Tools Used
This site was put together using only a little text editor to let me write the HTML, Paint and a photo editor to bring those pictures down to less silly sizes. Oh and lots of sarcasm of course.
People Thanked
- Jude for many thing whilest at Warwick,
- Piers for being so tall and coming up with numerous suggestions, none of which I used (sorry),
- Chalky for being so cynical,
- Neil who was the first to accuse me of being a goth,
- Heather M for her tender instruction in the ways of statistics,
- Charlie C for being so insanely cheery,
- Jamie for being as mad as I am and lending me his nice black cloak,
- Linda for keeping me same in Worcester,
- Rebecca for all the really long letters,
- Jenny for making it so easy to take the piss out of her (among other non-web related things...),
- Barbie for the quotes,
- Nikki for the emails,
- Simona (she knows why..),
- John for calling repeatedly late at night, managing to turn a silly comment in to a script for a TV series and continuously extolling the virtues of Macs,
- Charlie A for not objecting when virtually anyone else would have,
- Shelley for losing at such interesting games of cards,
- Mandarin for her contributions and emails,
- Those funky people who make Frijj milkshakes,
- and finally everyone who visited ever. Make sure you continue to do so.