Currently running PennMUSH Version 1.7.2 patchlevel 17
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/.-- / //-\\ \ --.\
// \ |-|=====|-| / \\
|| _.-' \-\_@_/-/ `-._ ||
_|-' `-----'
Welcome to:
Star Trek: Final Battle
Use 'connect <name>
<password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'connect guest'
to log in as a guest and to register for a character.
Use 'QUIT' to logout.
Use the 'who' command
to find out who is online currently.
Either that player
does not exist, or has a different password.
Currently running PennMUSH Version 1.7.2 patchlevel 17
______ ______
/.-- / //-\\ \ --.\
// \ |-|=====|-| / \\
|| _.-' \-\_@_/-/ `-._ ||
_|-' `-----'
Welcome to:
Star Trek: Final Battle
Use 'connect <name>
<password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'connect guest'
to log in as a guest and to register for a character.
Use 'QUIT' to logout.
Use the 'who' command
to find out who is online currently.
Welcome to Final Battle TrekMUSH.
Welcome to Final Battle TrekMUSH.
If you would like to view the theme, it is in the Information Room.
If you would like a character, please look at the Registration Machine.
If you have any questions,
please dont hestiate to type +RPA.
Last connect was
from on Fri Nov 27 20:52:46 1998.
MAIL: 2 messages
in folder 0 [INBOX] (0 unread, 0 cleared).
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
All ships/sims being
re-helmed. Please do not disturn Dave or Space-BC at this time as it is
a long and boring process.
Guest MOTD
Welcome to Star Trek: Final Battle. If you wish to view the theme, it is
in the Information room. To register for a character, please use the registration
machine in Room 0. If you need any help, do not hesitate to type +rpa and
call and admin to your location.
Official Announcement
From Head Founder Lister: Hurrah!:)
Welcome to Star Trek: Final Battle. If you wish to view the theme, it is in the Information room. To register for a character, please use the registration machine in Room 0. If you need any help, do not hesitate to type +rpa and call and admin to your location.
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
You head into Information
Information Room
-- Information Room - OOC Nexus --
Find out all you
want about Star Trek: Final Battle.
Admin List
Visible Exits:
<RZ> Room
Room Zero
<Public> Teamsters
III: Deep Strike Nine Chris-BC says, "WTF IS FSO!?!?!?!?!?"
Type +wiz to list
all the wizards.
Type +roy to lists
all the roys.
Star Trek: Final Battle Royalty
Last On: Thu Nov 26 19:30:05 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 18:51:52 1998
Last On: Mon Nov 23 19:22:18 1998
Connected. Idle: 1m 25s
Last On: Thu Nov 26 19:59:08 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 16:31:31 1998
Connected. Idle: 5m 59s
Last On: Fri Nov 27 18:30:04 1998
Last On: Wed Nov 25 12:09:03 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 19:44:43 1998
<Public> #0 Howie-bc
says, "Federation Sim Organization"
<Public> Teamsters
III: Deep Strike Nine Chris-BC says, "and they swollowed up STB?"
Star Trek: Final Battle Wizards
Last On: Fri Nov 27 23:09:20 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 17:26:14 1998
Connected. Idle: 9s
Connected. Idle: 7s
Last On: Fri Nov 27 18:18:22 1998
Last On: Wed Nov 25 09:48:21 1998
Connected. Idle: 5s
Last On: Wed Nov 25 16:06:31 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 20:41:56 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 23:29:49 1998
Last On: Fri Nov 27 15:49:47 1998
Connected. Idle: 21s
<Public> #0 Howie-bc
<Public> Guest
says, "yay"
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger grins
<Public> #0 Howie-bc
has bitched about it many times
Star Trek: Final Battle
All ships/sims being
re-helmed. Please do not disturn Dave or Space-BC at this time as it is
a long and boring process.
GST Visitor
G1 0s
IC Acting
Grand Nag Tr'ith Shane
6m Ferengi
BLD Builder
Orion-BC Orion
19s FedBuild
GOD Big Boss
Man Hatim Hati
24s Admin
IC Captain
M6 8m
IC civilian
Fairchild Fa
29m Federation
IC Head
Founder Lister Death
2m Dominion
WIZ Wiz Intern
Gunslinger INTRN
6s Admin
OOC Da Boss
Jwho 22s Admin
BLD Builder
Orion-BC Orion
19s FedBuild
OOC Fungi
Money God Chris-BC CBC
20s ferengi
RBT Robot
TL 28s
Onduty Admin: Gunslinger
Sat Nov 28 00:50:08 1998
Connected Players:14
Hidden Players:2 Record:40
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris hehs
Gunslinger has arrived.
Gunslinger says,
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "Howie: why?"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "We're going to have sick bays"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "yay"
Gunslinger says,
"Would you like some help"
<Public> #0 Howie-bc
has more HCing to do still
<Public> Teamsters
III: Deep Strike Nine Chris-BC says, "and they dont listen to god?"
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger it was my idea
You say, "Hello"
You say, "Nah."
The Galaxy has experienced many changes... old alliances have been broken
and new ones have been formed. Yesterday's allies have become today's adversaries,
and many of the vast empires with which we are familiar with have crumbled
into spacedust, while other new ones have risen from the ashes of despair...
The Dominion experienced a devastating loss when an isolated rebel faction of Jem'Hadar discovered a cure for their dependence on Ketracel White and the Founders. They, determined to bring down the Dominion that had enslaved them for many years, designated a new leader. According to plan, a few outposts and planets were captured to become their bases of operations. Meanwhile, the new almost crippled Dominion continued fighting the Federation and suffered heavy losses in the pursuit of Divine Order. But the Federation had problems of its own.
Before TCS was founded, they were a group of colonies on the edge of Federation space bordering unclaimed space. The Federation, with its Dominion invasion to tend with, had neglected the colonies for supplies, defense, etc. This made the civilians living in the colonies irritated, and they had begun to think that the Federation was hoarding all the supplies in Terra and being cruel to the colonies. The months went by, then years, and the civilians had begun to snap at the Federation. Then the Federation cut off all supplies for a few weeks, and the colonists were furious. They got on subspace immediately after, and demanded an explanation. However, the Federation could not offer one acceptable for the colonists, who grew angrier. The assassination of the president took place. A Klingon ambassador was seen shooting President Williams six times in the chest, and escaped later. It split apart the Federation, with StarFleet believing it was a changeling mostly, but the others believing it was the Klingons and their current war over Archanis. No proof for either side, and, believing they were imcompetent and weak, the TCS formed and declared independence. They also said that they didn't want a war, and the Federation gratefully agreed to that since they have other security problems on their hands. The colonies seceeded cleanly and without any bloodloss. The colonies banned together and formed the TCS, now a full-fledged empire.
The Klingons still remained a thorn in the side of the Federation. The Federation still fights its foe, the Dominion while it ran into even more trouble. The Klingons then broke all contact with the Federation and declared war, after discovering the Federation was in peace talks with the Dominion. The UFP immediately ceased these talks, but the action was too belated for the Klingons. In the meantime, a race from the Delta quadrant began arriving in the Alpha Quadrant, named the Hirogen. Realizing how strong and how honorable the Hirogen were, the Klingons immediately sought a military alliance with them.
The Romulan Star Empire signed a peace treaty that was centuries in the
making with the Vulcans, and joined together with them to make The Great
Alliance. The Great Alliance formed a military pact with the Federation
to strengthen both parties's defense against the inevitable invasion. The
Ferengi, ever the epitome of capitalism, used the war to boost profits
and continue to make more latinum. To this day they remain a neutral party,
profiteering off the suffering of others. The Terran Confederation, in
a dilemma, joined with the Dominion, who still held their strong alliance
with the Cardassians in their fight against the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
The Jem'Hadar Rebels, however, made peace with the Federation to increase
their chances of annihilating the Dominion. Now there is unrest between
the factions in the galaxy and they are on the verge of war, and one little
spark could lead to a long and brutal battle between all the of the factions.
This could be... the FINAL BATTLE!
Gunslinger says,
"okie dokie"
Gunslinger has left.
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: HOWIE!
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: You will work with CBC to code skills
Official Announcement
From Wiz Intern Gunslinger: DAVIE!
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: Good man, knew you would
Official Announcement
From Fungi Money God Chris-BC: GUNSLINGERIE!
Official Announcement
From Fungi Money God Chris-BC: gasp the word lingerie is in their
Official Announcement:
Wiz Intern Gunslinger hehs
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: Coincidence? I dont hink so.
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: I dont think so aswell
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: WORK WORK WOKR!
Official Announcement
From Wiz Intern Gunslinger: HEY MEN CAN WEAR IT ALSO
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: B*I*G Boss Man Hatim!
Official Announcement:
Da Boss Dave rotfl.
Official Announcement
From Fungi Money God Chris-BC: i need a test sickbay, on a eral ship, STAT
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: Chris, may i
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: Chris, may I introduce you to @dig
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "I am sooo good look at me Dave...actually no look
the other way so I can take you up the A$$E"
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: It lets you BUILD rooms
Official Announcement
From Fungi Money God Chris-BC: no you may not
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: I know, amazed me too
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "NO MORE @ANN's"
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: This one is dedicated to Paris!
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: Aswell as this one!
<Public> Guest
says, "ROFL! President Williams!"
<Public> Hatim
says, "STOP!"
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: And this one!
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: And this one!
<Public> Hatim
Official Announcement
From Head Founder Lister: This one too??
<Public> Orion-BC
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: All people @anning are gay
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: ooops, dammit!
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: stop taht
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: stupid dave
<Public> Orion-BC
starts pulling his hair out
<Public> Hatim
says, "ENOUGH!"
<Public> Hatim
says, "cheez!"
<Public> Howie
says, "Do as I say morons, stop th frigging @ann's"
Official Announcement
From Fungi Money God Chris-BC: giggles
<Public> Hatim
says, "ENOUGH!"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "@tel to #2 and disable the @ann system >:)"
<Public> Hatim
says, "WILL DO!"
Official Announcement
From Fungi Money God Chris-BC: i didnt do that
<Public> Hatim
says, "do it now"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris notices @ann's have stopped
@set me=WANKA Paris
says, "Eek! all over the keyboard again....what am I to do:("
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris sighs
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "WHAT!?!"
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "WHAT ALL OVER THE KEYBOARD?"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris pulls out a blast and shoots Dave, Lister and Chris-BC
<Public> Lister
says, "I am so ImmatureL(("
Official Announcement:
Da Boss Dave sighs.
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris tosses a photon grendade into Lister's area
Official Announcement
From Wiz Intern Gunslinger: Wizzies are working on coding a sickbay, that
way when you get shot you can heal there
Paris pages: Wanna
go out some time?
You paged Dave with
'excuse me?'.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
<Public> @set
me=WANKA Paris says, "I wanna cum all over you Gunslinger..."
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "Paris pages: Wanna go out some time??"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "STOP @FORCEING ME"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Dont @force guys"
<Public> Guest
says, "Kay. Um, this is interesting."
<Public> Lister
says, "Not me....I only cemit:))"
Official Announcement
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris sighs
<Public> Guest
says, "Wow, um, this mush has some issues."
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave grins.
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Chris-BC is pshyco-coding"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Dont mind him"
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "Sorry guest"
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "Yeth boyth, stop it, itth like tho immature" <---Gay Accent
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris takes his gutting knife
<Public> Teamsters
III: Deep Strike Nine Chris-BC says, "dave"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Thats not me"
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "Chris-BC gets easily upset while coding and Paris
well Paris..."
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris guts Chris-BC
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "That was a @cemit"
<Public> @set
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: @force and @cemit are disabled, have a nice day. :P
<Public> Guest2
says, "my lawd, that's a whole lotta ansi"
Chris-BC has booted
you from public, for 30 seconds. You cannot speak on public or join public
untill that time is up.
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris rips out Chris-BC's intestines and feeds him to a targ,
then tosses the body out a window
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "heh"
Guests are not allowed
to join channels.
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "that @cboot did a lot of good CBC"
<Public> Guest2
says, "uh, some reason I'm being booted from +pub?"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "moron..."
<Public> Lister
says, "You bastard Chris-BC"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave grins.
<Public> Guest
says, "Kay, why was I booted from public?"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "ok, who's the ass?"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Guess"
<Public> Tr'ith
says, "Chris has gone mental?"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "Lister or Chris-BC?"
<Public> Lister
says, "Whats the fun without @cemit?? whats the point...?"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Ok, break it up"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Break it up, break it up"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave pushes Paris, CBC, and Lister in seperate corners.
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris breaks Chris-BC's face up
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Silence!"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Poof, begone!"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris looks at Dave
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Ninjaaaaaaa....vanish!"
<Public> Hatim
says, "damn Lagg"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "Dave, you ok?"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "no lag here"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave has gone postal.
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave grabs a shotgun.
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "been drinking, haven't you?"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "I confess, I drank a Dr. Pepper"
<Public> Guest2
says, "crack."
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Kill me now lord oh kill me now!"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris reaches for his site to site Transporter
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger kills Dave
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris dissolves in a transporter beam
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave dissolves in a PoofBeGone(tm) solution.
<Public> Guest
is impressed. So far, I have seen @force, and @cemit disabled, as
well as @ann, I have seen someone pose getting out a gutting knife because
someone had a gay accent and screaming and cursing on the public chan as
well as with @wall. Nice.
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Thanks"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "we try"
<Public> Hatim
says, "you like it!"
<Public> Wizzie
Intern Gunslinger says, "Wait till we get upset"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave grins.
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris waves his gutting knife
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "when I get upset, people start disapearing"
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris says, "I AM NOT CRAZY!"
Wizzie Intern's
-- Wizzie Intern's Office - Wizzie Intern's Office --
You walk into a
leather padded office, there is a large leather padded chair in the middle
of the office. In the back you see a Bed, to your right is a Replicator
and Viewscreen, to your left is a Outhouse. The rooms walls are covered
with Viewscreens and Monitors. Lying ontop of the sheets on the bed is
a naked Ezri Dax. In the corner of the room is a Tent with a bottle of
beer sitting outside of it. Next to the Bed is a small Cigarette Dispenser.
In the very middle of the room in front of the chair is a desk with many
PADD's lying on it. Next to the desk is a small Cargo Container
Ezri Dax
Intern's Desk
Cargo Container
Portable Viewscreen
Travel Replicator
Gunslinger's Home
-- The "Hobo" Tent
Cigarette Dispenser
Visible Exits:
Wizard Offices
Gunslinger says,
<Public> @set
me=!SANE Paris whips the knife at Lister
Gunslinger says,
"This is my office"
<Public> Guest2
says, "Dave, you the head wiz?"
<Public> [--<
Da Boss >--] Dave says, "Me and Hatim are :)"
CHAT: Chris-BC has
removed all users from <Public>.
Gunslinger says,
"if you would like any help my secretary can be of errrr assistance"
You say, "Kay."
Guests are not allowed
to join channels.
Official Announcement
CHAT: Dave joins
you to channel <Public>.
You say, "Why was
I removed from public"
Guest notes guests
cannot join channels.
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "Now that you have undone I cannot have Ezri show the guest a "GOOD
<Public> Guest2
says, "I'll share a bit of wisdom I've learned from ATS"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "Someone rejoin the guest to this chan"
<Public> Dave
says, "ATS = BAD"
<Public> Lister
says, "Paris you are neither sane or Crazy....What The F@#K are you??"
<Public> Dave
says, "I did"
<Public> Guest2
says, "Abuse of power is a real blast, but moderation is important."
<Public> Guest2
says, "I budget myself at one rampant abuse of power a day."
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "HE IS A !NSANE"
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "and who are you guets2?"
<Public> Guest2
says, "That way you really concentrate on doing something truly dastardly
and evil, yet you don't drive away the audience."
<Public> Lister
says, "Budget?? one??"
Gunslinger has left.
Gunslinger quietly
enters Gunslinger's Home -- The "Hobo" Tent.
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "sounds like a cardassian"
Gunslinger emerges
from Gunslinger's tent.
Gunslinger has arrived.
<Public> Dave
says, "Sounds like a freak"
<Public> Paris
says, "Lister: I'm your worst nightmare..."
<Public> Dave
<Public> Guest2
says, "Try it sometime."
Gunslinger lights
a cigarette
<Public> Dave
says, "ATS?"
Gunslinger hands
it to Ezri
<Public> Paris
chunks Lister into Chris-BC and kicks them both out the airlock
<Public> Dave
says, "I would if the morons there would get through their head that I
am NOT Hatim"
Gunslinger sit's
down on a chair that is behind the desk.
<Public> Guest2
says, "You might have to cut back slowly, I know it's addictive."
<Public> Dave
says, "They think we're the same people, so Im @sitelocked"
<Public> Dave
doesnt see where they get that from.
Gunslinger sit's
down on a chair that is behind the desk.
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "you and imax boy the same people?"
Gunslinger sits
far back into the chair, is if to relax.
<Public> Dave
says, "Thats what they think"
<Public> Dave
says, "Shows you their intellect level doesnt it"
Gunslinger says,
"So what brings you to our MUSH?"
<Public> Guest2
says, "If I recall, Dave"
You say, "Curiosity."
<Public> Howie-bc
forgets that the WHO if broken for him
<Public> Guest2
says, "It wasn't that we didn't believe you.."
Gunslinger says,
Gunslinger says,
"You like startrek"
<Public> Dave
says, "You never even talked to me dumbshit"
<Public> Dave
says, "Now POOF begone!"
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
<Public> Guest2
says, "But that we couldn't remove it right at that moment, and you were
subsequently such an asshole about it, that we didn't really want you back."
<Public> Dave
says, "I heard the story from Hatim"
Guest2 has arrived.
<Public> Dave
says, "Ummm"
Guest3 has arrived.
<Public> Dave
says, "get off the crack man"
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
Gunslinger says,
<Public> Dave
says, "you never even adressed me about it"
Guest4 has arrived.
<Public> Guest2
says, "Or perhaps that was somebody else."
Guest3 says, "Hello."
Gunslinger says,
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "i think that was shkork"
Guest4 says, "Hello.."
<Public> Guest2
says, "How do you know this, when you do not know who I am. :)"
<Public> Dave
says, "I was @toaded then @sitelocked, I had to iniquire WHY it happened"
<Public> Dave
says, "Then someone told me I was the same as Hatim"
Gunslinger says,
"Quite a bunch of guests we have here"
<Public> Dave
<Public> Tr'ith
says, "Leo igornes me."
Guest3 nods.
<Public> Hatim
says, "i was at his house when i create a char!"
<Public> Guest2
says, "@toad hasn't existed for a long time."
<Public> Guest2
says, "Yeah, that was the shkee/shkork deal"
<Public> Dave
smacks his forehead repeatedly, "I do not udnerstand! I dont not
<Public> Guest
says, "If ATS=Bad, why does it have a an online record of 155?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "i hate shkee"
Dave has arrived.
<Public> Hatim
says, "i hate shkork"
Guest4 hmms
Hatim has arrived.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
Dave says, "what
are all the guests doing here?"
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "ufos were involved"
<Public> Guest2
says, "Actually it's 232, guest :)"
Gunslinger says,
"Tese is our MUSH god man type"
<Public> Lister
says, "Chris its OK you dont have to go:))"
<Public> Guest2
says, "though that was rather.. artificial"
Hatim says, "i would
not know"
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "shkork likes nasty sex, sahara told us the whhhhhole story"
<Public> Dave
says, "We need more guests"
<Public> Dave
says, "We're maxed out at 5"
Gunslinger has left.
Guest2 says, "I'd
say right offhand that we arrived due to a summons :)"
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
Guest2 has arrived.
Guest3 has arrived.
Guest4 has arrived.
Gunslinger says,
"Are we all here now"
<Public> Guest
says, "Kay, why am I being @tel'd around?"
Gunslinger says,
Last connect was
from on Sat Nov 28 00:48:03 1998.
MAIL: 2 messages
in folder 0 [INBOX] (0 unread, 0 cleared).
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
Guest3 says, "Paaaaaar-ty!"
Welcome to Star Trek: Final Battle. If you wish to view the theme, it is in the Information room. To register for a character, please use the registration machine in Room 0. If you need any help, do not hesitate to type +rpa and call and admin to your location.
<Public> Hatim
says, "stop @telling them around"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "I did"
Guests are not allowed
to join channels.
<Public> Gunslinger
Star Trek: Final Battle
All ships/sims being
re-helmed. Please do not disturn Dave or Space-BC at this time as it is
a long and boring process.
GST Visitor
G1 0s
OOC Visitor
G5 57s
GST Visitor
G4 1m
GST Visitor
G3 16s
GOD Big Boss
Man Hatim Hati
12s Admin
IC Captain
M6 3m
GST Visitor
G2 25s
GST Visitor
G1 0s
IC Acting
Grand Nag Tr'ith Shane
1m Ferengi
BLD Builder
Orion-BC Orion
3m FedBuild
IC civilian
Fairchild Fa
49m Federation
IC Head
Founder Lister Death
1m Dominion
WIZ Wiz Intern
Gunslinger INTRN
1s Admin
OOC Da Boss
Jwho 2s Admin
OOC Fungi
Money God Chris-BC CBC
55s ferengi
RBT Robot
TL 13m
Onduty Admin: Gunslinger
Sat Nov 28 01:09:56 1998
Connected Players:18
Hidden Players:2 Record:40
<Public> Guest3
becomes @telsick. Like seasick, but worse.
<Public> Hatim
You say, "Hello,
<Public> Guest2
says, "The admin here haven't yet learned moderation."
<Public> Tr'ith
says, "I know the secret idents of Guest3 and 5."
Guest4 blinks
Guest5 says, "Greets."
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "AHHHHHHH"
<Public> Chris-BC
sighs and goes back to deleting code
A tall, dark, and
hansome man. He is wearing a large black cloak and two gunbelts crossed
across his hips. There are two classic .45s in the gunbelts.
<Public> Howie-bc
has seen the IP for Guest3
You say, "wow two
players, in one guest"
Guest3 hehs.
<Public> Guest
says, "actually, there are two people controlling me"
Guest2 says, "Huzzah."
<Public> Guest
says, "woo two!"
You paged Merc with
'Um, who are you?'.
Idle message from
Merc: Sorry I am not connected right now. If you need something immediate,
bug someone on pub. If you are telling me your email, @mail it. If your
question has the word "MUSH" and the word "server" in it, then I will not
respond. Otherwise, @mail me. Thank you. Beep
<Public> Guest4
says, "Some dude on ATS sad some cool stuff was going on here.."
<Public> Chris-BC
says, "yeah me"
You paged Guest
with 'um, who are you?'.
Guest pages: um,
who are you?
<Public> Hatim
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Guest3
says, "We're seeing what the fun is about."
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Howie-bc
says, " we must make more guests :-)"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "WHAT?"
Guest2 says, "Have
we been summoned for some exceptionally cool purpose, or do you just type
@summon because it amuses you to do so?"
<Public> Dave
says, "I am"
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "WHAT?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "ohh boy"
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Hatim
says, "you guest getting chars here?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "relax"
You paged Guest
with 'I am the master of the squishy mart'.
Guest pages: I am
the master of the squishy mart
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "I AM NOT CRAZY"
Guest4 walks into
a forcefield.
Guest4 heads into
Information Room.
Guest4 has left.
Guest5 says, "That
must've sucked"
<Public> Hatim
says, "if you are send them over i am wating in the from room!"
You say, "Osc here?"
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Guest3
says, "Don't hurt yourself?"
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Hatim
rotfls at guest3's comment
<Public> Guest2
says, "Gunslinger, your capslock is stuck. It's the one above your left
shift key."
<Public> Paris
says, "BTW, I am not crazy"
Guest15 has connected.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest.
You say, "kay, how
many now."
<Public> Guest2
says, "Make sure the little capslock light is off when you type."
Guest15 has disconnected.
<Public> Guest5
says, "Maybe he's a maschocist."
<Public> Guest3
offers ... Tylenol?
Gunslinger has left.
<Public> Dave
says, "yay"
<Public> Guest3
says, "Padded cell?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "oh my god"
Guest4 has arrived.
<Public> Guest3
says, "Morphine?"
<Public> Guest5
says, "Why? He seems to like it."
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris heh
<Public> Guest3
says, "Football helmet?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "cbc you really like showing of your code don't u"
You paged Guest5
with 'ok, go into the information room and look at the theme.'.
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: ANy Guests want characters? If so, page me the name/pass
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: ANy Guests want characters? If so, page me the name/pass
Guest5 heads into
Information Room.
Guest5 has left.
Guest4 heads into
Information Room.
Guest4 has left.
Guest4 has arrived.
Guest4 walks into
a forcefield.
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: AND ME TOO!
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: AND ME TOO!
Guest4 walks into
a forcefield.
You say, "yay, we
are two"
<Public> Guest4
Guest4 says, "this
place looks kinda homo"
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: Or use the reg machine what ever you like
Official Announcement
From Big Boss Man Hatim: Or use the reg machine what ever you like
Guest kicks the
stupid ignorant guest.
Official Announcement
From Acting Grand Nagus Tr'ith: People on ATS are logging this conversation
(guest 1,2,3,4,5) and sending it to everyone.
Official Announcement
From Acting Grand Nagus Tr'ith: People on ATS are logging this conversation
(guest 1,2,3,4,5) and sending it to everyone.
<Public> Guest4
blinks, How many of you guys are Twinks?
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris drops a pin
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "ME!"
<Public> Dave
says, "silence Guest4"
Official Announcement
From #0 Howie-bc: All the attention here and I haven't even made any other
HC imporvements :-)
Official Announcement
From #0 Howie-bc: All the attention here and I haven't even made any other
HC imporvements :-)
<Public> Guest2
says, "Is there some particular reason we'd want a character here?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "i don't know"
Official Announcement:
#0 Howie-bc has been doing them all elsemu**
Official Announcement:
#0 Howie-bc has been doing them all elsemu**
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris says, "I think I'm a twink, I dunno though"
<Public> Dave
says, "If not, get the hell off! :)"
<Public> Hatim
says, "have you guys read the theme?"
<Public> Hatim
says, "the ir room"
<Public> Dave
says, "dont want a char? Go away, free up the guest's spots"
Official Announcement
From #0 Howie-bc: All Guests examine me!
Official Announcement
From #0 Howie-bc: All Guests examine me!
<Public> Guest4
says, "Theme looks kinda gay."
Guest3 heads into
Information Room.
Guest3 has left.
<Public> Dave
says, "So do you"
<Public> Dave
says, "POOF! Begone"
Official Announcement:
#0 Howie-bc has a rarety
Official Announcement:
#0 Howie-bc has a rarety
<Public> Guest4
<Public> Guest
kicks Guest4.
<Public> Chris-BC
is seen with his suitcases full of code walking out the front door
Star Trek: Final Battle
All ships/sims being
re-helmed. Please do not disturn Dave or Space-BC at this time as it is
a long and boring process.
GST Visitor
G1 0s
OOC Visitor
G5 1m
GST Visitor
G4 6s
GST Visitor
G3 12s
GOD Big Boss
Man Hatim Hati
8s Admin
IC Captain
M6 34s
GST Visitor
G2 12s
GST Visitor
G1 0s
IC Acting
Grand Nag Tr'ith Shane
1s Ferengi
BLD Builder
Orion-BC Orion
1m FedBuild
IC civilian
Fairchild Fa
54m Federation
IC Head
Founder Lister Death
4m Dominion
WIZ Wiz Intern
Gunslinger INTRN
1s Admin
OOC Da Boss
Jwho 7s Admin
OOC Fungi
Money God Chris-BC CBC
1s ferengi
RBT Robot
TL 18m
Onduty Admin: Gunslinger
Sat Nov 28 01:15:01 1998
Connected Players:18
Hidden Players:2 Record:40
<Public> Guest4
dances around gleefully
<Public> Guest3
<Public> Dave
<Public> Lister
says, "I feel like Hacking ATS:))"
<Public> Hatim
says, "no"
Official Announcement:
#0 Howie-bc is #0 here :-)
Official Announcement:
#0 Howie-bc is #0 here :-)
<Public> Guest2
says, "Try."
<Public> Guest
says, "um"
<Public> Guest3
dances around gleefully with a 5 gallon can of gas and a Zippo.
<Public> Guest2
says, "I double dare you. I triple dog dare you."
<Public> Howie-bc
lol at all the guests
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris says, "Guest* = Twink!"
<Public> Guest3
watches Lister get bombed by a 'mysterious mafunction' in a flight of Tomahawk
<Public> Howie-bc
Gunslinger has arrived.
Gunslinger says,
Gunslinger heads
into OOC Area.
Gunslinger has left.
You paged Lister
with 'as in king lister?'.
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris sends his Hired Goons (TM)(C)(R) who beat the crap outta
the psycho guests
<Public> Lister
says, "Nah!..I wouldnt waste my time with a SHIT MUSH like that:)"
<Public> Guest2
<Public> Guest5
is not psycho, thankyouverymuch.
<Public> Guest3
suggests you reverse your definitions.
Hatim has arrived.
<Public> Guest2
says, "I generally try to avoid publicly disrespecting other MUSHes."
<Public> Guest3
says, "And I'm bloody well psycho!"
<Public> Guest5
says, "Wait! Strike that! Reverse it!"
<Public> Guest2
says, "You might try doing the same."
You paged Guest4
with 'who are you on ATS?'.
Hatim heads into
Information Room.
Hatim has left.
<Public> Guest
says, "my mush was a shit mush, ATS is well crafted, with a few holes,
but is still great"
Guest4 pages: Hobbes
<Public> Guest3
fumbles around for his .45, mosies outside, and shoots streetlights to
prove it.
<Public> Guest4
gathers the LastSites of all the stupid VISUAL wizs to add to sitelock
list on ATS..
<Public> Hatim
<Public> Guest2
<Public> Chris-BC
<Public> Guest2
says, "Let's not."
<Public> Guest4
says, "Okay.. there we go, and"
<Public> Guest5
says, "Brilliant plan, there."
You paged Guest
with 'isn't this funn, wwwwwhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeee'.
Guest pages: isn't
this funn, wwwwwhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<Public> Dave
says, "Already sitelocked numbskull"
<Public> Dave
<Public> Dave
knocks on Guest4's head.
You paged Guest
with 'who are you?'.
Guest pages: who
are you?
<Public> Guest4
says, "Who were you?"
You paged Guest
with 'q'ropS'.
Guest pages: q'ropS
<Public> Dave
says, "Did you not hear me story about how dumb you ATS admin were?"
<Public> Guest
nods to Dave, "That makes sense."
<Public> Dave
says, "About how me and Hatim are the same person?"
--- Paris is now
OOC ---
Paris has arrived.
<Public> Guest3
comes back inside from shooting streetlights.
<Public> Guest4
says, "Dave.. who were you on ATS?"
Paris pulls out
a axe
<Public> Guest3
says, "Well, that was refreshing."
<Public> Guest2
says, "Um, Dave.."
<Public> Dave
says, "I WAS Qa'lah"
<Public> Tr'ith
whispers to Dave, one of them is Doogie.
<Public> Dave
says, "For about 1 day"
Paris knocks GUest*
's skull's off
Guest4 blinks
You paged Guest
with 'can I ask who you are?'.
Guest pages: can
I ask who you are?
You paged Guest
with 'Pela, you?'.
Guest pages: Pela,
You paged Guest
with 'q'ropS'.
Guest pages: q'ropS
<Public> Guest2
says, "One shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house, I think.."
<Public> Dave
says, "Well, I dont live in one"
Guest prepares for
<Public> Dave
says, "So I dont concern myself with it"
<Public> Guest3
used to live in a glass house.
<Public> Dave
says, "Im not stupid enough to buy a glass house"
Guest4 prepares
for combat.
<Public> Guest3
lives in a padded house now.
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Guest4
says, "Dave, why'd you get sitelocked?"
<Public> Guest5
says, "It shows."
<Public> Guest2
says, "It's what we in the trade call an "analogy"."
You paged Guest
with 'but I will leave you to your fun and games, I just had to stick around,
to see what the normal routine for a musher is (commands) :)'.
Guest pages: but
I will leave you to your fun and games, I just had to stick around, to
see what the normal routine for a musher is (commands) :)
Paris pulls out
a remote device
MAIL: Mailbox purged.
<Public> Dave
says, "Cause you brainchilds thought I was Hatim"
<Public> Gunslinger
Paris watches as
the borg nanoprobes activate and raises shields
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "RIght?"
<Public> Dave
<Public> Gunslinger
looks Paranoid
Paris extends assimilation
<Public> Guest3
is down in the hood, yo.
<Public> Gunslinger
feels the walls getting smaller
Guest uses twinkbegone(tm)
on Paris.
<Public> Dave
says, "Yes Gun, I have 2 wiz chars here for kicks, and run between 2 computers
with 2 ISPs for kicks too"
<Public> Hatim
Paris justs pulls
out a knife and slits your throats
<Public> Guest3
says, "That's the earthquake."
<Public> Hatim
says, "i am dave"
<Public> Hatim
says, "that's it!"
<Public> Dave
says, "I am Hatim"
Huh? (Type
"help" for help.)
<Public> Dave
says, "Aswell as Howie-bc"
Paris has lost conscience
<Public> Guest3
says, "Alright I confess! I CONFESS! I am Dave!"
<Public> Dave
says, "sometimes Im MErc, depending on my mood"
<Public> Lister
says, "Hey dave...Good idea..."
Guest15 has connected.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest15.
<Public> Hatim
says, "l rotfls"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "I am Lister"
<Public> Dave
Paris has died.
<Public> Dave
says, "Guest15"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "and Paris"
<Public> Dave
<Public> Guest2
Guest4 sprays the
MUSH with twinkrepelent(tm)
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "hehehe"
<Public> Dave
says, "Guest4, dont want to hurt yourself"
Guest* shoots himself
The MUSH has lost
<Public> Guest15
says, "Guest 15, what a rip off"
<Public> Lister
says, "Im GOD...of the universe...."
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "HEHEHE"
<Public> Guest2
says, "Remind me why I came here again?"
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris says, "I am Gunslinger!"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "Guest4 pissed me off to much"
<Public> Guest15
says, "for the carnival!"
<Public> Guest5
says, "Morbid curiosity?"
<Public> Guest4
says, "Okay. who did that?"
<Public> Guest2
says, "I should be playing Need for Speed."
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "I @sitelocked him"
Official Announcement
From Da Boss Dave: If Guests are here to chitchat, please get a character
and chitchat
<Public> Guest4
says, "What I do?"
<Public> Lister
says, "To see what a real MUSH is like Guest2??"
<Public> Dave
<Public> Guest3
oh gods.
<Public> @set
me=SANE_OK Paris says, "can someone gimme the power of @boot, so I can
clean up #0 <G>"
<Public> Howie-bc
says, "Quit picking on the guests"
<Public> Guest15
says, "need for speeD?"
<Public> Guest3
says, "Lister, find a bomb shelter."
<Public> Guest4
says, "NFSIII is pretty cool"
<Public> Gunslinger
<Public> Dave
says, "You sitelocked the name Guest4...."
<Public> Dave
says, "You rebel you"
<Public> Howie-bc
says, "15 guests?"
<Public> Guest4
<Public> Guest3
says, "Of course."
<Public> Guest2
says, "I must inquire, Lister, as to the qualities that this place posesses
that make it a _real_ MUSH.."
<Public> Tr'ith
places a sign labelled "ATS Wizard Doogie" on Guest2.
<Public> Lister
says, "Need for Speed SUX!!!"
<Public> Guest2
says, "Yeah, I just picked up NFS3."
<Public> Guest15
says, "@set this_mush=real"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "How do I undo it"
<Public> Guest2
says, "I have a T2 thrustmaster steering wheel and pedal set."
<Public> Dave
contimplates removing Guests from Public.
<Public> Howie-bc
says, "HowieCode (tm)?"
<Public> Gunslinger
says, "I just accidently @sitelock !Guset4"
<Public> Guest15
says, "thrustmaster? he he he he"
<Public> Guest3
is a thrustmaster.
<Public> Guest3
says, "Aww yeeeah."
<Public> Guest2
says, "what's your favorite car?"
Guest4 has disconnected.
Guest4 goes home.
<Public> Howie-bc
says, "You know, that girl I was with the other night said that about me"
<Public> Howie-bc
<Public> Dave
says, "Guests annoy me, guests are here to get chars and browse the game,
not talk, chars for for talking"
CHAT: Dave removes
you from channel <Public>.
Guest3 has arrived.
a loud rumbling
is heard as a Galaxy Class Starship comes thru the clouds and lands on
Guest, Guest2, Guest15, killing them instantly
Guest3 nooooos.
Guest3 walks into
a forcefield.
Guest3 walks into
a forcefield.
Guest15 says, "Yay
Gunslinger has arrived.
Gunslinger says,
Guest3 says, "Yeah,
we can hear you."
You say, "HELLO!"
Gunslinger says,
Gunslinger says,
Guest3 says, "Yes,
a loud rumbling
is heard as a Galaxy Class Starship comes thru the clouds and lands on
Guest, Guest2,Guest 3 Guest15, killing them instantly
Guest2 says, "Hello
Guest2 has disconnected.
Guest2 goes home.
Paris punchs Guest2
in the face
Paris gives Guest3
a stone cold stunner
Guests cannot do
Gunslinger pulls
out a thermal detonator
Guest3 sings ...
"All we are saying is give peace a chance!"
Guest15 has disconnected.
Guest3 has disconnected.
Guest3 goes home.
Gunslinger drops
it and sets it for one second
Gunslinger has left.
Guest5: You'd think
people'd be nice to guests.
a low rumbling is
heard as ATS' 43 players rush and trample the puny msuh!
Guest5: Very rude,
if I do say so myself.
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
OFF-DUTY: Wiz Intern
Gunslinger goes off-duty.
Star Trek: Final Battle
All ships/sims being
re-helmed. Please do not disturn Dave or Space-BC at this time as it is
a long and boring process.
IC Merchant
Bel_G 9m Ferengi
GST Guest
G5 1m
GOD Big Boss
Man Hatim Hati
15s Admin
OOC Captain
M6 11s
GST Guest
G1 0s
IC Acting
Grand Nag Tr'ith Shane 49s
BLD Builder
Orion-BC Orion
12m FedBuild
IC civilian
Fairchild Fa
1h Federation
IC Head
Founder Lister Death
1m Dominion
WIZ Wiz Intern
Gunslinger INTRN
2s Admin
OOC Da Boss
Jwho 5s Admin
OOC Fungi
Money God Chris-BC CBC
10m ferengi
RBT Robot
TL 32m
Onduty Admin:
Sat Nov 28 01:28:51 1998
Connected Players:15
Hidden Players:2 Record:40
Huh? (Type
"help" for help.)
You paged Guest5
with 'we are the only ones left!'.
From afar, Guest5
grins. I know. :)
You say, "Heehee.
Out of 15 players, only 3 are PC's"
Guest falls over
as a bullet hole appears in his head
a loud gunshot is
You say, "Kay, um,
You would hear the gunshot first, numbnuts."
Gunslinger has arrived.
Gunslinger heads
into OOC Area.
Gunslinger has left.
Guest2 has connected.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest2.
Guest2 walks into
a forcefield.
Paris says, "not
with the speed of the bullet, you dumbass"
Guest rofl
Guest2 has disconnected.
Guest2 goes home.
Paris gives Guest
a tombstone piledrive thru the floor of #0
Paris kicks him
into oblivion
ON-DUTY: Amigo Dave
goes on-duty.
Type 'view motd' or 'who' to view it
To channel Public:
Guest says, "Guest falls over as a bullet hole appears in his head%ra loud
gunshot is heard%rYou say, "Kay, um, You would hear the gunshot first,
numbnuts."%rParis says, "not with the speed of the bullet, you dumbass"%rGuest
Star Trek: Final Battle
Welcome to Final
Battle TrekMUSH.
GOD Big Boss
Man Hatim Hati
4s Admin
IC civilian
Fairchild Fa
50s Federation
IC Merchant
Bel_G 9s Ferengi
GST Guest
G5 34s
OOC Captain
M6 21s
GST Guest
G1 0s
IC Acting
Grand Nag Tr'ith Shane 39s
BLD Builder
Orion-BC Orion
18m FedBuild
IC Head
Founder Lister Death
35s Dominion
WIZ Wiz Intern
Gunslinger INTRN
2m Admin
OOC Amigo
Jwho 1s Admin
OOC Fungi
Money God Chris-BC CBC
1m ferengi
RBT Robot
TL 38m
Onduty Admin: Dave
Sat Nov 28 01:34:48 1998
Connected Players:15
Hidden Players:2 Record:40
Welcome to Final
Battle TrekMUSH.
Guest2 has connected.
<Public> Please
welcome Guest2.
Paris punches Guest2
in the gut
Guest rofl
Guest2 says, "What
Guest2 says, "Fuck
you too. :)"
Paris gives him
a powerpomb
Hatim has arrived.
You say, "He has
been doing this for like, the last ten minutes."
Hatim says, "hi"
10 Hired Goons (TM)(C)(R)
bust in the room and start beating on the Guests
Hatim says, "who
has been doing what/"
Hatim says, "paris
screw off"
Guest is gathering
all of this for her quote machine.
Paris says, "good"
--- Paris goes IC
Paris has left.
--- Paris is now
OOC ---
Paris has arrived.
You paged Guest2
with 'Wow. You go guest.'.
Paris tells Guest
that he's #1
Hatim says, "guest2?"
Hatim says, "doogie"
Hatim says, "what
do you need?"
Paris says, "a @boot
is what he needs"
Hatim says, "paris"
Hatim says, "get
Hatim says, "before
i @boot you"
Paris looks around
Hatim says, "talk
to me doogie"
Paris says, "where
the hell am I?"
You whisper, "Paris
is H'Qadros on ATS" to Guest2.
Guest2 says, "If
you wish."
Guest2 says, "How's
the weather?"
Paris gets out a
Paris looks at the
"You Are Here" spot
Hatim says, "type
It's stardate 50161.0.
The moon is in its waning gibbous phase, and it's up.
Towering white clouds
drift slowly through the blue sky. It's hazy and hot, and the glare of
the sun seems to drain the color from the landscape.
Paris turns the
map all around trying to figure out how to use it
Hatim goes home.
Hatim has left.
Orion-BC has arrived.
Orion-BC hmmms
Orion-BC goes home.
Orion-BC has left.
Guest2 says, "Whee?"
Room Zero(#6041RntFJ)
-- Room Zero - --
Welcome to Star
Trek: Final Battle.
If you need any help,
type +RPA
To read the theme
of the MUSH, go to the Information Room.
To get a character,
use the registration machine.
Registration Machine
Visible Exits:
OOC Area
<IR> Information
Information Room
<CG> Chargen
Character Generation
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C O N N E C T E D ***********