Chapter 12: The Ancient Father and the Watchers of Ur

(The Emperor)


"Nan-kuo tze-khi was seated, leaning forward on his stool. He was looking up to heaven and breathed gently . . . .

"When the breath of the Great Mass comes strongly, it is called Wind. Sometimes it does not come so; but when it does, then from a myriad apertures there issues its excited noise; - have you not heard it in a prolonged gale? Take the projecting bluff of a mountain forest; - in the great trees, a hundred spans round, the apertures and cavities are like the nostrils, or the mouth, or the ears, now square, now round like a cup or a mortar; here like a wet footprint, and there like a large puddle. The sounds issuing from them are like those of fretted water, of the arrowy whizz, of the stern command, of the inhaling of the breath, of the shout, of the gruff note, of the deep wail, of the sad and piping note . . . . Gentle winds produce a small response; violent winds a great one . . . . The notes of Earth then are simply those which come from its myriad apertures; and the notes of Man may just be compared to those which are brought from the tubes of bamboo; . . . . (The notes of Heaven:) When the wind blows, the sounds from the myriad apertures are different, and its cessation makes them stop of themselves. Both of these things arise from the wind and the apertures themselves: - should there be any other agency that excites them?"


Rivah played with my lily and its environs for about an hour, during which time I toured many mansions of my father's house.

She rubbed, stroked, caressed, licked, and sucked, shifting modes and speeds every few minutes. She carefully timed her movements, slowing or pausing if I seemed to get too close to the edge. Each time she began a new mode, she asked me to close my eyes and feel what the sensation was and then breathe in an appropriate manner. She carefully observed the rhythms of my breathing and as closely as possible synchronized her breathing with mine. She was systematically arousing the lower chakra energies in my body.

I moved onto the bed, leaned against a pillow, and gave her free rein.

She pulled off her shirt and jeans and my jeans and shorts to get comfortable. Then she began rubbing my pubic chakra with gentle circular motions and fondling my soldier until he stood stiff and proud at full attention.

I began by taking long slow breaths in an Ujjayi style, half-closing the rear of my nasal passage on the inhale to stimulate the pleasure centers in the midbrain, like a snoring hog relaxing in the mud, on the exhale.

I went stage by stage into full yogic breathing, starting with the deep abdomen, ballooning out and collapsing in. Then I moved up to include the diaphragm, then the upper chest, lifting my elbows to allow air into the lazy upper lobes. Once the lungs were fully activated, I internally synchronized the mantra Hung-Sa with my breathing. About five minutes of this took me into a state of detached witnessing.

She began stroking my rod rhythmically with her right hand, while the fingers of her left hand teased around the root area.

I felt my 'detached' witness drawn like a moth into the firestorm of pleasure she was stoking below. So I applied muladhara bandha, closing the root chakra tight, and then I switched to rapid puffing, panting like a dog in summer heat.

Her hand accelerated the pumping action.

In through nose, out through mouth, I chuffed like a locomotive. Steam was coming out of my ears.

When she felt me nearing the point of no return, she slowed her hand and, after a pause to settle the energy, placed my love tube in her mouth.

I relaxed into quiet Taoist Lesser Heaven cycles, mouth closed, eyes closed.

She began to suck the straw. The suction gradually increased, and her fingers milked my long teat.

Reverse gears! I closed the root again, and, using Babaji's Cosmic Pranayam, drew the flow of kunda fire inward and upward along the spine into the brain. Then I went sequentially through all four levels of the Cosmic Breath.

She pulled me out of her mouth and with her tongue began to lick my turtle's head. Her wet slug moved slowly down the stem to the root.

Like Yu channelling the Great Flood I gently flowed the bliss magma into my chakras -- navel, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.

Like a cat she tenderly washed with her saliva all the little edges and veins on down to my wrinkled sack.

I allowed the love light to course through all the nadis and bathe any areas of the body where there were old injuries or blockages.

Rivah straddled me, took a deep breath into her belly, held it there, arched her body over me, opened her mouth, and plunged Shiva's lingam all the way down into her throat. Her breasts hung down, nipples lightly brushing my belly. Her knees braced against my chest and her thighs were in my face. My nose was right up against the veil of her panties beneath which the gate to her moist garden of pomegranates opened a feast of fragrance.

I took a long, slow inhale and held it for several minutes, like Ra's boat sailing through Nut's Heaven.

Carefully extracting me from her throat, she grabbed my thighs and rolled over, swinging me around on top of her on my hands and knees. She pulled a pillow under her head and began milking me like a cow, now and then arching her back and rubbing my sensitive head against her nipples.

I pulled the veil 'up' over her thighs, her knees, her feet, and slung it across the room. Then I went on all fours. My lips nibbled down into the dark grass of her delta muff, tongue probing for a wild berry, and nose snuffling Osho chaos kriyas in her crotch.

Suddenly it was all over. There was no holding back. Everything exploded into a supernova. Braying like an ass, I spewed my creamy cum onto her breasts in thick warm globs.

When Rivah heard my gasps and felt the spasms and the warm jets of goo, she pulled my gushing member down into her mouth to catch what she could. The remainder dribbled down her chin.

My body went lax, and I eased down onto her, belly slithering on her juicy breasts, head drooping down into her fragrant niche.

We lay still for a while, and then sat up. With our hands we massaged the living cream into each other's skin.

"Well," I finally managed to say, "It looks like we are getting to know each other. That was an amazing experience. You really know how to handle energy. And each motion had its own style of breathing, and each breath had its own style of experience. I think we'll find that we can map any type of feeling with a certain type of breathing. Since we can consciously control our breathing, then we can consciously shift ourselves into any feeling we want, maybe even any type of experience we want."

"Mmm-hmm," nodded Rivah lazily. "And the addition of sexual energy simply makes the whole process much more potent. Sex may be the mystery of the Priestess, but the breath is still King. It's the essence of our life. We can go without food for a long time; even without water we will last for several days. But without breathing we leave the body in only a few minutes - unless we have mastered the yogic arts of suspending animation.

"I'm sure there is much more to discover here," I agreed. "But let's take a break for a snack and to complete our identification of the letter icons in the trump cards."

So, without bothering to dress, we each had a pop and a sandwich and then spread the trumps all out face up on the table. I pulled out my notebook and wrote in a column the 22 letters in Hebrew alphabetic order. Next to the five we had already identified I wrote in the names of the trumps: (B) World, (D) Priestess, (@) Wheel of Fortune, (O) Magician, (R) Sun. We still were not sure about Judgement. As I read these off, Rivah placed them in their approximate positions on the table for forming two rows of 11 cards.

The next one I saw was Death. "That's got to be Zayn, the weapon. Look at the Z-shaped scythe Death carries," I said.

"Yes. And that means The Tower is Chady. See the zigzag at the top of the tower, just like the letter," responded Rivah, quickly moving those two cards into position.

"Here's the Chariot," I continued. "We already have the Wheel identified, and there isn't a vehicle letter. But the Hebrews were nomadic herdsmen in the desert. They wouldn't use chariots like the Egyptians. They'd use camels as their caravan pack animals, the desert trucks. So the Chariot must be Gimel, the camel."

Nodding, Rivah placed that card between World and Priestess and then said, "How about Yod? That means a hand. Which card has a focus on the hand?"

"Hands manifest Strength," I said. "Look at that card. The woman is taming a lion with her bare hands. That's real strength. Funny, too. That woman-lion combination is what forms the Sphinx." I put that card near the end of the first row. "Oh, and here's an easy one - the Hanged Man. The two key elements of the icon are the frame and the rope, both of which suggest #heth, the fence, ladder, or trellis frame. The frame on this card even looks like a modern #heth."

"OK," said Rivah, positioning that card right after the Wheel. "I'll buy that, and I vote that we put Justice under Lamed, because of the image of the scales. That really looks like the old Hebrew letter for L turned on its side. In fact the old Akkadian glyphs for weighing things and for the shekel, the standard weight that eventually became used as money all look like the letter L." I nodded, and she put that card at the beginning of the second row.

"Now, I have an issue here," I said. "Mem is water, and there are several cards in which water plays a significant role. Here's Temperance, with the angel pouring water and holding fire. Here's Moon with two castles, a dog and a wolf baying at the moon, and a lobster coming out of the water. And here's Star with a lady pouring water out of two jars, one into a lake and one onto the dry land. Now which one is Mem?"

Rivah responded, "Let's turn the question around and ask which other letters have to do with water. There's Nun. That is related to fish. And there's Peh, the mouth that takes in food and drink. Fire cooks food, so the angel with fire and water - I think - goes for Temperance in food and drink. The lady pouring water from jars from a pond is a small thing compared to the Moon over the ocean. Stars are also much smaller than the Moon. The moon's most obvious influence on the earth is to make the tides. The lobster on the beach - probably it should be a sand crab - shows graphically that the tide is low, otherwise how would you show the tide? The baying wolf and dog also show the moon's psychological power. The stars have a much smaller influence. They may govern human decisions - pour a little attention this way or that - but not the major tides. So I say Moon is Mem and Star is Nun."

"That makes sense," I agreed, and we placed those three cards.

"Now what?" I continued. "Oh, here's $amekh in the Hierophant's staff. That's easy." Rivah nodded, and I put the Hierophant after Nun, the Star. "So, what do we have left? There's Heh, Vav, Kaph, Qoph, Shin, and Tav."

"Hey," said Rivah with a smile. "We've just been doing a lot of breathing. Breath is life. The Emperor is holding an Ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life. The pharoahs held a flail as a symbol of their responsibility for the harvest. The letter Heh looks like a flail. Also, on this Emperor's cubic World throne, which the pharoahs and their gods all sat on in Egypt, there is a ram's head. The ram or lamb is an important symbol of life and survival. Abraham, the first patriarch of the entire Jewish civilization, whose descendants ended up as numerous as the stars in the sky, was asked by God as a test to sacrifice the life of his only legitimate son and heir, Isaac. This demand Jehovah made after already guaranteeing numerous descendants to Abraham, so Abe should have known it was a bluff. Anyway, Abraham obediently agreed, and at the last moment Jehovah relented and provided a ram for the offering, thus 'saving' Isaac's life, and hence Abraham's posterity. . . . Oh, wow! There's more. Abraham's original name was Abram, and his wife's name was Sarai. They couldn't have a child. They were extremely old and Sarai was barren. Jehovah inspired them to change their names into Abraham and Sarah. In both cases they added the letter Heh to their names. This rejuvenated the life force in them both and they were able to conceive and give birth to a son in spite of their advanced age. That story made the sacrifice and salvation of Isaac by the ram-lamb of God even more significant - not to mention the later Christian identification of Jesus as the Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, the true King of Israel."

"I'm sold, and with that last bit you almost sound Christian," I said. From what you say I suspect that the name of God embodied in the four sacred letters YHVH is important here too. There are two Heh's in it. Maybe the name is the symbolic representation of that most fundamental act of life - breathing out and breathing in. . . Outward Y breath H, and inward V breath H. It's the mantra of simple, natural breathing. Try it. That's YaHVeH, King of the Breath of Life."

I placed the Emperor after the Priestess, and watched Rivah with her attention on her breath . . . . The room filled with silence for a long moment.

"Whoa there," I exclaimed on a sudden impulse. "If the Emperor is Heh, then what letter is the Empress? The king sits in the mountains. The Queen sits in the valley with trees in the back and ripe grain in the foreground. She's plump, clearly a goddess of fertility and abundance. The King holds the Ankh of life and a large orb of worldly power. She holds a heart shield and a small orb on a staff."

"I'm going to argue with you now," said Rivah laughing. "The Pharoah holds the flail, the tool for harvesting grain. The Empress sits amid the grain of the harvest and holds the smaller orb on a staff. I think she is his consort, his helpmate and support. She should be $amekh, not the High Priest. The High Priest is a religious leader. The Pope is the leader of Christendom, and he carries a shepherd's crook, a tool of the ancient herdsman. The Pope is the shepherd of men. The crossed keys and other crosses on the card could be the letter Tav, but I think they are just decorative in the Christian Papal motif. They throw you off, like the resemblance of the staff to the $amekh. The two monks at his feet have Y-shaped surplices. That is often the shape of the ancient Vav. Also, the Pharoah served as the Pope for the Egyptians. He was the head of their religion as well as the secular king. Furthermore, he carried both the farmer's flail and the shepherd's crook as symbols of his responsibility over agriculture and husbandry, church and state."

"OK, you win." I moved the Hierophant over next to the Emperor and put the Empress in the position of $amekh. The grain and forest products certainly represented real assets accumulating to support a comfortable and healthy life. "But what about the Devil? He's usually associated with Satan, who appears in Genesis as a serpent. The letter Shin means teeth, and looks like the fangs of a serpent. How about that? Sharper than a serpent's tooth is the bite of a woman scorned. That's a real codependent relationship we've got there in that card."

"I hear you," said Rivah laughing. "This Devil is a goat on top, has a human body, bat wings, and bird feet. He's a real hybrid monster. The Devil card seems certainly related to the Lovers card. See. It has figures of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with the trees of Knowledge and Life. Overhead is a guardian angel watching them, but he does not interfere in their choices. The same lovers on the Devil card are chained in bondage and guarded by the fierce looking Devil. They've even sprouted horns. There's a connection for sure. Some of the other decks I saw in the shop and have seen in other places depict the Lovers as a man faced with the choice of two beautiful women, with or without an angel around to watch. Maybe that's a real challenge for lovers. Could they manage a threesome? That would take a lot of love, especially for the women. We women tend to get jealous, you know. But that icon suggests the idea of a choice to be made between the women - a crossroad. I think I even saw a crossroad on some of the Lover cards. This Adam-Eve Lovers card suggests the idea of choice in the form of the serpent on the Tree of Knowledge whispering his offering of choice into Eve's ear. Boy, was that ever a major crossroad! So I agree with you that the Devil is Shin, the sharp biting fangs and the binding chain of regret for bad choices, and the Lovers are Tav, the crossroad of choice and intercourse. Go for it."

"Wait!" I said. "I'm getting something else here. This angel on the Lover card is just watching. Didn't some of the Lover cards in the Tarot shop have cupid-like angels hovering over them about to shoot the Lovers with love-arrows?"

"Yes, I saw that. But so what? Maybe it's a crossbow," she replied jokingly.

"Well, there's a big difference in whether these angel guys interfere in the choice or not. The Garden of Eden theme on this card suggests that the angel gave Adam and Eve a situation, and then they had to choose on their own while the angel just watched to see what would happen."

"Sure. So what if the angel shoots up a threesome with love potion and then watches to see how they'll react. It's still the same thing."

"Yeah, you're right. But that situation sounds to me like a laboratory experiment. Wasn't the old Semitic word for Sumer related to the root Shem - Name -, and didn't it mean something about Watchers?"

"Uh-huh. The Hebrew word 'Shomer' is a 'watchman.'"

"Maybe the old Sumerian 'gods' made the Sumerians as an experiment, and gave them - gave us - the tools of self-consciousness and civilization, and specifically the alphabet, since this is the last letter and it means a mark, a mark that means something or identifies something - you know, like a label. They gave them this stuff, and then watched like scientists to see what would happen, what choices they - we - would make?"

"It could be," nodded Rivah. "There's a lot of material in the old cuneiform tablets, not to speak of the Egyptian stuff, that suggests weird genetic experiments, too. According to these records the gods produced all sorts of hybrid creations, maybe early trial experiments at making intelligent life suitable for this planet. Have you read Sitchin's books?"

Not yet. But Noah wants me to."

"Sitchin has gathered a lot of amazing material, whether or not you buy his interpretation of it. But you know this angel looks basically kindly and well meaning and almost protective - like a guardian angel. So I don't know. The idea of the crossroad of choice is definitely there. And the cross of your Christian Jesus was just a special case. Jesus came down and talked about Love, and we chose to put him on a Cross. So maybe there's a connection between the cross and love."

"Well, anyway, that's it for those two," I said putting the Devil and the Lovers in the last two places on our layout. "All right. We're down to Aleph, Kaph, and Qoph. And there are three cards left: the Fool and the Hermit and Judgement. Aleph means a bull. Kaph means the palm of the hand. Qoph means a monkey. Well, the figures in the cards all hold things in their hands: a staff and a flower, a lantern and staff, and a trumpet. But the Fool holds the staff and the flower in an open grip with his fingers, whereas the Hermit holds the lantern and the staff with his palms in a closed grip. The Angel of Judgement also holds the trumpet tightly.

"The Star of David in the lantern is the tantric symbol for the heart chakra, and it's the middle lamp of the Jewish menorah, and the symbol of the secret teachings of the Kabbalah. The lamp is here enclosed in a cage, like the heart is in the rib cage. I think the Hermit must be Kaph."

"Kaph also means a cave," added Rivah. "Hermits often live in caves. I'll go with that. And Judgement must be Aleph. The bull is not a good symbol for either the Hermit or the Fool. The bull represents creation, rays of light from the sun quickening the earth. Judgement certainly looks like the inverted A of the bull with his upward spread wings and the arch between them. The rays that shine down and the vibrations from his trumpet quicken the dead from their coffins like seeds sprouting in the spring sunshine to restore life to the barren earth"

"The Fool is an interesting card," I continued. "He must be Qoph. It's the only card left. There's no monkey on the card, but that frisky dog could be a substitute for a mischievous monkey. I noticed some of the decks in the shop had the mischievous dog pulling the Fool's pants down from behind. The Fool may be connected to an aspect of sex. In fact he looks how I just felt a few minutes ago - oblivious to the world and its consequences, clothed in flowers and light, ready to just step off into the abyss like I sort of did when I blew my wad all over you. The staff with the sack could be a phallus and scrotum symbol, and, come to think of it, look at the way he's holding the rose and the staff. Looks to me like masturbation. And the association of Qoph with the tongue, a very sexual organ - see, he's out on a tongue of rock, and the dog's tongue is hanging out - let's add blow jobs, too."

"Hey, and with those bare butts on the pants down Fool cards, let's not forget about buggery," laughed Rivah. "Our Fool has a feather in his hair. Maybe he's also a fairy. This version looks almost female."

"He's Qoph, all right," I concluded with a wily smile, placing the card right between the Tower and the Sun. "Monkey and tongue. Only Fools do it with animals, right? And see the nice sun up there warming his pouch from behind?"

As Rivah stood there leaning over the layout to appreciate the detail about the sun and the joke that might be 'behind' it, I stuck out my tongue and reached over and grabbed her by the waist. Then I bent over, pulled her cheeks open, and playfully licked her, right on the bunghole.

"No taboos. Let's Qophulate," I said, and grasping her hips, swung her over the bed.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

"With your kind permission I'm going to bugger you doggie style. You didn't know you were the Priest-ass of the Back Door, did you?" I explained. "Bend over."

"You've got to be kidding," she screwed her face up at me, a worried look on her face.

"No, I'm assing you real nicely. So please cooperate."

OK No taboos. Master Zhao said 'sex and breathing,' and I volunteered for this experiment, so I'll go wherever it takes me. But please take it easy. I've never done anything like this before, believe me. And here." She reached over into her pack lying by the side of the bed and rummaged for a moment until she produced a small bottle. "This is ayurvedic sesame oil that I rub on my skin and hair in the mornings. Put a little on before you try going in. It might be tight, and I'm nervous, too."

I let her do the application, and that quickly stiffened me up. Then I put some on my right middle finger. She bent over, and I gently played the proctologist. My well-oiled finger slid in easily, and I slowly drew it back and forth a few times until she found it not only comfortable but also actually soothing.

"Mmmm, that's not so bad," she commented.

Then I wiggled my finger inside of her. "Hey, cut that out." "Did it hurt?" "No. Not really, - just felt weird." "OK, here we go."

I extracted my finger and nudged at her with my oiled piston. Gently I pushed until its cap popped in through her sphincter. Then I slowly urged it in - just like inserting a suppository.

The tight fit really got me aroused fast. I had to hold back and go slow, just to keep from jizzing off before we even got going.

"It feels like I have to poop," she said with a giggle and a squirm. "But it's not so bad as I thought. It sends waves up through my belly."

"Well I can see what the gays have going. The tighter fit is really a blast. Excuse me while I enjoy."

I gently plugged her for about five minutes until she was very turned on and I could barely contain myself. Then I slowed and ran another cycle of the four levels of Babaji's Cobra Breath. By about three breaths into fourth level I was ready to burst, and was definitely leaking. So I pulled out. I didn't want to fill her bum with jiz, even though it was already transmuted. I would save it for later.

I'll teach you level one of Babaji's Tantric Kriya now, and we can practice it together tonight," I said.

"I'm ready if you'll teach me. We are indeed getting to know each other fast, though we seem to have a few things backwards."

We allowed the energy to settle down and then went to the bathroom and showered together, soaping each other, rinsing and toweling off. She lit some more incense, and we sat face to face cross-legged on the bed.

I initiated her into the secrets of the Cobra Breath.

When she had learned the procedure, I sat in full lotus on the bed and she eased her tawny limbs onto my lap, shifting her hips to allow my lingam to penetrate into her moist yoni. Then she clasped her legs around me and placed her hands on my shoulders, just like Ping had done so many times before. We sat in Yab-yum position and practiced the Sacred Breath together, tuning our energies as one. Each cycle stretched out slower and longer, until at length we settled into a nearly breathless meditation, that eventually merged into one long silent kiss.