Irresistible tales of Adventure, Suspense, and Romantic Intrigue!

Fiction can take us on exciting, suspenseful journeys to lands near and far; where we encounter heroes and villains, heroines and seductresses.

My own definition of "fiction" as used here is that which cannot be characterized as science fiction or fantasy. I do not include "romance", or what might be described as "horror", simply because I have little experience with such works, though I acknowledge their popularity.

Here I'll present my own favorite fictional authors and their creations, from raw western sagas to modern adventure. Here you'll discover characters who dwell in our world; but perhaps in the past. Here dwell pirates and princesses; spies and saboteurs; gunfighters and gladiators.

I've listed a character or particular favorite book in parentheses after the writer, in some instances. I've also listed a few non-fiction books which are favorites of mine. I'll add to the list as I work on this site.

These writers and books have provided me with immeasurable pleasure. I hope you discover some you might enjoy. These are writers whose books, or at least one of whose books, I've enjoyed. I discuss these writers and their works as I see them, positively and negatively.

The painting is by Julie Bell; a spectacular depiction of Zorro (about whom I've never read).

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Copyright 1998 by Robert A. Woodley. All rights reserved worldwide.