Travels to Adventure

Photography from Adventurous and Beautiful Destinations

Leisure and Adventure.

I've taken many beautiful photgraphs, though most of them are on slide film, and I don't have prints (except large blow-ups of the best ones) to scan. I do have many prints however which capture some of the beauty I've enjoyed on some of my vacations.

I will set forth some of my photographs in this section, for any who enjoy photographs of exotic locations.

Presently, I have some photos on this page which will be moved to sub-pages.

See the bottom of this page for links to particular trips.

Fog and mist drifting through a forest in Glacier National Park. The moist, rich greens and browns contrast here.

This is a photo taken at sunset from an oceanside restaurant called "The Green Parrot", which is located next to "The Sand Dollar",one of many fine dive resorts in Bonaire. Bonaire is an island, part of the Nethelands Antilles, which includes two other islands, Aruba and Curacao. Bonaire has great visibility and abundant coral and sponge life.

It does lack, as to most Carribean dive locations, large pelagics (ocean predators); and it has no vertical walls. For new divers; divers who love photography; and those who love night diving, Bonaire is hard to beat. It is several miles from the coast of Venezuala.

This is another photo taken from the "Green Parrot". That place had great food. The burgers were superb. This will show you how different sunsets can appear from day to day in the Carribean.

I have several photographs of the these two sunsets. These two I had blown up and hang in my office.

Bonaire is a particularly good dive vacation in the winter, since Carribean storms rarely extend to Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacau.

Although they are quite close, Bonaire's diving is far better than that around Aruba. The diving is mediocre in Aruba. For a non-diver, however, Aruba is a spectacular vacation.

When I first took up diving in 1990, I went to Cancun and Cozumel on a dive vacation with a friend, Denise Evans. Our first dive in Cozumel was a story in itself. It was Santa Rosa Wall, and I will never forget it. This was our dive boat. We went through a storm in this boat.

I love the colors in this photograph. The blues and the greens.

We were new divers, and had no idea of what a "drift dive" consisted of, nor had we ever dived off a vertical wall, where the abyss stretches out below you. That was just an amazing dive. We got separated; a girl got bit by a grouper; I saw a barracuda which was nearly six feet long. Whew.

This is just a snapshot, but does show you what much of the coastline along the windward side of Oahu is like. It varies between sandy beaches and rocky cliffs It is a beautiful drive, and along athge northeastern shore is what is called the "North Shore", famous in surfing for the Banzai Pipeline, Waimea Bay, and other spots.

These are mountains on the eastern side of Oahu. All the islands in Hawaii are volcanic mountains. The eastern sides get the trade winds, and are covered with lush vegetation The western sides contain much desert terrain, though some beautiful terrain, too. On the other side of these mountains is Honolulu.

This is an example of the other type of coastline found along the windward side of Oahu. Beautiful blue surf crashing against the rocky shoreline. This was taken along the southern part of the windward shore.

This is a photograph of Waikiki, taken at night from this pier which extended out into the ocean near our hotel. Waikiki is quite a place, and not that expensive in the summer. My favroite island is Maui, but Oahu is a must visit on every trip.

This is Turneffe Island, where I stayed when on a dive vacation to Belize.I'll eventually have a separate page for Belize photos.

These are the two princesses I saved from the Hammerhead shark.

The trip over, two divers share a quiet moment on the boat ride back to Belize from Turneffe Island Lodge, thinking about a fantastic week gone by.

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Copyright 1998 by Robert A. Woodley. All rights reserved worldwide.