
Sightings - Alien sightings, crop circles, ghost stories, good stuff.

The Dominion - Welcome to the edge...the sci-fiction capitol of the world.

Unsolved Mysteries - The show might have gone off the air, but you can still catch the bad guys online.

Alien Abuction Experiance and Research - Provides support and research into alien abductions. Find out if you've been abducted. Take an alien abduction survey. Bulletin board for members.

Sylvia Browne - Psychic and Spiritual Teacher - If you don't believe she can tell the future, at least listen to her explanation as to why your neighbor is such an asshole.


Darkshadows Dot Com A true paradise for the most die hard fan.

Darkshadows from the Sci-Fi Channel - The Sci-fi channel often times runs Dark Shadows episodes and movies.

The Dark Shadows Homepage - One of the first known Darkshadows tributes on the net. Find out convention dates and locations!


ALL ABOUT MY HAIRY ASS Trust me, it's not what you think! Very humorous. Read it out loud to your co-workers and watch their faces when they see the screen you are looking at.

He-Man Ate My Balls! A great "ate my balls" page. It'll make you pee!

College Humor - college humor.

College Scream - most of this isn't meant to be funny, but I didn't know anything else to file it under. Any drenk you can think of, it gives you the ingredients to. Has articles that are important for college students to read.

The Spark - Find out if your a bitch or a slut or an ass with the extensive list of quizzes, brought to you by Sparknotes. Also, absolutely disgusting but true? stories.

Heathenworld- Dead Elvis! Jim Morrison ALIVE! Disgustingly funny!

My Friends

Karl's Homepage- Fuzzy's page. He gripes bunches. He's my friend from high school.

< Millenium Page- No, this is not about the show that used to be on Fox, this is real prophecies of the end of the world. Read on to find out more about the future and the end of civilization. Fuzzy's other page.

X-Files fanfiction page- The name says it all.

The Actor's Web Site - My friend Justin's page. He's an actor, so get his autograph, dammit!

ChubbyVader's Webpage -Chubby is a cool little animated dog created by Ben Taylor. Check out Chubby's adventures, and learn a little more about Ben.

Rod Ante's Homepage- Very funny page. Try to figure out Rod's movie quote of the day

Kelli Johnson's Homepage- My friend Kel's page.

Rooster's Homepage - Matt's page. One of the first people I met when I discovered chat years ago. Neither one of us really have the time to do that anymore :)

NICEROOVA - Think you're the last normal person on Earth and everyone else is nuts? Protect yourself with your cards. Jon's one of my friend's from high school.

Weddster's page- Jon's other page.

Ikv Bayou Serpent - takes you aboard the KAG vessel IKV Bayou Serpent. Louisiana's starship is always looking for a few good klingons to join their crew. Shane shares this page. I met him on-line when he hurt him self on his motorcycle.

Funny Smeg - Josh's page! Enough said!

Lucky's Page My friend Steve's page. He has a famous cousin.

Mike's Page My long lost pen pal, Mike's page. I used it to get caught up after about five years of wondering if he was alive, hah.

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