Presents from Mommy and Daddy!

And what was inside!

Trying on the shirt

and the other shirt

What I bought myself on my birthday: toothpaste!
Oh, and "The Easter Beagle" was on TV!
Oh, and also bought myself a Transformer

And bought myself the new Neil Young CD released on my birthday!

I asked my Mommy if it was ok to open my presents a day before my birthday since they arrived early. When some presents arrived in the mail last week they were opened early too. However it wasn't *my* fault. Grimlock, Prowl, and Optimus Prime got the mail before I did, see:

"Me Grimlock will open the mail"

But too big for Grimlock to bite open

"Stop biting that Grimlock!"

Prowl decides to use his blades to cut the tape instead

Oops... it got stuck, as Optimus Prime arrives

"Stand back Prowl, I'll handle this..."

"... with my axe!"


That opened the box!

Grimlock likes Indiana Jones

"Here, Prowl, Catch!"