Thanks for visiting our little place in cyber space! Please take the time to sign our Guestbook and be sure to add your name to the save the Star Trek Web Sites Campaign!


The Captain's Supplemental Log: Please register your presence with us or view others who have beamed aboard.


Save Star Trek Web Sites: Paramount Pictures is trying to shut down ALL Star Trek websites by claiming copyright infringement and loss of revenue. They make no distinction between those sites illegally profiting from such material and sites like ours which are completely non-profit and solely a fan tribute. Please add your name to this write in campaign to keep sites like ours on the internet!


Enterprise Cafe Chat Room: This soon-to-be-added feature is our own chat room for Trekkies to get together. Please use common courtesy while chatting.


Original Star Trek Club: If you are a fan of the original Star Trek series then this club was made just for you. Share your thoughts and questions on the club's message board, upload favorite photos to the club album, and join others in a special members-only chat room. Best of all, it's completely free!


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