gamisc006.jpg - Gillian looking relaxed and lovely on a roof top
djeopardy.jpg - David on Jeopardy!
gayoga.jpg - Gillian doing yoga
sghost.jpg - episode pic (The Ghosts That Stole Christmas), Scully looking terrified
image2.jpg - Gillian behind the wheel
x16.jpg - from the movie, Mulder and Scully in the board processing review meeting
xf03.jpg - from the movie, Mulder and Scully about to run into the corn field
new12.jpg - from the movie, Mulder kneeling and grasping Scully's wrist in the bee dome
new1.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* from the movie, Scully holding Mulder by the ice crater
tosleep.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* b/w, manipulated, Mulder asleep on Scully's shoulder
pusher.jpg - episode pic (Pusher), shocked and scared Scully
blessingway.jpg - episode pic (The Blessing Way), half-dead Mulder in the sky during the Blessing Way ritual
memori.jpg - episode pic (Memento Mori), sick Scully
pmp-n3.jpg - episode pic (Post-Modern Prometheus), b/w, beginning of dance scene
triangle.jpg - episode pic (Triangle), 1998 Scully/1939 Scully
cutetriangle.gif - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Triangle), slightly fuzzy, hospital scene
facewipe.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Red Museum), Mulder wiping Scully's face while eating BBQ
necklace.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (?) Mulder toying with Scully's necklace
kiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* a nice close-up of the movie almost-kiss
movie1.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* a nice version of the movie hallway hug
sultry.jpg - David and Gillian looking faintly sultry in reddish hues
neatad.jpg - a neat ad for the 100th episode
smilesmile.jpg - ep pic (Small Potatoes), a grinning Eddie Van Blundht in MulderWear
chinga.jpg - ep pic (Chinga), bored Mulder passes the time without Scully
kodak2.jpg - goofy David and grinning Gillian, squished together
ironmask.jpg - David in an iron mask
kilt.jpg - David goes Scottish! If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!
yoga.jpg - b/w, David doing yoga (sorta)
lucy.jpg - Gillian as Lucille Ball
radio.jpg - Gillian doing a radio show
ff.jpg - easy, breezy, beautiful Gillian, hosting Future Fantastic
logilly.jpg - Gillian looking cover model-ish
gg.jpg - Dave and Gilly backstage at the Golden Globes
cutes.jpg - cute David and Gillian presenting at an award show
emmy4.jpg - David and Gillian lookin' good at the '97 Emmys
ddgagg4.jpg - David and Gillian lookin' good at the Golden Globes
laugh.jpg - b/w photo shoot outtake
movie75.jpg - promo pic, the two agents looking startled, over their shoulders
ddgabore.jpg - David and Gillian looking bored in front of cameras
scifiuni.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* closeup, David behind Gillian, his hand near her chin
sci3.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cute pic, colored greenish, Gillian huddling against David's chest
ddgatvtd.jpg - David and Gillian looking up at camera
anasazi.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Anasazi), concerned Scully hovering over sick Mulder
2cute.jpg - 2nd season promo pic, trenchcoated and cute David and Gillian
goofy.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian goofing off at a shoot
inside.gif - * SHIPPY ALERT* Gillian and David in black on their knees
terma.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Terma), the courtroom hug
official.jpg - front-lit pic of Mulder/Scully looking official
backs.jpg - David, Gillian, and Chris backstage at the Golden Globes
tvwhole.jpg - the whole main cast on a TV Guide cover
lgm.jpg - A funny pic of the Lone Gunmen
transtruth.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* a cute collage
blp.jpg - bluish side view of Mulder and Scully's faces
bwgood.jpg - b/w pic of David by Gillian's side
closegood - very nice close-up of David and Gillian's faces
collage.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* very pretty and shippy collage
cutedg.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cute, early promo pic of David touching Gillian's face
fore.jpg - ep pic, Scully's face blurry in foreground, worried Mulder in background
grave.jpg - ep pic (Bad Blood), Mulder and Scully checking out a graveyard in the nighttime
imposing.jpg - faintly blurry promo pic of imposing-looking David and Gillian
office.jpg - smoky promo of David/Gillian going through files
pmpdance.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* the dance scene in Post-Modern Prometheus
pray.jpg - ep pic, Mulder praying and upset
angryMul.jpg - episode pic, Mulder looking worried
beavis.jpg - funny! Beavis and Butthead as Mulder and Scully
behindscenes.jpg - behind the scenes, Gillian grinning at David
behindscenes2.jpg - behind the scenes, Gillian getting her hair hairsprayed, David whistling
behindscenes3gs.jpg - behind the scenes of the filming of Ghost Ship (episode 3 of 6th season)
believe.jpg - Mulder's "I Want To Believe" poster
breathdammit.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* from the movie, Mulder: "Breathe, dammit!"
bsmovie.jpg - David and Gillian behind the scenes of movie filming
bsmovie2.jpg - movie filming, David and Gillian shooting ice scene against green-screen
bwguns.jpg - B/W, episode pic, Mulder and Scully with guns
chess.bmp - episode pic, Mulder and Scully looking at a chess board
closetokiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* from the movie, one second before the bee sting
cuteness1.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* candid of Gillian holding David to her, hand on his face
cuteness2.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* close-up of cuteness1.jpg, Gillian holding David's face
clutch.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian in black, holding each other
denise.jpg - David as his Twin Peaks character, Denise
dragdave.jpg - David in drag, in Gillian's arms
faceoff.jpg - episode pic, Mulder and Scully facing off over an autopsy table
faces.jpg - extreme closeup of Gillian/David's faces
funnyset.jpg - behind the scenes, Gillian and David on a hospital bed
funnyset2.jpg - behind the scenes, David and Gillian on directors' chairs
funnyset3.jpg - B/W behind the scenes, Gillian and David with coffee
GimmeAKiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cute pic from People shoot, Gillian kissing David's cheek
globe13.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* Gillian about to kiss David at the Golden Globes
gorgeous.jpg - Gillian looking gorgeous, as always
hallwayscene.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* Mulder and Scully hugging in the hallway (from the movie)
HandKiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Redux II), Mulder kissing Scully's hand
homeyd.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian in trenchcoats, him behind her actin' like a homey
holdhand.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cute candid of David and Gillian holding hands
hopeMul.jpg - episode pic, Mulder looking worried/hopeful
intropic.jpg - Mulder and Scully w/flashlights, brown background
kissme.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* the movie almost-kiss
kitscully.jpg - episode pic (Kitsunegari), Scully about to shoot herself
littledave.jpg - David as a little boy, w/sibling
littlegilly.jpg - Gillian as a little girl
mad.jpg - Mad magazine cover, spoof of famous picture
mcry.jpg - episode pic (Redux II), Mulder sobbing at Scully's bedside, VERY angsty
MemMoriMSmile.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Memento Mori), Scully smiling up at Mulder in the hospital hall
mmouttake.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* Memento Mori cut footage, Mulder kissing Scully in the hospital hallway
Morgue.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* B/W, Gillian and David wrapped up in sheets in a morgue
mouthtomouth.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* B/W, CPR scene from the movie
movieline.jpg - Movieline magazine cover, close-up of Gillian's pretty face
msdance.jpg - David and Gillian gettin' funky at a photo shoot
mswoods.jpg - slightly manipulated episode pic, Mulder and Scully kneeling in the woods
muldoss.jpg - early promo pic of Mulder with big hair
na1.jpg - episode pic (Never Again), Scully eating Chinese
Outtake2.jpg - an episode outtake, David and Gillian cracking up
PeopleMag.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* from People shoot, casual David behind Gillian, arms wrapped around her
pilot1.jpg - episode pic (Pilot), Mulder and Scully's first meeting
pilot2.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Pilot), Mulder examining Scully's mosquito bites
pmpkiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* B/W manipulated episode pic (Post-Modern Prometheus), Mulder and Scully dancing, kissing
premiere.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* Gillian and David at the movie post-premiere party
prettygilly1.jpg - Gillian in a white t-shirt, by a red-leaved tree
prettygilly2.jpg - Gillian in a suit, on a chair, holding a script
prettygilly3.jpg - Gillian grinning, with curly short hair
prettyscully.jpg - episode pic (Teliko), Scully looking nonplussed and pretty
protect.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David looking protective as he holds Gillian
qeebath.jpg - episode pic (War of the Coprophages), Scully giving Queequeg a bath
realcute.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David framing Gillian's face with his hands, goofy smiles!
realkiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* The REAL Mulder/Scully kiss from Triangle!!!
roof.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* Gillian looking glam, held against David's chest
rs.jpg - cover of Australian Rolling Stone, Gillian looking startled and sexy in red dress
rstone1.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cover of Rolling Stone, David and Gillian naked in bed!!!
rstone2.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* outtake of above pic, w/Blue in the bed
sagkiss.gif - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian kissing on stage at SAG Awards
script.jpg - David and Gillian perusing a newspaper
sculcan.jpg - episode pic (Redux II), Scully looking ill w/cancer
sculdoss.jpg - early promo pic of Scully looking serious
scullysmoke.jpg - episode pic (Syzygy), Scully jealously smoking
seriousa.jpg - David and Gillian looking solemn
seriousb.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* looking serious, Gillian in black tank top, David's head on her chest
shippy12.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Irresistable), Mulder hugging Scully
shippy14.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic, Scully sitting with Mulder
shippy2.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* Gillian and David all in white, him behind her, arms around her waist
shippy20.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Memento Mori), Mulder kissing Scully's forehead
shippy21.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Memento Mori), Mulder holding Scully's face, her looking up at him
shippy22.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (Herrenvolk), Mulder crying on Scully's shoulder
shippy7.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian all in black, holding each other
slammer.jpg - episode pic, Mulder in the slammer
Slurp.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cover of US magazine, Gillian licking David's face
springfiles.jpg - Mulder and Scully on the Simpsons
straddle.jpg - B/W, Gillian straddling David's shoulders
squish.jpg - David and Gillian with their lips squished against glass
theend.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (The End), Scully comforting Mulder in their burned office
tiredMul.jpg - episode pic (End Game), Mulder in hospital bed
trihand.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian holding hands through a structure
trihug.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian hugging through a structure
trikiss.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David and Gillian in kissing pose, separated by structure
trip1.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* David catches Gillian as she trips at the Golden Globes
tristand.jpg - Gillian and David standing in triangle structures
tvguide2.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* cover of TV Guide, David and Gillian dancing, smiling
us.jpg - cover of US magazine, David in black tank top
ust.jpg - Mulder and Scully looking at each other (from the movie)
weirdgillian.jpg - colored pic of Gillian looking weird
WHOA.jpg - David naked in bed with someone!!!
whoadave1.jpg - David looking pensive in an easy chair
whoadave2.jpg - David looking HOT in leather pants!!
whoadave3.jpg - David slouched in a stairwell
windy.jpg - Gillian and David looking windswept
xf208clg.jpg - *SHIPPY ALERT* episode pic (One Breath), Scully in hospital bed, Mulder holding her hand
xman.jpg - cover of Australian TV Guide, David looking slightly annoyed
xtoys.jpg - Mulder and Scully action figures!!
© 1997