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Indochinese Tigers


Indochinese Tigers
Panthera tigris corbetti

The distribution of the Indochinese tiger is centered in Thailand. Indochinese tigers are also found in Myanmar, southern China, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and peninsular Malaysia.Within this range, tigers live in remote forests in hilly to mountainous terrain, much of which lies along the borders between countries. Access to these areas is often restricted, and biologists have only recently been granted limited permits for field surveys. As a result, relatively little is know about the status of these tigers in the wild. An estimated 1,227–1,785 Indochinese tigers are left in the wild, and about 60 live in zoos in Asia and the U.S.A. Indochinese tigers are a bit smaller and darker than Bengal tigers, with shorter, narrower stripes. Males average 2.7 meters (9 feet) from head to tail and weigh about180 kilograms (400 pounds). Females are smaller, measuring about 2.4 meters (8 feet) in length and weighing approximately 115 kilograms (250 pounds). The Indochinese tiger eats wild pig, wild deer and wild cattle. The specific range size of this tiger is not know, however the population density is thought to be approximately 4-5 adult tigers/100 km2 (62 miles) in optimal habitat.

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