Welcome to The Realm of the Royal Knights.
On this web page you will
learn about the Knights of the Round Table and who they were. You
will learn about King Arthur, Guinever, Merlin and many more characters.
So if you are here as a Knight or a Page, you will see and learn much.
So my Knights strap on your swords, whistle for your horses, and strap
on your armor, and ride with your banners held high into Sir Sean's NEW
AND IMPROVED Virtual Camelot.
Click on the following
pictures to go to that page:
"My Miscellaneous Section"
on Excalibur to go to the Round Table Room
on the Skull to go to My Bibliography page to learn all about Sir Sean.
Please Sign The Ancient Book of The Royal Knights Below!!!
"The Knights of King Arthur's Time"
on the Helmet to go to the Knight's Page A-E
on the Knight to go to the Knight's Page F-K
on the Fire Place to go to the Knight's Page L-O
on the Torch to go to the Knight's Page P-Y
on the Spinning Ball to Go to The Bibliography Page of the Knights A-Y
on the Druid Dude to go to The Page Dedicated to King Arthur
on the The Picture to go to The Page Dedicated to Sir Galahad
on the Torch to go to The Page Dedicated to Sir Gawain
on the Chandelier to go to The Page Dedicated to Sir Lancelot
on the Question Mark to go to The Page Dedicated to The Evil Mordred
on the Helmet to go to The Page Dedicated to Sir Perceval
on the Druid Dude to Go to The Page Dedicated to Sir Tristan
on the spinning Chain to go to my Royal Links Page
"Sir Sean's Bulletin Board"
Hi, I am back with a New
I have done away with a lot from my old web page that I had up and added
more improved stuff. I have added more Factual Info.
All the info on Web page is fact and from various book's. Of course
I give all credit to the Authors of the Books. If you happen to find
any dead links or anything let me know. Also, please send in your
links with banners and I will add them on my links page!!! You can
use my banner that is on my links page just Click
here to get my banner to use on your web page!!! I have had ton's
of questions of what happened to Merlin's Page? Well, I am going
to add his page up as soon as I get all my info squared away. I know
it has been a long time since I said I was going to post it but I will
post his page (and it will be worth the wait). If you have
any questions or comments feel free to E-mail them to me. I am going
to add King's of King Arthur's time, His family, and foes, Wizards, places,
animals of his time all in due time my Knights. So since I have a
new computer I will be able to update easier and better I ditched my old
Relic (computer) and bought a new one. This computer I have kicks
Ass my friends. I will be updating this page often more than I did
before so keep checking back for updates to this page. I will add
stuff at least 2 times a month until I either run out of web space or info.
Till next time my Knight's have a fun journey through "The Realm of the
Royal Knight's".
to Send Sir Sean an E-mail: (questions and comments
This web page had a make over on
10 1999