Great Clips! Of X-Files!! Yes!!!

Season One Movie Clips

Mulder makes a personal confession to a concerned Scully.

Agent vs. Agent

Mulder rescuing his beloved Scully from Tooms.

Scully confessing her undying love to Mulder :)

Beyond the Sea
Mulder gets shot and it's Scully to his rescue!

Darkness Falls
Scully panicks and Mulder attempts to calm her down.

Erlenmeyer Flask
Deep Throat gets shot and Mulder gets pushed out of a van. Who does Scully run to first? Mulder of course!

Season Two Movie Clips

Don't mess with Mulder's women! Mulder nearly strangles Duane Barry to death after he finds Scully's hair on Duane Barry's hospital wristband.

End Game
An alien bounty hunter morphed as Mulder attacks Scully to find out where the real Mulder is. Of course she doesn't tell him. That's our brave Scully! :)

Season Three Movie Clips

Paper Clip
Mulder's concern for Scully leads him to search for her file in the underground vault.

Paper Clip
Mulder and Scully share a very tender moment at what had been Melissa's bedside.

Scully comes running to Mulder's aide after hearing his gun go off.

War of the Coprophages
Mulder is surrounded and Scully worries about his safety.

Are his lips saying "I love you"? Watch and find out.

Wetwired The famous scene where these words where spoken: "Scully, you are the only one I trust."

Season Four Clips

Memento Mori

Have Cancer I.avi
Have Cancer II.avi

Small Potatoes

'Light Saber' avi
Office Scene
'Mulder' at home
Almost Kiss
'Loser' Scene

Season Five Clips


'I don't wanna wrestle' to Scully singing Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Raining Sleeping Bags to talking about dying
Scully opening bullet

From Post-Modern Prometheus-



Hug in 'Terma
Scully kicks ass in 'Kill Switch'
Mulder by Scully's bedside in 'One breath'
Scully shoots Mulder, in Anasazi

David and Gillian walk up to the podium at the 1998 Golden Globe Awards
Mitch Pileggi and Nick Lea talk about the X-Files

Gillian Anderson:
On Future Fantastic
Short E! interview
Gillian talks about Neurofibromatosis (NF)

Lean On Me Trailer- very shippy!

Clips of Mulder and Scully Romance to the song Elsewhere, by Sarah McLachlan.
AVI Zipped
MOV Zipped
Made by Sarah Kiley
Many of the Video Clips provided by The X-Files Multimedia Archive.

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