Chapter 17: The Trouble with Time

(Hanged Man, #heth)


"Ecce Edvardvs Vrsvs scalis nvnc tvmp-tvmp-tvmp occipite gradvs pvlsante post Christophorvm Robinvm descendens."

("Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin.")

"There is no new thing under the sun."

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

"O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt."

"O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done."

"Eli, eli, lama sabachthani, that is to say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

"'You can't possibly do that,' said the Rose: 'I should advise you to walk the other way.' . . . 'When you say "hill,"' the Queen interrupted, 'I could show you hills, in comparison with which you'd call that a valley. . . .' 'Faster! Faster! . . . 'Nearly there! . . . Why we passed it ten minutes ago! Faster!' . . .

'You may rest a little, now.'

'Why, I do believe we've been under this tree the whole time! Everything's just as it was!'

'Of course it is. . . . What would you have it?'

'Well, in our country, . . . you'd generally get to somewhere else - if you ran very fast for a long time as we've been doing.'

'A slow sort of country! . . . Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that.'"

"The five colors make a man's eye blind. The five sounds make a man's ear deaf."

"E = mc*2."

"Ultimately it is the monotony of phase waves that prevents them from carrying signals."

"Ordinary light waves are called 'retarded' because you always receive them after they are sent; advanced waves, on the other hand, are always received before they are sent. Both waves travel at the speed of light."

"'What do I look like?'

'You look like a Bear holding on to a balloon. . . .'

'Not, . . . not like a small black cloud in a blue sky?'

'Not very much.'

'Ah, well, perhaps from up here it looks different.'"

"Censeo igitvr mihi descendendvm esse."

"Qvomodo?" rogavisti.

"Qva de re Winnie ille Pv nondvm secvm meditatvs erat. Fvnicvlo repente e manibvs misso - bvmp - praecipitaret at imaginem eam in animo abhorrebat.

("'So I think I shall come down.'

'How?' asked you.

Winnie-the-Pooh hadn't thought about this. If he let go of the string, he would fall - bump - and he didn't like the idea of that. . . ."

"'Ow.'" . . . .

"But his arms were so stiff from holding on to the string of the balloon all that time that they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off."


Peho and his companions escorted us, joined now by Kara and Phyllo, through a corridor to a room containing a variety of laboratory equipment and computer terminals, including several padded chairs and tables with black straps dangling from them. An assortment of helmets, goggles, entire skin suits, data-gloves, and cordless electronic paraphernalia hung from hooks along the wall. To one side was a large coffin-like sensory deprivation tank. Several doors led to a suite of small satellite rooms, each with a cot, a chair, and a table.

The thought flow suggested that we take as much time as we needed to prepare for our journey. We could use the rooms and equipment however we wanted. Our hosts would monitor us, and fulfill any requests for supplies or equipment. When all of us were aligned in purpose and readiness, they would know telepathically, and provide the means for our transport to Tash Kurghan.

They showed us how to operate the controls for adjusting the temperature, air pressure and humidity. Kara and Phyllo would help us use the equipment for physical therapy, environmental simulation, and for any other sensory stimulation or deprivation that we might want to explore. Everything was designed with advanced virtual reality technology to allow lifelike simulation of stress conditions, and even potential injury or death in a non-life-threatening manner, and under our conscious control. Then Peho and his companions bade us goodbye, stepped back into the corridor, and sealed the door behind them.

We conferred for some time about what to do, and finally Noah pointed out, "We could train ourselves in many different ways, but when it comes to the actual showdown, there is no way to predict what will happen. In any case we already have a variety of skills among us. We humans all know Russian, more or less. Rivah knows Arabic. You and I and Ky know Chinese. You and Ky know some Turkic, and the hybrids are telepathic. . . . "

"How come Ky knows Russian and Turkic?" I said in surprise.

"She was working for the North Vietnamese and spent time in both Russia and China being trained. During part of her Russian stay she was in Baku, Azerbaijan negotiating arrangements for oil and picked it up," replied Noah. "But that's just the language department. You and I have passable martial arts skills. Psych, intelligence, and black ops are my specialty. The hybrids and I can cover most technical issues, with Peho and my NSA people backing us up. Negotiating is Ky's specialty, and you are Rivah are cultural anthropologists."

"That's true," I agreed. "But in order to prepare ourselves, we need to be very clear what we intend to achieve, and then we can focus on just those skills or tolerances needed to achieve that goal. An athlete trains for his specific sport, and a chess player for his specialized game. We are going to Tash Kurghan, the Rock of Terror. The IT project is about fear. It's about domination through force or the threat of force - the willingness to inflict pain or even death, and the willingness to accept pain and death as part of the stakes of the game. The Old Man of the Mountain trained his assassins for worldly and other worldly paradise. They were ready to embrace torture and death willingly, even avidly as martyrs. And that is how the modern day terrorists operate. I know. One of Sabutai's men systematically assassinated a whole group of people at the University of Iowa and then I watched him calmly blow his own head off - just like that." I pointed at my forehead with my index finger and dropped my thumb hammer down - "Boom."

"That may be true. The tricky part occurs," said Noah, "when you have a game that consists of one group of people who insist on inflicting their rules and game on another group of people. But the other group insists that they don't want to play by those rules. Most people call that a socially unacceptable situation. Not playing fair. B&D or S&M may be taboo for society in general, but this attitude is a sham, just a gambit that is part of the game. The same people who profess to abhor B&D are practicing a different form of B&D, playing by a different set of tightly restrictive rules that include denial that you are playing such a game. Bottom line is, it's OK as long as everyone involved plays by our rules."

"So I suggest," I continued, "that we look at fear and pain, both deliberate and default with the tools we have at hand. That way we can begin to understand where these people are coming from."

"OK, let's do it," said Rivah, as everyone in the group nodded in agreement. "To me fear is a sense of overwhelm. I feel like I am losing my identity. Sometimes when a person pushes my buttons that way, I react with anger, and sometimes I want to get out."

"That's your fight-or-flight response," commented Noah. "You set a boundary that you call yourself, and you say, 'I am that.' But at the same time you resist it. You don't want to be that forever. That would eventually get boring. So it's really how much you want to be that identity. If you want to stay in it, then approaching the edges brings up fear; if you're ready to leave, then you don't resist much, if at all. Most people are in a situation where they don't want to stay who they are, and they don't want to leave that condition either. So they enjoy suffering and fear."

"In my experience," Ky said, "Pleasure and pain are very similar. They both have sensory and emotional components, peaks and plateaus, and they are both temporary."

"I guess you're right," I conceded. "They are based in physical nerve responses, or at least, with ghost sensations, imaginary nerves. From my experience with meditation, pure awareness has no nerve patterns, real or imaginary. So if you have pain in your boundaries, pure awareness gives relief from pain. If you have pleasure in your boundaries, pure awareness gives relief from that pleasure. The challenge is whether you can stay established in that awareness when the big whopper comes. I wonder if there is a limit to the amount of pain or pleasure that can be generated for an individual?"

"Yes and no," said Noah noncommittally. "Each body has a limited number of neurons for pleasure or pain. And there is a gating effect like gridlock. Too much traffic overloads the system. Also, you can distract either pleasure or pain sensations by adding stimulation from another source, somewhat like a transistor effect. So for each individual there is a physical maximum amount to the pain, and it varies according to the person's psychology. But I suppose you could enlarge the context and get more pain in there . . . . Did you know that there is a scale for the measurement of pain? The unit is Dols, short for dolor, meaning units of grief, and there are twenty one levels of pain, plus, of course, no pain."

"Ha!" interrupted Rivah. "One pain level for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet! I knew it. No wonder we Jews are so obsessed with suffering."

"It makes sense that pleasure and pain are essentially quantum mechanical," I said, ignoring her lugubrious ethnic joke. "The physical mechanism itself consists of thresholds of neural firings."

"Right," said Noah, "But the key is in the interpretation of the firings, how you interpret the boundary zones of your homeostasis - the space where you can still survive as an entity. All forms of bondage, slavery, and incarceration are co-dependent relations in which all participants practice elaborate B&D fetishes on each other.

"So when your friendly neighborhood government asks you for millions of dollars in taxes to finance new prisons, they are really begging for handouts to support their addictive fetishes just like a scumbag junkie rattling his coffee tin on the street corner.

"When they get into stuff like the death penalty, like electrocution and lethal injection - which is just vicarious OD-ing to prove the belief that drugs are bad for you - then they are moving into sophisticated S&M rituals. It's a high-level spanking cult, based on a consensus belief in death as a 'bad thing' that is to be avoided at all costs. All of this is a fine art form in the annals of discipline.

"The cool part is not the discipline itself, it's the level of pretense under which you operate. If it's done with all parties happily consenting, then it's just a party game. The trick is to make it look real, like the slave is really a slave, and she really believes it. It turns out she's only a slave as long as she plays the game and lets herself believe that she is one. You can calmly sit and watch a horror movie because you don't really believe it's happening, and it's certainly not really happening to you. But if it were, . . . . "

"OK," I said, "Enough of this theorizing. I'll go first. Strap me on the rack and apply the thumbscrews."

"Whoa, there," said Noah hastily. "Take it easy. There are a few things that you should know first. One thing about this equipment is that the simulators are still classified. They're afraid to release this stuff to the public. We use it to train our operatives so they can not be coerced. But the government is concerned that if they can no longer threaten people with coercion, they will lose control and anarchy will break out.

"As with a strait jacket we strap you down so that you don't injure yourself with muscle spasms. Here, you put on a helmet like this. It sends stimuli directly to the pleasure/pain centers in the brain without actually causing any danger or damage to tissues, such as when hot rods or cattle prods are used.

"Paradoxically, the brain itself does not feel pain. You can do brain surgery and not feel a thing. But a toothache - now there's a fine source of pain."

He handed me a device like a TV remote. "With this you can control the intensity in increments of half Dols from 0 up to 10.5 which is maximum stimulation for the human nervous system. The throttle clicks into each level and the device automatically tracks your physiological reactions into the computer so you can review your sessions. You can also run biofeedback and improve your performance. The helmet monitors your heart also. If your ticker stops, the feedback system automatically jumpstarts it within a minute.

"You can begin with your eyes open controlling yourself. Later you work blindfolded and then with the VR goggles on to simulate burning, crushing, slicing, piercing, tearing, . . . you name it. With the keypad you can punch up any item in the McGill-Melzack inventory, which is listed like TV channels on this chart, or any combination, like ordering from column A and column B in a Chinese restaurant. Then, when you really feel confident, you give the controls to someone else, first someone you trust, and finally to a master of discipline, who takes you through the gamut."

"My God," I said with a blend of surprise and sarcasm, "Is that all?"

"Nope," replied Noah. "Then we start mixing in pleasure. From light tickling up to total sexual stimulation. We look for the buttons of abuse and abasement in pleasure, and then combine with high degrees of pain. You know, prisoners when slow hung, not just cracking their necks, often ejaculate during their aerial dance." He gave off one of his insane peals of laughter . . . .

Suddenly his smile disappeared. "OK, here we go. Remember. Attitude goes a long way. Women go almost to the top of the chart in childbirth, but accept it because they know it's over quickly and brings great joy. Kidney stone meditators and burn ward addicts have a different outlook."

He touched the power button, and . . . nothing happened.

He stared into my puzzled face and declared, "Congratulations, you have just passed the first test. Zero pain. That's actually the most important step. Its your control, your touchstone to all experience, the null experience. Easy, isn't it? OK, now. There are fourteen dimensions to raw experience. See them listed here on the device with F keys. There's temporal (that's pounding and throbbing,) spatial (that's shooting and radiating pains,) pricking, cutting, traction (like wrenching and grinding,) thermal (hot and cold burning,) brightness (includes itches and stings,) dullness (that's aches and soreness,) tension (nagging and fatigue,) autonomic (choking and retching.) And then there are the subjective dimensions of fear, punishment (that's the sense of cruelty level,) and self-value (that's subjective judgments about how it feels, like horrible or excruciating.)

"Select one or more dimension to work in, and then push the intensity throttle forward with your left hand to increase, pull back to decrease, the stimulation. Over here you turn this knob with your right hand to get pulsation, like vibrato on an organ. Clockwise increases the frequency of your temporal stimulus. We'll stand by if you get to the point where your fingers spaz and you can't shut yourself down."

I selected fear first. I pushed the throttle forward and felt a film settle over my awareness. Then my hands went clammy, and I broke into a cold sweat. I edged the throttle a bit more, and a wave of paranoia swept over me. Here I was locked in a room deep underground under the total control of the secret government and a group of emotionless aliens and this madman Noah were indiscriminately performing insane experiments on people beyond the worst Nazi nightmare. I had been conned into willingly strapping myself into this awful experiment. I was at their mercy. My heart started to race.

I steeled myself and pushed it a little further, up to 4.5, and then I knew it was all over. They would get me to blindfold and start running VR to warp my mind, and I would go crazy, too, just like them. I might already be crazy. What was I doing?

I pulled the throttle back. "Whew, what a trip. I felt very paranoid. And I still do, kind of . . . And that wasn't even a 5. . . .

"Let me try a physical one. I'll try thermal-hot." I pushed F7. Zero was current room temperature. Rivah offered me a blindfold. I let her put it on me. I eased the throttle forward. It was summer. Then it was tropical summer, then Sahara summer. I sweated profusely. Up to 4. I was gasping for breath. My skin was searing, about to incinerate. Determined, I pushed the stick forward two more notches. It was like putting a hand on a hot stove, no, - jumping into the oven with the turkey. I held for about two seconds and then, with a scream of agony, jammed the stick back to zero.

Not doing so hot. I tapped in the code for laceration. Again I couldn't get beyond a 5, and even at 5 I could only hold it briefly.

I throttled down and gave the control to Rivah. With her at the stick I could only do 3.5 Dols before I was very uncomfortable. Just giving up control brought in elements of fear and punishment that combined to lower my overall Dol-toll.

Rivah suggested breathing, the way women train for childbirth. At first that intensified the discomfort, but gradually I worked up to tolerate bursts of 5 under her guidance. Then she took me to 6. My muscles started spasms and I went into overwhelm. She laughed as she eased the stick back down again.

"Here," said Noah, "Let's let one of the hybrids show us how it's done." So I unbuckled and little Kara strapped in. She took a few long deep breaths and then punched F5, constriction. Her pale finger pushed the stick forward quickly to 3, 4, 5, 5.5. There she paused and breathed some more. Then she slowly clicked forward to 7, 8, 9. . . pause with more breathing, and eyes closed: 9.5, 10, 10.5 - max!

How did she do that? A girl, and not even sweating!

She drew the stick back to 0, unbuckled the straps, and explained: "We have pain receptors just like you do. The pain response holds one in the body. We simply let go of our beliefs around attachment to the body and shift our attention into the experience, without resisting. If you resist when your attention is drawn from one area to another, you will experience suffering. It's simply a matter of shifting the viewpoint of your attention willingly to accept the experience you have chosen to manifest for yourself.

"This shifting of attention is how we can move freely in time and space. Our bodies normally function as absorbers, receiving light and other stimuli that come from various emitters. When our attention is only on the stimuli, we are absorbing. Then we only experience the retarded wave, or the even more sluggish group wave. There is also the advanced wave, which is time-reversed, and the phase wave which has no speed limit, and which people, even your brightest scientists, prefer to ignore, even though it sits right there in the equations."

"What do you mean by advanced waves and phase waves?" I asked perplexed.

Phyllo walked over to a marker board and wrote the equation 'E = mc*2.' "This is a very simple way to understand it. Mr. Einstein wrote this formula to express the relationship he found between matter, energy, and light as a result of his study of relative motion. The foundation of his theory was two assumptions: the speed of light is fixed, and nothing can go faster than the speed of light. These were radical ideas in his day, but the results were confirmed by many experiments and applications, of which the most famous was the atomic bomb that was developed at Los Alamos during your great World War and applied over Japan. Mr. Einstein's equation shows that matter can be converted to energy in the ratio of the speed of light squared, which is a very large ratio. A little bit of matter contains a great deal of energy.

"The problem is that most humans do not really understand energy. You see matter, and you see light. Although light moves fast, you can measure the speed of light with many different experiments. Velocity is easy to measure. But energy is not so obvious. It seems to be the force that makes things move and change, but it also seems to change into several types of force: mechanical, electromagnetic, atomic, and gravitational.

"Mr. Einstein based his whole theory of relativity on the claim that you can't go faster than light. This same rule produces strange effects of time in relativity. Time moves faster or slower depending on your velocity relative to the boundary condition of c, the speed of light. But in relativity theory time is not allowed to roll backwards, as it would if you went faster than light.

"But Mr. Einstein was a funny man. He also carried on a long argument with Mr. Bohr, the dean of standard quantum mechanics, called by you the Copenhagen Interpretation. Mr. Einstein maintained that the rules of quantum mechanics implied superluminal phenomena and therefore must be wrong. He even developed a thought-experiment called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, or EPR paradox to show what he meant. In recent years your scientists have verified that the EPR paradox, which Einstein employed to argue against quantum mechanics, is true. And quantum mechanics works."

"What does Einstein's energy/mass formula have to do with quantum mechanics?" I asked. I was feeling a bit floundered.

"Let me rewrite it for you, and then show you how it looks in terms of quantum mechanics," replied Phyllo, and he wrote E/m = cc. "That is just reorganizing the equation by an elementary transformation from your high school algebra. I divided both sides by m in order to put the m over with the E. Then I wrote out the c*2 as c times c. The speed of light is a constant, so that means that energy and mass change proportionally. When you see the multiplication of c times c, it suggests an interaction. In quantum mechanics you deal with probabilities. When two probabilities interact, the outcome is the product of the two probabilities. When two particles interact, they collide, and the result is a scattering effect. When two photons collide they just pass through each other. They are going head on at the speed of light. So we can think of the cc as two photons from opposite directions interacting. The c is velocity.

"What happens if we look at the mass and energy as velocities also? In quantum mechanics we can do this. A particle of mass is a group wave, the illusion of a bubble in space in which a group of phase waves interact. Roughly speaking, the energy expresses the phase waves of the interaction. And the inverse of the mass expresses the group wave bubble. When you work out the mathematics, you get this."

And he wrote on the marker board: (Vg)(Vp) = cc.

"The group velocity times the phase velocity equals the velocity of light times the velocity of light. Your scientist Mr. Feynman derived this form of the Einstein relation and was surprised to see that the phase velocity is inversely proportional to the group velocity, c being constant. The equation says that the slower the particle seems to go, the faster its phase waves go to compensate. Since the group wave is always less than c, the phase wave is always more than c. And when the particle goes at the speed of light, like a photon, then its phase wave also goes at the speed of light. Mr Feynman did not know where to go with that, but he was not paying close enough attention. Mr. Einstein knew better, but he was hiding information, because of his classified war effort in which we Zetas were acting as consultants to your government."

Noah interrupted to explain. "The best way to hide something is to put it right out in the open and then give out misinformation around it. Uncle Al argued the EPR position to show the QM guys had to be wrong, and that God, whoever he is, fixed the speed limit of light as a universal constant. The Pandora box of atomic power was already a far out application of relativity, but applied QM takes you right off the map. Then you actually do the EPR 'thought' experiment for real, and you prove that the speed limit is a giant hoax perpetrated for the 'safety' of mankind for reasons we are just starting to comprehend. First a physicist named Bell showed theoretically how the EPR experiment would really be non-local. Then two experimentalists, Clauser and Aspect took a quantum emitter that gave off paired two-state particles in opposite directions to test the theoretical predictions. That means that the properties of the quantum linked particles were undetermined until the observer looked at one. The act of observing one of the pair caused both particles to instantly collapse from probability waves to discrete particles with paired properties, no matter how far apart they were. That's a real world faster-than-light phenomenon. Unfortunately, it seems like you can't send messages that way because there's not enough information in one place. It's too diffuse."

"OK, OK," said Rivah impatiently. "So the quantum probability waves go faster than light, but what good does it do you if you can't see them or use them to send messages?"

"Good point," agreed Noah. "Let's hear Mr. Phyllo."

Phyllo continued. "Light photons are the intermediary state for energy exchange between two electrons. One electron emits a photon. Somewhere, sometime else, the same electron or another electron absorbs the photon. This is the system of energy accounting. When you see a photon of light, your eye has absorbed it and then transduced it into a neural signal to your brain. You have absorbed a retarded wave. At the same time that you absorb the retarded wave, your eye emits an advanced wave, a wave of attention, that travels faster than light, and therefore backwards in time, to the source of the retarded wave. Since we are speaking of light, both waves travel at the same speed, c. However, they move in opposite directions through time.

"You can see advanced particles with mass, because they are composites with group waves, not phase waves. For example, a positron is an electron travelling backwards in time. All antiparticles are that way. But light is massless and its own antiparticle, so you do not see its advanced component. The anti-photon is overlaid on the photon. They ride together, the advanced and retarded light waves. But you do not see the advanced light wave because you have not tuned your attention to see it. That is natural. You don't see it because it is your attention, nothing more.

"This is also true of the phase wave aspect that accompanies matter. It is non-local and dispersed, so you do not see it. But it is present everywhere. When you focus attention deliberately on something, you emit the advanced photons which travel at the speed of light backwards in time to the moment when the object you observe revealed itself by emitting its photons of retarded light, which is what you see.

"When someone looks at you, they emit advanced light to match the retarded light that your physical body emits. When your attention is not very focussed, then your advanced attention photons accelerate. They go off in all directions and curve around through space-time reflecting back at you solid objects and events that just happen to you, but seem to be external. These advanced photons produce the experience of mass, the group wave phenomenon. However, if you allow your attention to become unfixed deliberately, you can then appreciate the unfocussed time-reversed phase waves, and even manipulate them.

"The arbitrary interpretation or point of view of the observer is an essential part of quantum mechanics. You can use any model at all for your phase wave. You could use this marker in my hand, or that table over there. Then what you do is view that table from all possible scales and perspectives and you can manifest anything you like. I may observe the marker from here, or right up to my eye, or from way across the room, or from the top or the bottom or the side.

"But the simplest model is the circle. When you spin it and view any arbitrary point on its circumference, you get a perfect sine wave. So imagine a collection of all possible sine waves of different amplitudes and frequencies and phases. Your mathematician Fourier discovered that by choosing the right collection of sine waves and superimposing them - that is, summing them up - so that they interfere constructively or destructively, you can produce any shape you like. Your modern quantum scientists have found that you can produce any form from any other form.

"And then there is the important principle of polarity. Each basic form clones itself by just one of itself, but has another partner that forms the opposite pole of its reality and requires an infinite set of scaled versions of the basic form to produce it. For example, the quantum polar partner of a sine wave is a point. It takes an infinite number of points to make a continuous sine wave, and it takes an infinite number of sine waves to generate an impulse function, that is a sine wave complex that looks like a point or a single blip."

"Could you explain a little bit how this allows you to communicate faster than light and travel freely in time and space?" I asked, still not quite getting it.

Kara took over from Phyllo. "Your scientists say they can't see the advanced waves. They can see some forms of phase waves that travel faster than light, and of course, some antiparticles that are travelling backwards in time.

"For example, take the beam on a rotating lighthouse." (She stuck her arms out and pirouetted slowly.) "It is easy to understand that the sweeping arc of a beam may go faster than light, even though the light in the beam itself only travels at c. Other examples are the rippling lights on a marquee, the trace on an oscilloscope, a comet's tail, phase velocities in plasma, and the apparent jets squirting from the poles of spinning black holes in quasars. But your scientists consider such things optical illusions. They don't think you can send a message via the phase wave. Phase waves are like infinite sine waves. They are non-local but dumb, boring and monotonous. They are the same everywhere.

"This is true, but that is their value. They are reliable and express certain information omnipresently. You can have them all present at once, since they are bosonic. That means they can all superimpose on a single location.

"From the viewpoint of the photon itself, there is no such thing as time and space. Everything is just pure light, pure being. It is a matter of shifting viewpoint. Space travel or time travel is not so much about going somewhere or somewhen as it is about shifting your viewpoint.

"I once read a human saying that had great wisdom: 'Wherever you go, there you are.' That says it pretty well. When we go to Tash Kurghan, we'll be in Tash Kurghan. Now we are here. Where we are is just where we are. All times and places are available in that state of 'where we are.' It's just a matter of rearranging the scenery, by shifting the viewpoint, not so much a matter of 'going somewhere,' 'doing something,' or expending a lot of energy."

Phyllo joined in to bring us back to the experiences of the moment. "Remember a few minutes ago Mr. Derek was adjusting his thermal stimulation and found that he felt hot. Thermal conditions reflect the state of entropy in a system. Entropy is random motion. Consider that you have a sealed flask with a gas in it, and you place the flask in an empty, evacuated, sealed box. Then you break the seal on the flask releasing the gas to expand throughout the box. You say that the entropy has increased. The air will rearrange itself many different ways, but the probability of it rearranging itself back into the original space occupied by the flask is so small as to be practically negligible. Entropy is disorder. So you say the gas has become less orderly than when it was enclosed in the boundaries of the flask. On the other hand, suppose we effortlessly shift viewpoint to notice that the molecules of gas that were previously all clumped up in one part of the box, are now evenly distributed throughout the box and more or less at any moment at even distances from each other. Does not that reflect an increase in order? Greater symmetry means greater order. It also means greater entropy, since you can rearrange the particles more ways without changing the basic structure. Then what if we shift viewpoint again and start expanding the walls of the airtight box. This expansion has the effect of cooling the gas by diluting its kinetic energy in space. At some point the gas falls below its freezing point and condenses to the bottom of the box. Now the gas is clumped in one part of the box again. Is it more orderly or less orderly? The entropy of the gas has definitely reduced."

"I see your point," I said. "But doesn't it take a lot of energy to expand the box, which results in more entropy somewhere outside your closed system?"

"Yes, that's true," replied Phyllo. "And now you have reached the boundary of my analogy. But imagine that you effortlessly expand your attention to a viewpoint where you are outside of time and space, undefined by any boxes and boundaries, and have at your disposal all the components of any message that you might want to create. From that state you could spell out whatever message you liked by choosing the appropriate viewpoint and components and send it wherever or whenever you want."

"Oh," said Rivah, in a flash of 'getting it.' "You mean like an alphabet! Like having a transcendental alphabet of creation with which you can effortlessly write whatever you want!"

"Yes," nodded Phyllo. "But you also need a set of operators and syntax rules for combining them."

"Then those are the communication and navigation protocols, right?" said Ky.

"That is correct," said Phyllo. "From a larger perspective there are no rules or protocols. But as soon as you start operating within a context of a culture or any pre-existing creations, then you have to respect protocols or you will experience chaos and confusion. That is all right if chaos and confusion are what you intend to experience. And that gets into the problem that we are exploring right now, I believe."

"So the Golden Rule is really a statement of how it is," I mused aloud. "Whatever you do, reflects back at you when your advanced phase waves flip poles. I guess Ky's really hit the mark there. What we want is to find the transformation protocols for shifting the game. When one set of players has had enough and wants to change the game, how do they tell the other team to lay off? Especially when the game has no defined time periods or referees or coaches to use as protocol emissaries for communicating, and everyone is playing dead serious, all out, go for broke."

"Maybe there's no choice but to let them string you up, like what happened to Jesus," said Rivah with a sigh. "At least we can protect ourselves by mastering the victim discipline. If we can confidently handle the whole dolorous alphabet in all its fourteen dimensions, then there's nothing anyone can do to us. Oh, my God! Fourteen dimensions! Retarded waves and advanced waves! Derek, remember our model of the Menorah with its seven-branched chakra tree for the human energy system? What if each chakra has a corresponding anti-chakra? We start from the first and go up the front to the seventh at the crown, and then fold over and continue down the back to fourteen. That makes the highest chakra map right over the lowest chakra. The higher man hangs upside down inside the lower man. But what he experiences appears projected out to form his external universe?!"

"That is correct," said Phyllo. "You have grasped well our principle of folding. The first seven chakras are feeling centers, absorbers that detect retarded waves. The second seven are will centers that emit advanced waves. Chakra seven, the Crown is the connecting point between individual and universal consciousness. Eight is about eighteen inches above the crown and forms the focus of what you call the Higher Self or Guardian Spirit. Nine forms a spherical bio-grid in the upper atmosphere and resonates with the earth's core, sustaining the pattern of mass-consciousness for each species. Chakra ten is at the core of Sol, your Sun, and serves as the solar-galactic transduction point. Eleven is at the Galactic Core in the black hole at the center of our so-called Milky Way galaxy, forming the inter-galactic transduction point. Chakra twelve is projected around the universe from just outside the event horizon of the Big Bang and forms the quasar grid or Elohim Network. Thirteen is the unified field of universal consciousness. The fourteenth chakra is totally unmanifest, undefined pure awareness."

Kara then picked up the thread and elaborated the physiology, touching the points on my body with her pale right middle finger as she spoke. "Eight is in the cerebellum at the back of the head." (Energy filled my head, and shivers ran down my spine, radiating to all extremities." "It connects to your wisdom eye and expresses the will of the Higher Self and the performance of yogic siddhis. Nine is behind your throat at the spinal bump between your shoulders. That is the one point in your body that you can not move voluntarily, and it connects you as an individual into the planetary bio-grid network." (I felt the stiffness there.) "It also triggers a gate in the throat chakra when you have system overload in the lower chakras. It transduces the electrical impulses into sound and channels them out the mouth. That is why when you felt intense pain, you roared. Ten is between the adrenals behind the sternum and the heart. It channels your innate solar love and intelligence, integrating you with the life of the solar system. It's hard to reach this spot. It is much easier to exchange that service with a loving partner. This is something we of the hybrids have learned and reintroduced to Zeta culture." (When she touched me, a subtle bond formed between our hearts.) Eleven is behind the navel area between the kidneys. Through this point you express your resonance with the galaxy." (A spark jumped when she touched this spot.) "Twelve is inside the base of the spine and houses what your Indian yogis call the kundalini fire. This is your organ for tuning with the Quasar Elohim Network." (She touched me there, and it was beyond anything the Network chiropractors could do. Divine fire coursed through my genitals and up my spine into my head.) "Thirteen is located just inside your anus to the front - a kind of anal G spot - , and is the vehicle for tuning your individual consciousness to the universal consciousness."

She stood beside me, slightly to the rear, gently slid her palm down from my tailbone to my cheeks, and inserted her middle finger inside my underwear and into the crevice of my buttocks. I felt her cool probing digit push lightly against my sphincter and then with a wiggle glide in through the portal. Then she pressed forward with the nailless pad on the back of her fingertip causing a soft pressure on the prostate. The riddle of the Sphincter! My whole awareness of the room shifted, and I was in that same unfocussed state that I felt when I first looked Rivah in the eye.

"And where is fourteen?" asked Rivah, ready to move right along.

Kara replied softly as she smoothly withdrew her hand, "Fourteen has no specific location. It is undefined pure awareness and therefore non-local. It is not in the body or any place in the universe at large." Then she turned to face me. "All right Mr. Derek, shall we give you another opportunity on the table?"

I nodded and eased myself back up, allowing Rivah and Kara to fasten the straps.

This time I again chose thermal. Phyllo's analogy had given me an idea. As I eased the throttle forward and felt the temperature shift upward, I simply expanded the box of my awareness at a rate that maintained the 'temperature' of the pain impulses steady relative to the space in which they occurred. I was soon up to maximum, and the body was not even twitching. I felt calm and expanded, witnessing the neural firings as if from a great distance.

Before throttling down again, I tried another experiment. I brought my attention box back in. The heat became intense. I started sweating. So I sped up the process, and dove in a sudden implosion down into the array of impulses until my attention was so minutely focussed that the impulses looked like stars twinkling in the night sky. I realized intellectually how hot those stars were - veritable nuclear furnaces! Yet I felt cool and unperturbed - Uh-oh, I'm being drawn into them. . . . No, I will anchor my attention. On what? On a fire that is cool, that is more attractive and more enduring than the star-fires. On Kara. Yes . . . No, not Kara, - that sense of unfocussed wellbeing that Kara gave me when she touched me. And that Rivah gave me when she looked me in the eye. . . . Not what they gave me, for it is now mine, and I can manifest it at will. It is me.

And I realize that whatever happens, whether success or failure, it happens to me. But I am not any of those things. With a little more understanding and practice I will be ready. . . . No. I am ready. . . . I have always been ready.