
that time, her designation is simply "goldrider."