Terra's and Tellah's Trivia

For Only Those Who Know Final Fantasy

***Warning*** This is only for those who really know Final Fantasy. This doesn't help you in Final Fantasy at all, well maybe to find unecesary stuff sometimes. If you even dought your intelligence of Final Fantasy, just leave now. Now, for those of you still reading, get ready for this Trivia. These answers will stay until some one gets them all right. Please send your answers to Nin Rac@aol.com I prefer the letter and answer, but they aren't required.

#1. What is the first GF you receive after you receive your starting GFs?
A. Shiva
B. Ifrit
C. Leviathan
D. Quezacotl

#2. Which FF5J job class can use "Exploder"?
a. Black Mage
b. Time/Red Mage
c. Summoner
d. Blue

#3. Who can't equip sword type weapons?
a. Cayenne
b. Cecil
c. Kain
d. Locke

#4. What is the name of the final character to join your team in FF5J (Not the Anthologies version)?
a. Faris
b. Cara
c. Tara
d. Galuf

#5. Which type of enemies are in both Final Fantasy Series and Xenogears?
a. Angel
b. RedRum
c. Gear
d. Imp

REMEMBER-You can e-mail me what you know And guess on those you don't. At least try, that's all I'm asking. Thank you.

Last Trivia's Answers:
#1. Which GF can you draw from NORG?
C. Leviathan

#2. Which FF5J job class can use "Unicorn"?
b. Archer/Hunter

#3. Who can you equip the bone club with?
d. None of the above

#4. What four numbers are on Ifrit's card (starting from top and moving clockwise)?
a. 9,6,2,8

#5. Which game series does not have the monster/family called Slime?
b. Xenogears
Gameboy versions do count

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Please don't cheat. I will only accept your first letter of each day. Please send your questions. If you send the hardest, your e-mail address will be right next to your qustion. Last week's Winners were: Elevul133@aol.com

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