"Ego ipse custodes custudio"

--the Watchman.

Casey's school picture.

(She really does read, btw.)

Classic Questions:

Name: Cassandra Tarin Slaughter

Alias: Casey, Oso, Slots

Age: 19

Birthdate: 5-14-81

Location: Madison, WI

Occupation: Student, comic book shop worker, and political analyst for hire.


Cartoon: Batman: The Animated Series

TV Show: Inside Politics

Movie: Clerks

Music: R.E.M., Matchbox20, Smashmouth, lots of stuff.

Books: All I've been reading are comic books lately, but I'm re-reading The Great Gatsby. I love F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Hobbies: Writing, reading, sleeping, movies, conversation, comics, and politics, politics, politics.

Animal: Moose!

Stuffed Animal: I have a blue bear and it has stars all over it. I love it because I love stars.

Color: charcoal and blue

Toy: Whatever action figure I've just bought.

Drink: Pepsi!

Appendix 2000: (Questions suggested by other people ;D)

Most annoying habit: When someone is trying to debate with me and I don't feel like it I just say "Okay" in a plain way to everything they say until they stop.

Last criminal act: I burned a CD full of Napster music a few weeks ago.

Quickest way to tell you're grumpy: I've lost the ability to conceal my facial expressions, so just look at my face. I'm probably staring at you in an aggresive manner.

Your weirdest trait: I think my ability to turn a regular question into a comic book question is weird. For example. You ask me if I've ever watched the Batman TV show. I reply yes, go into a lecture of which villians were really in the comics and then end it up with the explination of the three Robins. 4 if you count Kerry Kelly Robin.

Describe a recurring dream: I keep having this dream where a famous celebrity I like shows up in one of my classes, or at my job, or around campus and we're just the best of friends. Chatting it up about what so and so did yesterday.

Last job held before your current one (or just your last job, if you're

unemployed.): I worked for my mom at a convience store she manages. I waited on customers and was treated like garbage by total strangers.

Sadist or Masochist? Realist

TV/Movie Character you most want to be: I know that if I had been born in the old west I'd be a cowgirl.

TV/Movie Character you're most like: Lois Lane. At least, I like to think so.

Jack Van Impe or Rexella? (If you don't know who these people are, consider

yourself lucky.) I'm lucky all right.

"Journalism is like a shot-gun. If it's aimed right it can blow a knee cap off the world." Spider Jeruselum (As written by Warren Ellis)

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