Mmph. one must be pleasing in the eye before one can be pleasing in the ear. but first amongst the pleasings there must be an unpleasing in the mind. my nose has just begun to bleed. this puts a damper on my typing here to say the least. if you've ever known a beauty in your life it will be in the eyes that you can see the soul of the world. it's chilling really when one sees that soul. that pure itty bitty ness. it makes me shiver every time. prolong if you can the time after you first see through someone, because it is rare that they will be the portal again. like alignments they are but few and never the same. we must always onwards to the next chasing the elusive sight. the sight which frees us ever so briefly from the drudgery of trying to live. these are livings! they are not the days and days we try but actually the thing we are trying. the idea of living is not living. these soul portals are living. fucking blood.