Xena and Ares

AdmralCleo's Xena and Ares Page

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Now to annoy you with some brief announcements, to show my true affections for TPTB I've put up this lovely gif. It's about 40k in size.

The Jester

Oooo, oooo Iolaus he's back! Now the gif is gonna stay up because I'm still angry, but nonetheless he's back!

Last Update March 4th 1999
What's new
Changed the background graphic, hope you like it!
Added one new story to the fan fic section, "Bed of Thorns"
Also added Gab's Callisto rap to the Gab's rap section
And added one new drawing to the art section

Welcome to my Xena Warrior Princess and Ares God of War page. The second page ever dedicated completely to the two characters and their relationship, mainly because I love the show. I also found that there was only one other page out there dedicated to the subject. I know there are other Xena and Ares fans out there so I just had to put a page up. I hope you enjoy my page, it is always under construction so please be patient and thank you for visiting!

What exactly is their relationship all about? Does anyone really know? Basically we all know that Ares wants Xena to go back to being a ruthless warlord, which unfortunately for him, probably isn't going to happen. Is Ares Xena's father? Only the writers know that one. If you want my thoughts on the subject go to my commentary link below or you can send me your thoughts while your there.

Huge thanks to Kyrine who inspired me to create this page! Go check out the site!
Great news! I've just one my first award! Go check out my bud Liv's page or else!

Temple of Iolaus Award

My Commentary
Go here to read my brief commentary on Xena and Ares

Xena and Ares fanfiction
Visit my fanfiction section. These are a few Ares and Xena fanfiction stories written by some wonderfully gifted authors. They are not on my site so you'll have to use your browser's back button to return here.

Art Gallery
Visit my art gallery with pictures of characters from Xena. I'll let you in on a secret, there are only a few pictures up right now. I am drawing more but I need some from you!! I'd appreciate it if you send me some. Guidelines are on the art page.

Xena and Ares Pictures
    Visit my Xena and Ares pictures page. These are not your ordinary pictures, instead of just plastering up some pictures I decided to have some fun!

Gabrielle's Xena Rap

Where's Gabrielle? I have been asked this a few times so I decided to do something about. Although this page isn't meant to focus on Gabrielle I am putting a little section up. It's not really about Gabrielle but it's in the spirit of bards. I heard about ROC's appearence on vibe and I thought it would be fun to put up a page called Gabrielle's raps. So here is the first one I wrote. It's definitely not meant to be taken seriously.

This is a new page I've added that features some quotes from the show. These are mostly Ares talking about Xena and a few others.

My policy on links
What does AdmralCleo mean "policy"?
What I mean is this, I would like to put up a list of links but need some suggestions from you! Now, the reason I haven't put up a list is because I am looking for some underappreciated or newer sites. Yes I could link to Tom's Xena Page etc.., but the fact is every other Xena page has a link to Tom's Xena Page. Not to say it isn't a great site, but I'm looking for the underdogs out there. If you have a new site or know of one that isn't plastered on every Xena page out there please let me know.
E-mail me!

This is a beginning to my links. These are great sites I found while surfing the web. Go see them, and enjoy!

Tigg's Worship Xena Page

Emily's Young Herc and Strife Page

Ares' Fortress
My home away from home. This is where some of us post stories and chat about Kevin/Ares ect...So come on over and join up, post a story and be nice!

This is for Kevin Smith fans, if you're looking for something Kevin/Ares you'll find a site on it here.
Kevin Smith Online

ICQer's you wanna send me a message? My ICQ is 30758517

- Xena and Ares Poll -
Do you think Ares is Xena's father?

No. there's too much sexual tension there
Yes, definitely
I have no idea

Current Results

Disclaimer: The characters from the tv show Xena Warrior Princess belong to MCA/Universal and are not mine, anyway this page is just for fun.

©1998 AdmralCleo All the images on this site were either created by me or borrowed from other pages with permission. Please do not use any of these images without my permission.

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