Do you know why you are here? I don't either.. lol If you are here to learn more about me, then all you must do is look at the links on the top and ye shall learn. I am a 30-something SIMPLE woman from Iowa named Gayle. I have three girls, Lydia, Alexis and Kassidy and a baby boy on the way named Thomas. They are good kids (usually) and there is more about them on the pages included in this site. Be patient, I am working on this site, it's an old site and there are many links that are dead. I am trying to revamp the whole thing, so if you run across a legitimate complaint, please feel free to email me and let me know! Relax and enjoy your stay.

If you ever get the inkling to actually see me, all you have to do is go to Paltalk and download the software. Once you download the software, I am usually in a room under the meet new friends catagory called "Internationals" or the room "Love and Fun at Central Station." Paltalk is also where I met my one and only... MUAHSSSSS all my love always.. you know who you are!!! So you never know what might happen ;-)

Not to leave out my dear old friends from TalkCity, they are my family, each and everyone of them. I hope they know it too. I know I haven't been in much lately, and when I have, there hasn't been much activity, but if you can't find me in Paltalk, then it's possible that I'm in Talkcity in a room called CityPubTooCool. If I'm not there, enjoy Cheri's hospitality, cuz it's the best there ever was. Ok.. enough.. check out the site.

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