Chapter 20: The Quest for David

(Fool, Qoph)


"The valley spirit does not die. It is called the black cow's cunt.

The gate of the black cow's cunt is called the root of heaven and earth.

It goes on and on if you use it gently."

"And he shall be a wild ass of a man."

"And David took him more concubines and wives out of Jerusalem."

"And David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals. . . . And David danced before the Lord with all his might. . . . And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!"

"And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house; and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon."

"And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died. . . . And he said, 'While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, "Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live?" But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.' And David comforted Bath-sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her, and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the Lord loved him."

Hoca bir gu"n e,seg^ine ters binmi,s, gidiyormu,s. Yoldan ge,cenler merak edip sormu,slar: 'Hocam, neden e,seg^e ters biniyorsun?' Hoca ,so"yle cevap vermi,s: 'E,sekle ayn/ yolda, ayn/ yo"ne gittig^imi go"rmemek i,cin.'

("One day the mullah Nasruddin mounted his ass backwards and went out. Passersby along the road were curious and asked: 'My dear mullah, why are you riding your ass backwards?' The mullah gave them this answer: 'If the ass faces the same direction on the road as I do, then he can't see where he is going.'")



HiNeeH MaLeKeKh YaBhUoA LaKha


OaNiY U-RoKheBh OaL-#haMUoR


["Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,

Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem;

Behold, thy king cometh unto thee,

He is triumphant, and victorious,

Lowly, and riding upon an ass,

Even upon a colt the foal of an ass."]

"Tell ye the daugher of Sion, Behold, thy king cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass."

"Snout: 'O Bottom, thou art chang'd! What do I see on thee?'

Bottom: 'What do you see? You see an ass-head of your own, do you?'"

"Pyramus: 'O, kiss me through the hole of this vile wall!'

Thisbe: 'I kiss the wall's hole, not your lips at all.'

. . . .

Wall: 'Thus have I, Wall, my part discharged so; And being done, thus Wall away doth go.'"

"My love is like a gazelle, a wild stag.

There he stands on the other side

Of our wall, peering through the gaps,

Peeping through the crevices."


What Sabutai now told me left my jaw hanging open.

"If you wish to understand how the Middle Eastern and Central Asian nomadic peoples operate, then you must experience where we come from. The dominant nomadic cultures of Asia are the Mongols and the Turks. There are numerous smaller groups, such as the Kurds, that move about in smaller territories. The Hebrews are a Semitic tribe that participated in the western wing of the nomad experience. The desert Tuaregs and the Gypsies, guardians of the Tarot, are other special subgroups. In ancient times the various wandering tribes chose totem animals with whom they closely bonded. A tribe's choice as a totem depended on whether they were primarily hunters, gatherers, or herdsmen. The Slavic peoples were drawn to the bear, Persians and some Africans emulated the lion, some Semites followed the bull, some tribes in India were drawn to the cobra. But the Turkish people came from the wolf, and the Mongols and Tibetans came from the wild ass, or onager.

"The onager, or kiang, roams wild over the mountainous high plateaus and pamirs of Tibet, parts of Shinjiang, Mongolia, and the Central Asian Turkic states. These animals are wild and free. Their spirits became the bards and wizards of these people. You know some Turkic, so I will demonstrate from that language, and with Hebrew, which I understand you have been studying.

"The wolf is Kurt, which is Turk backwards. The t"urk"u is the spiritual song of the Turkish people. For all the nomadic peoples the ass plays a deep and subtle role in their cultures. The stereotypic symbol of the ass in the sedentary - what we call the 'lazy' cultures - is that of either a stubborn person or a foolish and impractical person. We encourage such viewpoints to preserve the secrets of our powers.

"The domesticated ass is a common beast of burden like the camel in deserts or the yak in Tibet. But the wild ass is special. Your word onager refers to the Semitic ONeG, 'delight.' This delight comes from integrating the lowest and the highest qualities of life. The Semitic names for the ass are #haMUoR and AToN. The Aten is the Egyptian flying solar disc, and the animal totem pun for Adonai, the princely title of God. In the Greek tradition Adonis is the loving consort of Venus. Bottom, the hero of Shakespeare's 'Midsummer Night's Dream' - yes, even here in the remote wilds of Central Asia some of us also read Shakespeare - is a play on this totem.

"The secrets of the Adonai Ass-god Set (The strange creature of Egyptian religion with his tail in the air, who is really a compound of the ass and the wolf) are hinted at in the Golden Ass of Apuleius and the Egyptian mysteries. This is the ass that the crazy Mullah Nasruddin rides about Anatolia on, and this is the ass that Jesus enters Jerusalem on in the Bible stories.

"Ham, Noah's second son, became the ancient namesake for Egypt. All the Hamitic tribes worship the ass #haMUoR, known to the Romans as Amor, the God of Love. He is their secret totem. Ham is heat. In nature it is the hot sun #haMaH on rocks and clay, #hoMeR, and especially asphalt, #heMaR. In life forms this heat is the rut of animals and the lust of humans, #heMeD, and sometimes it is the violent wrath of the khans, #heMaH. Why do you think the love-blinded teller of the epic of Helen was called Homer? The great equine figure that felled Troy was not a horse, but a #hamor. The great love tool that the Norse vulcan Thor carries is called a Hammer. This is the same weapon the Vedas call the vajra of Indra and the dorje of the Tibetans. It becomes our lowly carpenter's hammer, the tool Jesus was trained to use."

"This is nuts," I thought to myself. "Here I am lost in the pamirs with a crazy Mongolian who is giving me a lecture on Bible studies and linguistics. Where does he get all this stuff?"

Galdan moved deeper into the subject. "We Turks and Mongols have taken assology to a fine art form in our cultures. In Turkish e,s-ek is the ass, and the origin of the western word for that animal. Scratching is e,smek, and sex is e,sey. E,s alone is one of a pair, a single spouse. The ass is the totem animal for the foolish lover, A,s/k, and the passion of the roving troubadour, the singer of the tu"rku", for centuries held to be the lowest of Turkish cultural expressions. A,s is cooked food, of which the fatty buttocks and thigh portions are the favorite part. A,sag^/ is the bottom, the lowest part, esas is the basis, and a,smak is to pass over or transcend. A,c/k is naked and open, a,c is hungry, c,/k is an overhang, something that c|kmak, juts or goes out; ,c/k/n is a knotted bundle, and the reversed form k|,c is the Turkish word for the buttocks. At is the horse, ata is the father, atak is reckless, ate,s is fire and fever, and atmak is to pulse or fire a gun. Et is meat, etek is the genitals, and etmek is to do it. Er is man, erk is power (the origin of your English word work and orgasm), erkan is a great man, erke,c is a hegoat, and erkek is a he-man, and erkeklik is sexual potency. You see the network of semantic relations here. This unlocks the code.

"Our people for thousands of years have roamed the lofty mountains, plateaus, and steppes of Inner Asia. Most of these regions are too dry for large scale sustained agriculture, so our people survived by tending animals. The nomadic herdsmen and hunters usually scattered thinly over wide territories. Their social life consisted mainly of their relations with their herds and the wild animals. This led to profound animal intimacy and discovery of the secrets of the wild creatures.

"A man who spends as much as eighteen or twenty hours a day on the back of a horse treats that creature as intimately as his wife or a part of himself, not only eating and sleeping with the animal, but even having sexual intimacy with it. People have wondered for centuries how Genghiz Khan could weld a group of admittedly hardy, but ultimately ragtag nomads into the most formidable fighting and fucking horde of conquerors the world has ever seen. These men were nearly invincible under the harshest conditions and regularly routed the best-equipped and trained armies of the civilized empires.

"Their secret was that the Khan required each mountain-scrambling warrior (erkek or asker) to mate with a goat or ass, and each cavalryman (atl|) to mate with his horse. But a great shaman (bu"yu"cu") had to mate with a wild wolf or onager. A bu"yu" is a magic spell. Bu"yu"mek is to expand, and bu"zmek is to constrict or pucker. Bu"yu"k is largeness and bu"zu"k is the asshole. The English slang word 'bugger' probably came from Turkic.

"In fact this ancient secret custom is still maintained among the more remote Mongol and Turkic peoples who live isolated in the mountains and steppes of Central Asia, even though many of these tribes are now professed Muslims. The irony is that the strict Islamic separation of men and women practiced by fundamentalist Islamic tribes such as the Taliban often ends up driving the horny and frustrated young men to practice sodomy among themselves and with their animals. Yet, if you wish to attack a political enemy in public, the most powerful accusation you can make against him is to accuse him of that most "unclean" of acts, sodomy.

"Now let me take you back to the Biblical story in Genesis (38) where Judah takes the daughter of Shua (a nobleman) as his concubine and has three sons, Er (OeR), Onan (OVNaN), and Shelah (SheLaH). In Hebrew OeR means 'awake.' In Turkish er is a man, and ermek means to reach spiritual perfection.

For some reason that the Bible never makes clear God kills off OeR. Judah appoints Onan to take over the husbandly duties with Er's wife, Tamar (a tall date palm.) Polyandry, particularly among brothers, is common with the highland nomadic tribes. Onan practices coitus interruptus with Tamar, pulling it out and scattering his seed on the ground (ekmek in Turkish.) God doesn't like that, so he kills off Onan also. Onan's practice has been generalized to cover all forms of masturbation, known as onanism, which includes everything from hand jobs to blow jobs, to gay sex, to interruptus, and so on to animal sex. This is what we traditionally associate with Sodom and Gomorrah, although the Bible nowhere gives us the fine details.

"What it does say is that Abram, the patriarch Abraham, had a son by Sarai's handmaid, Hagar, the 'migrant' from Egypt (Genesis 16:11-12.) She called that son Ishmael, because God heard her afflictions. Afflictions are ONiY. Delights are ONeG. Masturbation is ONaN. In Turkish OYUN is play. That is a permutation of the roots ONY or ONeG.

"God's angel appears to Hagar and tells her that Ishmael will be a wild ass man (PeReA AaDaM.) PR is bull and PRA is the wild ass or onager. #haMUoR is the domesticated ass. Everyone thinks the Bible says Ishmael has his hand against everyone in fighting. But the text actually says he has his hand IN everyone, and they all have their hands IN him. They are handling each other. Dwelling in the face of his brethren really means living the gay lifestyle. Ishmael was bisexual. He married and had offspring, but also sported with the men as well.

"Whereas God specifically rejects Onan's behavior of withholding climax from Tamar as an unfulfilling procedure, he goes to great lengths to encourage Ishmael's natural mother, Hagar, not to abandon her gay child, even though his jealous matriarch, Sarah, rejects him for 'making sport.' The lad (NOR, one who brays like an ass) grows up to be a great archer (QaShaT, which is reversed in Turkish as ok,cu.) And he lives in the wilderness of Paran (PAR is glory, and a permutation of PRA, the wild ass.) This is the place of glory from which speech comes - the mouth. Ishmael specialized in doing arrows (ok) in the mouth - that is blowjobs. Later the Ismailites gave birth to the assassins, and the great warrior nomads. And that is our people.

So the Hebrews had several related systems:

For example, PLA is an amazing wonder, and ALP is the bull, and APL is darkness, and OLP is wrap. PRA is the wild ass, PAR is glory, and APR is gray ashes. BRA is to create, ARB is ambush, ORB is evening, and OBR is to pass (and the namesake of the Hebrews, Eber).

"So to get back to the three sons of Judah by his concubine, Er means arousal during flirting and foreplay. Onan means the delights of dalliance, and Shelah means the feeling of ease and relaxation when you withdraw after coitus and ejaculation. These are the three stages of sexual play born from God's Glory (Judah.) The question to contemplate is why did Tamar pass up the offered long term relationship with the youngest son Shelah, preferring to play the role of a harlot and secretly seduce the father Judah in a clandestine one night stand."

Sabutai paused to heighten the suspense. I struggled to digest the bizarre scenario he had just sketched while that haunting melody by the late assassinated John Lennon flowed through my memory - "Hey Jude, don't make it bad; take a sad song, and make it better. . . ."

Sabutai looked me in the eye and gave instructions. Had I missed something?

"You will follow Ayup. He will give you some supplies and release you into the wilderness. There you will wander until you find some wild onagers, the animal the Tibetans call the kiang. They are fearless creatures of the Asian plateaus. Observe their behavior. They are still in their rutting season. Notice their play among themselves and their self-pleasure techniques. Master them. Become one with them, until you can maintain a high plateau of onager orgasm equal to the realms in which they gallop. We will monitor your progress with the collar. We have also tagged the few remaining wild onagers, so we can easily track them, and we can read from your collar's data when you have reached the high plateau of oneg. And, In,sallah, if God is willing, you will. That is all."

"Allaha |smarlad|k," I stammered with a nod of acceptance, and no idea what else to say.

"Gu"le gu"le. . . . Keep on smiling," he said after me as Ayup guided me out the door.

Ayup escorted me back to my cubicle to pick up my backpack. And then we were off. Like the Mongol herdsman who would leap on his horse and gallop off on a five thousand-mile campaign at a moment's notice from his commander, we hopped into a MagLev shuttle and headed off down the tunnels.

Soon the shuttle halted, and we stepped into an antechamber stabled with yaks and camels. The strong animal smells suddenly hit my nostrils, shocking me with their shaggy contrast to my recent clinical isolation. Ayup strapped my pack and a sleeping bag, matches, a tin cup, a small shovel, some nan and dried meat, and a few other supplies onto a small female yak. This was a much smaller and more manageable beast than the five hundred pound Himalayan behemoths I saw in some of the stalls. At the very least I would have yak milk to drink.

He also gave me a rifle with which to hunt game should I choose. This surprised me. But then resistance or flight would do me no good. I was tagged. And my companions were still held in the bowels of these mountains.

Ayup swung open the large rock door, and for a moment I was nearly blinded by the glare of a bright blue sky. I shuffled out of the rocky barn with my yak onto a narrow outcropped ledge that overlooked the valley. The bright afternoon sunlight reflected off the glistening snow-capped peaks of Buz-dag-ata, the 'ice mountain father' soaring far off in the distance to my right and a yellow-brown parched valley in front of me below. We were well above the tree line.

The next ridge seemed close by, but I knew that in such an open space distances were deceptive, and it was at least a dozen miles away. On foot we would never reach it by sundown. Ayup bade us farewell and closed the rock-barn door. My yak and I were alone together in a vast emptiness. We began gingerly edging our way down the steep ledge. After about twenty minutes we reached the smoother open slopes and began our trek across the valley. After an hour we had left the tunnel far behind, but seemed no closer to the ridge. All around us was rocky soil with tufts of grass here and there. From time to time the yak would pause to nibble on the tufts, and I did not prevent her. There was no water in sight, although I knew that there were lakes and streams around somewhere in these mysterious lands. In another two or three hours the sun had moved down behind the Ice Father and the sky took on that haunted deep blue color as when you are flying at high altitudes in a jet. The temperature, that had been quite warm during the afternoon, now dropped quickly. I pushed on for about another hour and found myself sloping upwards. The color of the rocks shifted to a darker hue, and there was a little more grass. I decided to set up camp for the night in the valley rather than go up onto the more exposed ridge. I let my animal forage for a while and then milked her. The yak was patient as I fiddled with her teats under her shaggy coat till the milk came. It wasn't that difficult.

I named the yak Elsie in celebration of her dairy donations. The fresh milk plus a piece of nan and some dried goat meat served for an evening meal. I had some matches, but no firewood. I would have to collect the yak's dung and my own feces for fuel. Sure enough Elsie did a job before settling down for the evening. I scooped it up with the little shovel Ayup had included in my supplies and put it on a rock to dry. The yak found a smoother grassier spot and settled down. I spread my bedroll and tried the same. But there was a cold wind coming up and no shelter. Finally I pulled my bag over to Elsie's side and snuggled up against her on the down wind side. She didn't seem to mind the draft or my company. I accepted her bovine smells in exchange for a windbreak and some body heat.

The next morning I again milked Elsie and ate a little more dried meat and nan, partaking sparingly of my supplies, since I did not know how long this journey would take. It took most of the morning to climb the next ridge. From the ridge top I saw that the next valley had a darker rocky soil, almost black, with more grass. Meandering through the valley was a shallow stream. After a couple of hours ambling down the slope, Elsie and I reached the stream. Now we had a water supply. This must be the Yarkand Darya or one of its tributary streams. And it occurred to me that I could follow the stream and undoubtedly reach civilization at some point, such as the village of Tash Kurghan. The stream might flow into one of the lakes, a likely one being Karakol, judging from the black color of the rocks. But what's the use of searching for a road or a village, I thought? Sabutai is tracking me and can easily intercept me before I reach help. And he probably owns the natives in the area anyway. Besides, my friends are still back there, and so is the ship.

At least I had plenty of water and had reached a likely gathering place for wild animals. So I decided to refresh myself for the evening and set out the next day along the stream hunting for animal spoors and other signs of favorite watering spots. I drank my fill and then took off my clothes and waded in, splashing myself with the cold water. This was my first immersion in water since the hot tub back in Colorado, so I enjoyed myself. After drying and dressing, I managed to get a fire started with the dung I had collected and dried. Before the sun went down I pulled out my JPS and read over the Genesis chapter 38 story of Judah and his three sons.

Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Reviewing backwards, I discovered that there was another story about the sons of Jacob in chapter 34 involving a certain SheKheM, son of HaMUoR, who fell in love with a sister of the twelve, named Dinah. She and Shekhem had intercourse. Shekhem loved Dinah and wanted to marry her. But her brothers, the sons of Jacob, were angry about the affair. They tricked Shekhem and his father and their male clan members into getting circumcised as a rite of joining their two clans and a condition for the marriage, since circumcision was supposed to be part of Abraham's covenant with God. Hamor's clan agreed to the arrangement. Then, while Hamor's men were hobbling around with bleeding dongs, Jacob's sons murdered them and stole all their herds and women for themselves. Jacob was very embarrassed by the treacherous behavior of his sons, so he gathered his clan and left town in a hurry. Then he set up an altar to appease God, called Beth-El, House of God. Hmm, I thought, that's also 'AlphaBet' spelled backwards. Is this like a bookmark, telling us there is an important clue to the alphabet feud in this story?

Dinah is a feminine name derived from DiYN, justice - a woman D holding Y someone by the balls N. Shekhem is the back, and Hamor is the ass. Hmmm, the backside of an ass or ass backwards. The livestock stolen from Hamor was particularly mentioned in the story as being herds of asses. Hamor was so named because he and his clan raised asses.

The Hebrew word circumcise is MaL, or MaHaL. Was the Bible making a word play on circumcision and the ass - mahal and hamor. Jacob's sons made asses of Hamor's men by getting them to agree to adult circumcision. M is blood and L is the penis. Well, they bloodied their penises all right.

Why did the Jews circumcise anyway, I wondered? A male blood ritual. The Bible claims God told Abraham to do it as a covenant. What covenant? Maybe it mimics the origin of man? Adam is red earth. A is the divine creative bull, and Dam is blood, the female yoni D juice M of the menses. Adam was made from divine blood, from the wombs of the divine Elohim goddesses. Maybe circumcision ritually mimics the woman's menstrual blood flowing from her genitals, and MaHaL is a veiled permutation of AeLoHYM.

I recalled how Rivah marveled that I was a foreskinless Gentile. I told her many of us are, I don't know why. I asked her how the practice arose, and she told me that the practical application of circumcision was to distinguish the Jewish tribes from their enemies. Like Indians counting coup and taking scalps, the ancient Israelites cut the foreskins from their slain enemies. David collected two hundred Philistine foreskins to buy Saul's daughter. Since the Jewish warriors had no foreskins on themselves, an adult foreskin was genuine proof of an enemy killed in battle, not just a Jew stripping his own dead. That's why they traditionally circumcised all Jewish males shortly after birth.

The Jewish warriors carried their captured foreskins in a little pouch or box strapped on the arm, just as Indians often hung scalps from their belts. To ward off the angry spirits of the dead enemies, the Jews wrote little prayers on each prepuce. When saying his prayers, the Jewish soldier would hold the box up to his forehead to activate the prayers written on the foreskins. Later the taking of foreskins in battle was discontinued, but circumcision remained as an established part of the "covenant." Also the prayer box continued as a formalized ritual substituting strips of leather instead of the foreskins. The little box was called the T'fillim, or phylactery, representing liplike curls (P) of skin cut (T) from the penis (L). The original practical purpose of collecting Philistine foreskins was forgotten, and the phylactery became simply a demonstration of religious piety and a superstitious guard against evil spirits.

Which was it - a military ritual or a secret abasement of manhood? I couldn't decide.

So I turned back to the story of Shekhem. His name is SheM with a Kaph inside. Kaph is the container, closed fist, symbol of secrecy. This secret is inside Shem, the name. Hamor is the power of Ham, heat, passion, and lusty lovemaking - Amor. And Shekhem is the secret inside or behind Shem, the name. Hmmmm.

Jacob's sons in the name of a bonding ritual mutilated the tool of lovemaking and then killed Amor, that asinine emotion called Love. Then they sold their own brother, Joseph the dreaming fool, into slavery, sending him with a caravan to Egypt. Whew! And these were the progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel!

The dream, #haLVoM, is a permutation of the pun on MaHaL, the circumcision, and #haMVoR, the ass. And Joseph, the dreamer with the coat of many colors, requited his brothers' treachery by sending them as a compassionate joke ten she-asses laden with corn when they suffered from the famine. Ten, or OSR, was the symbolic number of wealth and the name of Osiris. I recalled that Osiris's penis was cut off by Set, the Ass-Wolf God. But Osiris was restored to life by the magic of Tehuti, god of the Lingam down under, and master of Life! Whoa! Something's going on here.

OK Let's go back to Er. How did Er err? There's nothing wrong with wakefulness. It's a spiritual perfection. The problem is, with regard to sexual arousal, it's a tease. Er must have been easily aroused, but quick on the trigger, unable to sustain lovemaking and thus unable to please the slower paced Tamar with a climax. He got pleasure, but she didn't. ShuO means equal rights. In this context that means equal rights for women in sex. S is the sperm and O is the eye, or the energy circuit. From my Tantric knowledge I realized that ShU'O means full energy circuit, sperm into the third eye chakra. O is also a hole. Does this mean equal amounts of sperm energy must go to top and bottom, front and back?

Onan's onus was not in the delights of dalliance, whether straight or up the anus. What's wrong with that? Again it was non-equal rights. He took his climax, but withdrew his tool and deprived Tamar of her full pleasure.

Tamar herself decided she did not want Shelah, although Judah (Y-HVDaH) offered him to her as a third choice. ShaLaH is to be at ease, that relaxed feeling after climax, I guessed. It is a root related to ShaLVoM, peace. But Tamar preferred Judah, the glorious lion. The HoD-glory of the sun is its radiant heat and light. I recalled the sexual prowess of Samson, the Little Sun. I also noticed that #haD is a riddle, and Samson also loved to make riddles. The glory of sex is a prolonged orgasm that goes higher and higher but never goes over the edge. And the letter symbolism of #haD is a woman in bed. For men the great riddles are how do you get a woman into bed, and how do you handle her once she's there. So Judah must have given Tamar an unimaginable experience of tantric sex.

For Tamar even once with Judah was worth passing up the three sons, and she got pregnant with his child to boot, so she must have eventually taken him over the edge unless she laid Shelah's child on him. I suspected that the latter was what she cleverly did.

Judah's wife was the daughter of ShuO. This is the permutation of OS, the Great Bear constellation, URSUS, and perhaps a code for OSR, the sign of ten, the number of wealth, the Hebrew name for Osiris, the eye on the throne. That makes OS Isis - her hieroglyph being the throne asht - the throne of the North Pole? Didn't Sabutai mention that for the Turks esas is the name for the base or foundation, and eser is a work of art, and a,sk is love? The image of the pyramid with the eye on top that you see on the back of every U.S. dollar bill floated into my mind.

There's something going on here about asses and foolish, playful, even socially tabooed sex. Tamar's name comes from the date palm. But that may be a derivative from MoR, myrrh, fluid power. T is the sign for intercourse, interaction, interchange, and of course symbols, which are tokens substituted for real things. The palm carries water up a tall straight trunk to form dates high at the top of the tree. Though the dates are sweet, the tree sap is bitter, hence the term myrrh also suggests bitterness. Perhaps the rising sap is a symbol for the Tantric rising of sexual energy up the spine into the brain and the third eye.

Then I suddenly recalled my conversation with Noah about the Urim and the Thummim. Tamar, the palm tree TaMaRaH, could be a code for TMVRaH, the kabbalistic principle of permutation, the way of the teacher MoReH, a kind of Jewish Occam's Razor. Did the tools for translating the ancient biblical lore really involve a bizarre and highly secret tantric technology? Scrambling was a standard method of making secret codes. Didn't Tamar hide her identity with a veil when she had intercourse with Judah? This was getting to be too much. Maybe I was losing my mind out here in the Pamir wastelands.

I took a break and a nap.

In the late afternoon I again milked Elsie. She was starting to feel familiar with me and was comfortable with my hand on her teats. I began to explore her body, touching her hairy pelt. I locked into contact with her large dark eyes that were not nearly so docile as a cow's. I had no idea how to create intimacy with a yak, so I just began stroking her tousled fur and nuzzled her with my face. Gradually I moved down her neck and flank until I was down near her udder. The udder odor was feisty. I hesitated - she could easily trample me. Then I squatted and tipped my head under her belly, lifting a teat to my mouth. I sucked. It was like giving a blowjob and getting cum on the first try. The warm goatish fluid squirted into my mouth. . . . She didn't mind my fumbling and stood patiently while I took more milk in this direct manner. I was just a calf to her.

I stood again and stroked her haunches. That made her nervous, and she shifted her rump, switching her tail. I slowed. Very gradually, rubbing in gentle circles, I slid toward her breech. The tail whisked and began to flick outward. Her large moist labia popped and quivered. This was one large woman. I felt like a curious child, pervert, and veterinarian all rolled into one. Slowly I massaged her. She calmed down and seemed to enjoy my movements once she realized I would not hurt her. I lay my cheek against her thigh and rolled my face over to her redolent fund, burying my nose into it. Then I gently tugged her down onto the grass. I took off my boots and socks, and lay on the grass tangling my toes in her matted mane. This seemed to amuse her, and she contentedly browsed about, nibbling at the grass, sneaking a sniff at my crotch while she was at it.

Time to get real. I shrugged out of my trousers and lay my body over hers, squirming into the warm wool. This full body contact was very pleasant. I closed my eyes and let my hands and legs droop over her.

It was just me and my yak in the middle of nowhere.

I felt myself harden against her warm flesh. Slowly I slid down her back until I was squatting by her rump with her tail flicking between my legs. I brushed the tail up over my thigh and attempted to penetrate her. It was awkward. Our bodies didn't fit together too well. She was too big, and my tool was too short. I would do a much better job with a sheep or a nanny goat. I stood and roused her up again. Now I could thrust up into her fluffy loins. It was like making love to a shaggy rug.

Well, it wasn't ecstatic, but it was a start, and definitely a new and different experience at that. I bathed in the stream and dined again on my usual kebap and nan. I slept better that night, again snuggling up to Elsie. My God, I realized, I'm starting to feel like I'm married to this animal.

During the night I was stirred briefly in my sleep by a wolf howling far off in the distance.

But the next morning just after daybreak I was awakened by the sun's bright rays glistening on the stream and then an unfamiliar braying sound. A few dozen yards upstream there was a group of wild kiang drinking and bathing in the water - a jack stallion, two she-ass mares and a yearling colt. I watched as they engaged in lively sport. The jack splashed about in the shallow waters and then mounted one of his ladies. He tupped her for several minutes in the glittering sunrise, and then pulled out. He had a giant gorgeous tool, silhouetted clearly in the rising orb of the sun. A few moments later he chased his other mare up out of the water and tasted her she-ass delights. I had found the objects of my quest.

I pulled a sack of barley from my supplies and scattered some on the ground. Then I led Elsie about twenty paces away to observe whether the grain would entice them in our direction. It worked. Soon the colt trotted over to investigate, and began nosing around in the barley. The others noticed his absence and left off their frolic long enough to find out what he was doing.

They had been aware of my presence from the start, but simply left a respectful space and went about their own business. Now that I had made overtures with food, they no longer held back their curiosity and boldly sniffed about in my packs. I walked closer, and they simply looked up and took note of my presence. They were supremely self-confident in their mastery of the moment and had no fear of me. They sensed that I was not armed against them with gun or lasso.

I moved with slow deliberate steps. While the jack-ass lapped barley, the colt came over and began to lick his elder's well-hung meat, which, though no longer erect, had not yet retracted, and was dangling down. The moist tongue stiffened him up again.

Suddenly he knelt down and rolled in the dusty grass, kicking his hooves in the air. The colt straddled over him and began licking the engorged meat with his long wet tongue as if he was feeding at his mother's teat. The colt himself was now aroused, and the elder jack, who may have been his father, snuffled and slathered the youngster's expanding manhood. Their slobbering tongues and nimble sensitive lips lathered the length of their throbbing thuggers, and tenderly slurped around each other's bulging semen sacks. They snorted and brayed, ignoring the females and me and the yak altogether.

Emboldened by their focussed rapture, I dropped trow and walked toward them to see what would happen. They continued with their asinine obsession. I squatted beside their bellies and touched the jack's swollen manifesto. It was hot and wet with the colt's slobber. The colt's tongue was still there flicking about and simply included my hand in its repertoire. When I touched him, the jack jerked his legs out to the rear and brayed.

We now had a threesome going. The colt stepped off the jack and let me take over management of the larger member. He himself started nosing curiously into my crotch. I felt his snorting breath and then the probing, nibbling lips browsing around my bush. Then came the wet, slimy rasp of his tongue on my tube. I sat on the grass, knees asplay, and held the jack's enormous pendulum in both hands. I swung it over to my mouth and licked. It barely fit into my mouth. While I slowly stroked the jack-meat with both hands, the colt sucked on my stiff stuffer as if he was nursing on his mare, and the jack occasionally raised his head to mouth his son's raised hammer.

We rutted like this for a while, and I went back and forth from father to son, bridging the generation gap. I marveled at how these creatures could maintain erections almost indefinitely without ejaculation, and just play on in this leisurely manner. I lost track of time. We rolled in the dust and nuzzled and licked as if that was all there was to do. Now I knew for sure the real meaning of the expression, 'jacking off.'

Suddenly the jack snuffled loudly and lurched. I thought he was climaxing and braced for a huge mouthful of jack jiz. But it was something else. I was kneeling with my head between the stallion's hind legs mouthing his meat and fondling his pouch. The colt was standing behind me licking my ass. I was reeling.

I lifted my head and looked straight into the eyes of Rivah, who was standing buck naked astride the stallion's head while he slurped her muff.

"Rivah," I blurted, "What are you doing here?"

"I've been out here wandering around too, you know. And I found a wolf yesterday. It took most of the day, but finally last night I scored with him. It was totally wild. I'll tell you about it later. My, my, these guys pack a much heftier load than a wolf. Let me check out the draw on this colt's revolver."

She walked over to the colt and started stroking him. He had been dangling a bit and resting while we talked. Her hands moved down his flank, over his croup and rump, and he extended fully again. She squatted and fondled his macho. He pulled his lips back, snorting and braying. Then she leaned back, supporting herself on her hands, knees apart, offering herself to the colt. At this point he had no problem with that and shifted over her. She arched her athletic back, pushed her thighs forward, and drew him into her. While he stood still, she moved her hips back and forth, gulping everything she could get into her warm juicy thighs.

Meanwhile the jack stallion rolled up onto his feet and started tupping one of his mares. I went to the other one and gingerly approached her backside. I didn't want to upset her and get kicked in the jewels. Her body size matched mine with a much better fit than Elsie the yak, who was now munching grass contentedly with a lady companion. The she-ass was fully aroused by the action all around her and let me slip right into her steady hindquarters. I grasped her by the stifles and plunged about inside her.

My head rolled back and there was nothing but sun and sky and she-ass galore. "Heeee-haw," I shouted.

Rivah shrieked and collapsed on the grass, writhing in ecstatic exhaustion from her acrobatic contortions. I tightened my root and brilliant light blasted up through my whole body in blinding bolts of bliss. It made no difference whether my eyes were open or closed. Everywhere was bright light. We were all one. I was them, and they were me. And I loved these free beings as they were, in whatever bodies they chose to live. And I felt waves of gratitude that they would condescend to teach me their wild freedom and joy.

. . . Q . . .

Rivah stood up and pranced into the shallow stream waters, bent over, and began rubbing the water over her glistening golden body, rinsing off the gobs of ass cum that were drooling down her legs. I too broke off from the mare and shuffled into the water, exhilarating my exhaustion in the bubbling chill. Playfully I splashed her, and she splashed back. And then we merged into a dripping hug. The sunlight sparkled brightly on the clear gurgling stream. The sky was so blue and the grass was so green and the rocks were so black and the water was so sparklingly golden. And Rivah was so swarthy, supple, and nubile in my arms.

And she sang her own version of Solomon's Song:



M'QaPeC OaL-HaG'Bha'OVoT

DVoMeH DVoDiY Li#haMVoR AVo L'PeReA Ha-AaYaLiYM"

[Hark! My beloved! Behold, he cometh,

Skipping upon the mountains,

Cavorting on the ridges,

My beloved is like a wild jack or a young ass.]