Old Updates

February 13, 1999: Comercial (Added to the TV Shows section)

I just saw a comercial for the Animorphs on Video: Invasion Series part one on Fox Kids. They said the video is due to come out the 16th.

February 9, 1999: E. #17(Added to the TV Shows section)

Episode 17 "THE LEADER" - Part Two



Back on earth, Cassie and Rachel destroy the Kandrona. Marco and Jake make a daring escape from the mother ship with the help of Ax and the other Animorphs. Marco has a new reason to fight the Yeerks.

Febuary 8, 1999: Videos

The below was added to the TV Shows Section. I added a link to the video pic's on the Merchandise Animorphs Page.

Animorphs on Video: Invasion Series part one

Click to view the Pic

The Pic is now clearer and better than last time, and COOLER.

Animorphs on Video: Invasion Series part two

Click to view the Pic

Release Date: April 6, 1999

Suggested Retail Value: $14.99 (They'll probably be avaliabe for much cheaper)

In addition, the video has some unreleased footage.

February 5, 1999: #32

I put the below on the coming soon section.


Plot - Rachel while in morph of a Starfish, is cut in half. Since Rachel is in morph, the other half separates into an evil version of Rachel!

#26 - #28 & Alternamorphs

I added the pic of #26 to the book #26 section. I added #27 (which has a full size color pic of #27) to the books section and took it off the coming soon page. I have a color pic of #28 & part of the Alternamorphs.

January 30, 1999: New Section

I added an Old Updates Section and earased the December updates and added them into the Old Updates Section. I also added the Meet the Stars of Animorphs to the books section.


I added the following to the Videos page.


TV Shows

I added the following to the TV Shows page.

Episode 15 "NOT MY PROBLEM."



The weight of battling the Yeerk invasion is wearing on Jake and after a bad day, he wishes he'd never met Elfangor at all. But be careful what you wish for, it might come true. After a taste of "what if" from the Ellimist, Jake realizes that as hard as the fight is, it must go on.

Episode 16 "THE LEADER" - Part One



The Animorphs discover a second Kandrona and set out to destroy it, but Jake and Marco are caught with the Yeerk's new morph-detecting devices and sent into space aboard the Yeerk mother ship. On the ship, Jake and Marco uncover some shocking secrets.

More Updates

I was gone for a while, but now I'm back and better than ever. I have the PIXS for #30, #28, [#27], [the inside of #27], Meet the Stars of ANIMORPHS and the sample chapter for #27 & #28 (This is not a typo, it is #28). I updated the Coming soon page, added the above PIXS, and updated the summaries.

January 16, 1999: PIXS

I added cool pixs and a new link at the bottom of my page, and I finnaly put up the Articles section.

TV Show Section Updated

I updated the Animorphs TV Show-News/Episode Guide Section, AND I HAVE #26 IT IS RADICALL. I GOT IT ON WENDSDAY, FROM WALDENBOOKS.


I added the following to the TV Show/Episode Guide Section.

Episode 14 "TOBIAS."



Tobias and Ax take a trip down memory lane when Ax constructs a "living diary maker" which projects their memories. To help Ax understand what it is to be human, Tobias revisits some painful human memories. In the process, Tobias understands that he's still the same person, no matter what his physical form.

January 10, 1999: Animorphs on Video

Click to view the Pic

The Pic is now clearer and better.

When Jake and his friends witness the crash of an alien spacecraft, they meet Elfangor, a warrior from the Andalite home planet, who greets them with a WARNING: Earth is under attack by an empire of evil Yeerks. To help them resist the invasion, Elfangor gives these five ordinary kids the ability to MORPH, and Andalite technology no human has ever possessed.

Release Date: February 16, 1999

Suggested Retail Value: $15.98

Also the video has some unreleased footage.

Animorphs on DVD

The Animorphs video is going to be avalible in DVD format on February 16.


You could win lunch with one of the stars of Animorphs! Enter the Animorphania contest!

Here's how:

1) Answer this question correctly: In the Animorphs episode, THE CAPTURE (Sunday, January 10 at 8:00pm) Ax morphs into one of his human friends. Whom and why?

2) If YOU could morph into any of the Animorphs, Which Animorph would it be and why?

3) If you answer Question 1 correctly, you will be an Animorphamania contest finalist. From the finalists, we will chose the most creative response to Question 2.

Animorphamania Contest rules:

No purchase necessary. To enter please write your response on one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Be sure to include your name, age, grade, complete address, and home telephone number. Mail complete entries to Animorphs TV, c/o Scholastic Entertainment Inc., 524 Broadway, 7th floor, New York, NY 10012-399. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECIEVED BY FEBRUARY 1, 1999. Scholastic is not responsable for late, stolen, misdirected, damaged mutilated, postage due, incompletable or illegible entries or mail. Contest is open to residents of United States who currently attend grades 2-6. Employes, and memebers of their families living in the same household of Scholastic Inc, are not eligable to enter. Void where prohibited by law. one entry per person. All entries will become the property of Scholastic Inc and will not be returned.One grand prizewinner will have lunch with one of the stars of the Animorphs show. Entrants selection of cast memeber cannot be guarranteed. 100 runners up will recieve an Animorphs t-shirt and cap. Each winner will be required to sign and return an affidant of eligibility and liability/ publicity realease within 15 days. For names of prize winners (availible after february 15th.1999) send a self addressed stamped envolope to Animorphs TV, c/o Scholastic Entertainment Inc, 524 Broadway, 7th floor, New York, NY 10012-3999

January 8, 1999: Good News

I know have the pix for #29 and MM#3, I added them to the Coming Soon Page. Click on the names to see them.


I added #26 to the books page.


Don't forget the live chat today at 7:00 pm at keyword: nick.

January 1, 1999: Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone that visits my website.


I have pix's of the ANI-TOYS. They DO NOT transform. Click below to see them.

I am adding them to the Merchandise Page.






The Sanctuary page on the official Animorphs page was updated. You can now be in a club and get stuff, go there for more...and I updated the videos & banners section and added in it the scroling text that is on the official TV Show page.

LISTEN (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Wednesday and Thursday, January 6th and 7th, LISTEN for a special radio message from the CAST of ANIMORPHS.

This was added to the official cyberia page.

Scedule for Jan. 1- 2 (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Fri. Jan. 1 - "THE REACTION." - Cassie and Rachel rescue a young boy from a crocodile pit at the zoo. However, since the incident, Cassie has been itchy...and morphing involuntarily. The girls are invited to appear on a morning TV show, but if Cassie's not careful, she'll end up morphing on national TV! (Rerun)

Sat. Jan.2 - The Underground- the Animorphs are suspicious of a new club called the Sharing that everyone in town is eager to join. (Rerun)

Bad News

I am taking another month for the species page. By one month, the species page and a new articles section will be up. To see some of the articles I will have on the articles section go here:



I added links to the TV Shows Section.

December 27, 1998: Seasons Grettings & Happy Holiday's

Merry Late Christmas, Happy Haunikkah (Sorry If I Spelled It Wrong) & Happy Kwanza (Sorry If I Spelled It Wrong) to everyone. I would like it, if you visit my site, tell your friends about it and to E-mail me with suggestions and comments.


I guess I was wrong about the updates.

Official Site Updated

The official site was updated, on the cyberia section, the cyberia-photos section, and the cyberia-video section.

Updated TV Shows Section

I updated the TV Shows Section & added in it an Episode Guide & a News Section. I updated the Coming soon page (Meet the Stars of Animorphs).

Animorphs TV Series to Air Internationally in 1999 (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Recently, Animorphs enjoyed a great reception by the international community of buyers of children's television at the MIPCOM TV market in Cannes, France. The series was sold to the BBC in the UK, TF-1 in France, TVNZ in New Zealand, and RTE in Ireland, and there are pending deals in other major international territories, as well. TVNZ will kick off the series in February of 1999, with TF-1 in France starting September 1999. The BBC will also air the show in September of 1999, and Nickelodeon UK in November of 1999. Animorphs can currently be seen on the Global Television Network and YTV in Canada!

ANIMORPHS for people without cable (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

If you don’t have Cable, tune into the ABC on Monday, 22 February, when the first episode will be screened at 5.30pm. Follow the Animorphs’ adventures at this time each week.

Schedule (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Unfortunatly, Kablaam has replaced Animorphs on Christmas day.

Sat. Dec. 26

The Message-Cassie and Tobias receives strange visions and pain from Aximili, an Andalite aristh who has crash-landed on earth. It is up to Aximili to decide whether to trust the Animorphs or another stranger who has contacted him... (rerun)


Once again,

Nickelodeon is doing a big Animorphs TV promotion on the weekend of

January 8 -10.

On Friday. January 8, at 7pm there will be a live chat with the stars on AOL. Keyword: nick.

On Saturday, January 9, they're showing an Animorphs Marathon from 1-6 pm with all of the shows that have aired so far.

On Sunday, January 10 at 8pm, there will be a one-hour special episode "The Capture" based on book 6 where Jake becomes a Controller.

After January 10, Nick is MOVING Animorphs to Sunday nights at 8pm.

More news (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Actors participating in the chat will be Christopher Ralph (Tobias),

Nadia Naciamento (Cassie) and Boris Cabrera (Marco).

December 18, 1998: Winter Break

YAAAAAAAY!!! Today I had a field trip to METRO ZOO and it was SO RADICAL. I was also dismissed for winter break, so I'll probably update every day.


I added a disclamer at the bottom.


I'm afraid the species page I mentioned on the 13th will be delayed because, I haven't had enough time. Nevertheless, I will have enugh on winter break.

Animorphs TV Promotion (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Nickelodeon is doing a big Animorphs TV promotion on the weekend of

January 8 -10. On Friday.

January 8, at 7pm there will be a live chat with the stars on AOL. Keyword: nick.

On Saturday, January 9, they're showing an Animorphs Marathon from 1-6 pm with all of the shows that have aired so far.

On Sunday, January 10 at 8pm, there will be a one-hour special episode "The Capture" based on book 6 where Jake becomes a Controller.

After January 10, Nick is MOVING Animorphs to Sunday nights at 8pm.

Animorphs Pt. 1: The Invasion Begins, Home Video (ALSO IN: TV Shows-News Section)

Episode #1 on tape. It can be pre-ordered now. Click here to see the cover for the Animorphs on Home Video. If you look closer, it says that it contains never before seen footage.

Release Information:

Studio: Columbia/Tristar Studios

Video Release Date: February 9, 1999

December 15, 1998: Sample Chapters

As you probably noticed, unlike other sites, I do not have Sample Chapters. On my page there is a new section called Sample Chapters. On it, every month there will be a Sample Chapter of the month's book and of the next month's book. Right now, it has a Sample Chapter of #25 & #26. So, go check it out if you don't have #25. The Sample Chapter on #26 is the one at the end of #25. I put a link on the Comming Soon Page & #25.

More Links

I added a new link in the links section.

December 13, 1998: Links

As you can see, I added a links section in the bottom of my page.


#25 is out. It came out December 11, and I got it yesterday. I finished reading it this morning. A new species was introduced it is called the VENBER, it's like a creature made of ICE and when it gets hot it melts and dies. In the following week, I will add a species page and I'm sure the Venber and all other species will be on it.

December 12, 1998: New Look

The official site has been updated and given a new look. Go check it out!

New Logo

As you can see, I made a new logo. If you like it E-mail me and type <I LIKE IT!!! >.


I noticed that on the Ani-mations page, there are too many and it takes long to load. Therefore, I am adding a new page called More Ani-mations... I am doing this so that it is easier to see the Ani-mations. I also added new PIX from the Official website on the Ani-mations page. On the More Ani-mations... page there are all the BIG PIX and NICK MAG articles.

December 11, 1998: News Flash

I've been just informed that GT interactive has struck a deal with scholastic to make animorphs games for all consoles! Nintendo, Play Station, Satern, Game Boy! EVERYTHING!

December 10, 1998: Book Updates

I added a new section that has books that are coming soon including: #26 The Attack, Meet the Stars of Animorphs, #27 The Exposed, #28 The Experiment, Alternamorphs: The First Journey, #29 The Sickness, Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret and #30 The Reunion


I also added other new sections called Things To Do To A Yeerk, Animorphs Obsessions, and Animorph Jokes & Truth or Dare...

Seasons Grettings

Merry Christmas & Happy Haunikkah (Sorry If I Spelled It Wrong) to everyone. I would like it if you visit my site, tell your friends about it and to E-mail me with suggestions and comments.

December 8, 1998: Letter Colors

Some stuff will be in diffrent colors cause I want to make my site more colorful.

PizzaHut Toy PIX's

I have found PIX of the PizzaHut toys. To go there click on the link below.

PizzHut Toys

Animorph Product Licenses

I added the Licenses list to the Merchandise page.

Licensor: Scholastic Entertainment


Hasbro: Master toy(s)

AME: Boxer shorts

American Needle Inc.: Baseball caps

Antioch Publishing: Stationery

Berkshire Fashions, Inc: Hosiery, knit accessories

Giant Merchandising: T-shirts

GT Interactive: CD-ROMs, computer games, console games

Hallmark: Greeting cards, party goods

Holiday Fair: Backpacks, book bags, wallets

Jay Franco & Sons, Inc: Beach towels

Milton-Bradley: Board games

Plymouth, Inc: School supplies

Springs Industries, Inc: Bedding

SRM: Electronic toys

Other licensees will be unveiled at Licensing 98 International

December 5, 1998: Finnaly Updated Sections

I haven't updated for a while because; I haven't had much time on my hands cause of school! However, today I have updated the Logos, Merchandise, Animation, and The Books (#24 and #25) Section.

The Sanctuary

The Scholastic/Animorphs Site was updated. There was a new section added on it called The Sanctuary. On it, there was an ANIMORHS pic. To see it click on the link below

The Sanctuary


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