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December 25, 1999 (Stardate 52980.5)
Merry Christmas!
Today I've got the deck charts of the Voyager and the Equinox for you.
And guess what I found underneath the Christmas tree: the new Encyclopedia 3! So you can look forward to some fascinating updates.
December 21, 1999 (Stardate 52972.6)
Added my fact file about the Borg.
December 15, 1999 (Stardate 52956.3)
Added some new ship pics and a bunch of
new schematics:
  • B'Omar Ship (top view, side view, front view)
  • Delta Flyer (side view)
  • Hirogen Ship (top view, side view, front view)
  • Krenim Warship (top view, side view, front view)
  • Nova Class (side view)
  • Sydney Class (side view)
    November 02, 1999 (Stardate 52756.2)
    New Schematics:
  • Ambassador Class (top, side)
  • Ambassador Class Modification (top, side, bottom, front, rear)
  • Nebula Class (bottom, front, rear)
  • Oberth Class (top, bottom, front, rear)
  • Species 8472 Bioship (side, front, rear)
    Thanks to SciFi-Art.
    October 03, 1999 (Stardate 52756.2)
  • Added 8 new, cool Fonts!
    I also got some new Schematics:
  • Air Tram (top, front)
  • Cataati Ship (top, side)
  • Ferengi Marauder (top, front)
  • Numiri Ship (top, side)
  • Sheliak Ship (top, side)
  • Sovereign Class Escape Pod (top, side, bottom)
    and some better versions of schematics I already had:
  • Romulan Scout Ship (top)
  • Captain's Yacht, Galaxy Class (top, side, front)
    October 01, 1999 (Stardate 52750.7)
    I learned that the Prometheus Cutaway I added September 21 actually isn't official at all. Luckily, the new Encyclopedia 3 features an accurate Prometheus cutaway view, so I could replace the fake one right away.
    In addition, I added a Cheyenne Class top view, the fascinating combined side view/cutaway of the Equinox and two personal files: the ones of Christine Chapel and Janice Rand.
    Added the USS Frederickson to the UFP/Starfleet Ship List.
    September 25, 1999 (Stardate 52733.4)
    Some more schematics:
  • Galaxy Class Primary Hull (top view, bottom view, front view)
  • Galaxy Class Secondary Hull (rear view)
  • Nebula Class (rear view)
  • Sovereign Class (rear view)
  • Yeager Class (top view)
    September 21, 1999 (Stardate 52723.5)
    Added the following schematics:
  • New Orleans Class (top view, side view, bottom view, front view, rear view) * ;
  • Excelsior Class (top view, bottom view, front view, rear view) * ;
  • Ambassador Class (bottom view, front view, rear view) * ;
    [* Thanks to Tachy from SciFi-Art]
  • Prometheus Class Cutaway [Thanks to Barbara Jayroe]
  • Galaxy Class bottom view and
  • Galaxy Class Secondary Hull (top view, bottom view).
    September 16, 1999 (Stardate 52709.1)
    On demand, I added a Galaxy Class Cutaway.
    September 09, 1999 (Stardate 52690.4)
    Made several minor corrections and additions to the Starfleet ship list; added 2 new Links, a reference to Frank G.'s new SWDAO pages (> Facts page) and a UFP Starship Size Comparison Chart featuring 29 different starships.
    September 04, 1999 (Stardate 52676.6)
    Added a side view of the new Enterprise's Captain's Yacht, a better schematic of the Enterprise itself and a nice picture of Bajor.
    August 08, 1999 (Stardate 52602.8)
    Added the following schematics: Galaxy Class Saucer / Stardrive Section and Escape Pod, improved DS9 top / side view.
    The Insignia collection now features the new Starfleet Seal from Insurrection.
    August 01, 1999 (Stardate 52583.5)
    Added the deck chart of the Enterprise-A and six new Pictures.
    July 24, 1999 (Stardate 52561.7)
    Added deck charts of the Defiant and the Enterprise-E.
    July 20, 1999 (Stardate 52550.9)
    Somebody complained about the blue links on black background being hardly legible; I therefore changed the link color on all HTML-pages to light blue. I seized the opportunity to change some pages, for example the Chronology and the Transporter (the Starship Schematics Database is back!).
    Added a (big) cutaway of the Intrepid Class.
    July 15, 1999 (Stardate 52537.1)
    I finally finished the fact file about Klingons!
    July 11, 1999 (Stardate 52526.1)
    Modified the fact files about the Federation and Vulcans. Added some new pictures.
    July 06, 1999 (Stardate 52512.6)
    Added the personal files of Reg "Broccoli" Barclay, Nurse Ogawa and Lt. Hawk. I also got more accurate schematics of the Apollo Class and the Maquis Raider. Found a schematic of Insurrection's Type-11-shuttlecraft.
    June 28, 1999 (Stardate 52490.4)
    Added 22 Starship Schematics.
    June 24, 1999 (Stardate 52480.8)
    Added personal files of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, McCoy, Uhura, Sulu and Chekov.
    June 22, 1999 (Stardate 52474.4)
    Fixed some bad links on the Fonts page. Thanks to Christopher for the hint.
    June 18, 1999 (Stardate 52463.4)
    I totally revised the structure of my site. The most remarkable changes are the modified navigation bars/buttons, the new Fonts page, and the Audio Files, containing 2 MBs of WAV sounds.
    Updated the Federation Ship List.
    Joined the United Federation of Trek Sites Webring.
    June 17, 1999 (Stardate 52460.1)
    I was given an Award of Excellence by Craig's Star Trek Page. Thanks a lot!
    June 14, 1999 (Stardate 52451.9)
    Updated the Federation Ship List.

    It took me almost two months to collect the 293 schematics you can now view at this site. I wanted to archive every single "official" starship, shuttle or space station design that ever appeared in Star Trek. The 54 files I uploaded today where the last ones I have, so If you have a schematic that is missing here, it would be kind of you to send me the URL.
    June 11, 1999 (Stardate 52443.9)
    Updated the Federation Ship List and added 5 new schematics.
    June 08, 1999 (Stardate 52435.8)
    Added 22 new schematics: Cutaways of the Constitution Class and Constitution Class Refit, and the Space Stations schematics, which finally complete the schematics database.
    June 05, 1999 (Stardate 52427.6)
    Added 35 new schematics of Shuttles & Small Craft.
    June 01, 1999 (Stardate 52416.3)
    Added 6 more pictures and 2 more schematics (ventral view of Intrepid and Sovereign Classes).
    May 23, 1999 (Stardate 52392.7)
    Added fact file about Vulcans and the Ode to Spot to the Database.
    May 20, 1999 (Stardate 52383.6)
    Added a package of 51 new starship schematics (thanks to Bernd Schneider for the support), including Cardassian, Dominion, Kazon and Son'a designs. The Schematics page now contains 159 schematics of 79 different ship types. I think this should be enough for the time being.
    If there is any schematic you miss, tell me. Shuttles and Space Stations are not yet included, but will possibly be added soon.
    May 18, 1999 (Stardate 52378.6)
    Revised the Pictures Page; the Starship Schematics are now on a separate page. The Updates&Additions Page is now accessible from the button in the upper right corner of the LCARS interface.
    Added another 24 Schematics.
    May 16, 1999 (Stardate 52372.3)
    Added fact file about Quantum Torpedoes, and my Cheyenne Class schematic.
    May 12, 1999 (Stardate 52361.4)
    Another 35 new Starship Schematics...
    Besides, I updated the Ship List.
    May 10, 1999 (Stardate 52355.9)
    Revised the the upper part of the LCARS interface to make it look even more authentic. Added Dr. Crusher's, Counselor Troi's and Geordi LaForge's personal files.
    May 08, 1999 (Stardate 52350.6)
    Added the fascinating Chronology of Historical Events. Slightly changed the Federation fact file and the Start Screen. Added yet another new trek link to the Transporter.

    Stardate 52350.9
    Uploaded the incredible number of 23 new Starship Schematics (1,4 MBytes !!), some of them taken from Jim Stevenson's Starship Schematics Database, which has unfortunately disappeared about half a year ago.
    May 02, 1999 (Stardate 52334.4)
    Changed some ratings at the Transporter and added one more link.
    April 29, 1999 (Stardate 52326.4)
    Uploaded another 12 Starship Schematics.
    April 26, 1999 (Stardate 52318.9)
    Added the Starship Schematics section. Right now, there are some REALLY cool schematics from the Akira Class and USS Prometheus.
    April 25, 1999 (Stardate 52315.3)
    Updated the UFP/Starfleet ship list: added USS Curry, USS Leeds and USS Trinculo.
    April 24, 1999 (Stardate 52312.2)
    Added 3 ship pictures, 16 insignia and 2 personal files (Chief O'Brien and Odo).
    April 22, 1999 (Stardate 52306.6)
    I thought it's time to enlarge the database. Therefore, added fact files about Starfleet Phasers and Personal Access and Display Devices.
    April 18, 1999 (Stardate 52296.1)
    Added the missing pictures (Crew section) and the Register of Sentient Lifeforms.
    April 16, 1999 (Stardate 52290.6)
    Added another 6 personal files: Ens. Kim, Lt. Paris, Lt. Torres, the Doctor, Seven and Neelix.
    April 15, 1999 (Stardate 52288.1)
    Added 7 (!) more files to Crew section: Lt. Tuvok, Cmdr. Data, Major Kira, Cpt. Picard, Cmdr. Riker, Cpt. Sisko and Dr. Bashir. Some pictures are still missing, they'll be there soon.
    April 13, 1999 (Stardate 52282.3)
    Added personal files of Commander Chakotay, Allegiance's Commanding Officer Captain O'Flanagan and Allegiance's CONN Ensign Ampère.
    April 11, 1999 (Stardate 52277.2)
  • Added some links to the Transporter
  • Added the FastCounter by LinkExchange
  • Made some interface changes
  • Completely rebuilt the Crew section; it will now be a database with Starfleet's personal files, that is pictures and biographies of various Star Trek characters and the crew of the Allegiance. For the moment, there are Cmdr. Davok's and Cpt. Janeway's files.
    April 10, 1999 (Stardate 52274.5)
    I got yet another alternative URL for this site: http://come.to/Allegiance. In the meantime, I added the Federation fact file to the database.
    April 07, 1999 (Stardate 52266.2)
    Added the Start Screen (of course in authentic LCARS-style). I also slightly changed the interface of the Front Page so that it will be loaded faster.
    From now on, there is a new URL that can be used as an alternative to the [long] geocities address: http://davok.notrix.de.
    March 23, 1999 (Stardate 52224.7)
    You can now send subspace messages to our First Officer, Lt. Cmdr. Davok, if you have any comments or suggestions.
    March 09, 1999 (Stardate 52186.9)
    The Library Computer Access and Retrieval System of the USS Allegiance goes on-line.

    Main Page  Schematics  Pictures  Facts  Personnel  Fonts  Audio Files  
    USS Allegiance   Updates & Additions  Transporter