Animorph Obsessions


1. Not even a squall or a hazard caused by El Nino can stop you from getting the newly released Animorphs book from the bookstore.

2. You jump over the edge of cliff but Marco's not there to catch you.

3. You find a cave near a lake and live there in hopes of seeing a Truck ship.

4. You complain about how primitive keyboards are.

5. You have built a life sized Blade Ship, an Andalite fighter, a Bug Fighter and a dome ship out of Legos.

6. You sign a contract to do the new Cat Chow commercial. But then you find out you can't actually morph...

7. Every day you try to aquire your cat.

8. You look at your vice principal somewhat weird. Who knows? He could be a controller...

9. You think at your friends, attempting thought speak.

10. You talk to every hawk you see just in case he's Tobias.

11. You start to talk like Ax. Aksssssssssss. Ak-SUH.

12. You are constantly mistaking the knife rack in your kitchen for a Hork-Bajir.

13. Whenever you're in the woods you look for Ax all the time.

14. You run around your house as fast as you can pretending you're a fly and screaming "YEEE-HAAA!!"

15. You make an Animorph Obsession page...

16. You climb in your locker and try to morph a lizard but just find yourself being rescued by the janitor.

17. You get the Animorphs trading cards and frame them.

18. You always wear tight clothes under your normal clothes just in case there's an emergency and you have to morph.

19. You start to wonder what motor oil tastes like.

20. You cried when Marco cut his hair... well...

21. You try to help an injured skunk so you can commune with Cassie but you find out you don't havquite the same way with animals as her...

22. You trash the janitor's closet at school looking for the Yeerk pool.

23. You welcome invasions of ants in you house.

24. You climb to the top of the Sears Tower and jump down, thinking you can just morph into a bird.

25. You keep searching the mall for gymnastics displays and hawks.

26. You steal one of your little brother's building blocks, paint it blue, and are dissapointed when it doesn't give you the morphing power when you touch it.

27. You add the prefix Ani- to every word you type. Ani-get ani-what ani-I ani-mean?

28. You're at the nature center in your town looking at the stuffed animals. You see a bird with a plaque under it that say "Red-Tailed Hawk" and scream "TOBIAS!! NOOO!!" while slamming yourself against the glass.

29. You do Ax's morning ritual each morning.

30. You attempt to locate the Andalite homeworld on a starmap.

31. You make yourself a three worded Andalite name and when your friends call you by your real name, you are startled that your tail isn't there to reprimand them.

32. You go crazy everytime you eat something because you think you are an Andalite in human morph.

33. You go to the music store looking for an album by Nice is Neat, The Fudgies, Snoopy Diggity Dog, and Boys 11 Men.

34. You name your Tomagotchi (an alien of course), Aximili.

35. You spend your allowance for a year, rent scuba gear, and go diving at the bottom of the ocean, hoping that you will find an Andalite Dome ship.

35. Your teachers are starting to wonder who Jake, Tobias, Rachel, Cassie, Ax, and Marco are.

36. Your sister starts looking alot like Jake...

37. You paint your skin blue in an effort to become an Andalite.

38. You spend every night in an abandoned construction site wondering why Elfangor hasn't come yet.

39. Your dad smokes and you eat the leftover butts.

40. You walk up to a hawk and say," I know who you are so take me to Jake or it's barbeque tonight!"

41. You can rattle off the stats for the Animorphs, but you can't remember the name of those two tall people that live with you...

42. You go into the bathroom every two hours so you can return to Andalite form quickly and morph back to human.

43. You named the big oak tree in your front yard Hala Fala.

44. Your favorite drink is a double latte, wow what an interesting sensation taste is!

45. You go to the mall, buy a box of cinnabuns and set a trap for Ax.

46. You hate Steve Case - not because of his "stupid AOL service," but because he is obviously Joe Bob Fenestre in disguise.

47. You believe that cinnamon buns are the greatest invention of humanity and wonder why you don't get a Nobel Prize for being able to stuff three of them in your mouth at the same time.

48. You are so obsessed with Animorphs, your mom knows about Animorphs - but when you realize she knows about Andalites, too, you cry, shrieking "How do you know about Andalites? Oh, God, you're not real! You're not real!"

49. You go to the Air & Space Museum and wonder if they have any Bug fighters on display.

50. You try building a Z-space transmittor, unfortunately, it only changes the channel.


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