Public Fruiting
Tune:  Juice of the Barley     Click on the Music Bar to Hear the Song!

                             C                                   F          C
Chorus:  Singing “Loosen your arm up to throw, boy
                        G            C
The fruiting is public today!

C                                   F               C
One beautiful day, so sunny and clear
C                                            G
The Clan was all sitting and drinking their beer
         C                                     F                  C
The pub was the Dragon; the keg was not dry
                  C                                   G
When the constable happened to drop along by…  chorus

And a lass o’ the Clan, he did take by the arm
She was sipping her ale, not doing no harm
His charges were false and the Clan name mis-spoke
Now what can we do but “Rise up MacPolk!”… chorus

He throwed  her in gaeol, sich a sad sight tae see
She wailed and she hollered like an angry banshee
He soon let her out, for the noise was too grand
And a bloody revenge was there and then planned…  chorus

The very next day that we all gathered round
The talk was of running that englisher down
Then suddenly up shone an idea sae sweet
We’d capture that man and pull him through the street…  chorus

We marched down the road, this summons to bring
As Ramblin’ Rover we loudly did sing
And faced him wi’ charges he couldn’t deny
Then es - corted him to the place fruit does fly… chorus

Well, we rolled up our sleeves and reached in the bin
The fruit was too gone tae target him in
But it splattered and squished, his head was a sight
And we soon let him out with a warning so bright…  chorus

So take ye this lesson, if you’ve ears tae hear
And mind how ye speak of what we hold sae dear
For we be the splendid, the bonny plaid folk
That proudly do carry the Clan Name MacPolk!  chorus