Coming Soon


#29 The Sickness

Cover - Cassie to Yeerk

Plot - The Animorphs begin to fall under a strange sickness. Their only hope is an antedote found only in the Yeerk pool. Which means another trip to the Yeerk pool. Another battle. Another nightmare.

Release Date - April 1999


Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret

Cover - Imagine the Animorphs' with Tobias in human morph, and in the background someone's eyes in light blue.

Plot - The Animorphs must try to stop Visser 4 from going back in time using the Time Matrix and changing history.

Release Date - April 1999


#30 The Reunion

Cover - Marco to cockroach

Plot - it is said that V1 might make an apperance in this one.

Release Date - May 1999


#31 The Conspiracy

Cover - Jake to Peregrine Falcon


#32 The Separation

Cover - Rachel to Starfish

Quote - " Everything changes. But not quite like this."

Plot - Rachel while in morph of a Starfish, is cut in half. Since Rachel is in morph, the other half separates into an evil version of Rachel!


#33 The Illusion

Cover - Ax to Red-Tailed Hawk

Quote - " Change happens. Whether we like it or not."


#34 The Prophecy


#35 The Proposal


In October, the Hork-Bajir Chronicles are coming out in paperback.


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