I always thought some songs reminded me of Mulder and Scully, but I got the idea to actually make tapes from the Mulder and Scully Soundtrack Project website (which is on my links page, if you care to visit). I got many of the songs on my tapes from that site.
There are currently 4 'shipper soundtracks. Now, here is the illegal part. If you would like a copy of any of the tapes, e-mail me with your address and I will send copies to you, with a creative tape cover included, for a very small fee (like $5, to cover mailing costs). In your e-mail, specify which soundtrack you would like me to copy for you. And don't report me to anyone, please! I'm just trying to spread the Mulder/Scully love!!
If you have any more song ideas, please feel free to e-mail them to me.
'Shipper Soundtrack, Volume Two
'Shipper Soundtrack, Volume Three
'Shipper Soundtrack, Volume Four
© 1997 uberscully@mailexcite.com