Title - DISAPPEARANCE (1/1) Author - Sarah Josephine E-Mail address - fortto@aol.com or emmyscully42@hotmail.com Rating - PG Category - X Spoilers - none that I can think of its one of those stories that will probably never happen Keywords - Mulder/Scully friendship. Summary - Mulder and Scully investigate a case that hits really close to home for Mulder Disclaimer - this is my story it is x-files again and unfortunately all The x-files peoples belong to cc and I do not own them :-( and I don't mean to steal them but it was necessary for this story sorry u can have them back after u read the story cc Notes - as some back round info on this story I wrote it for an English story I got a 84 the first time I handed it in and on my re-do I got (Well I have not handed it in yet) I like this story but my English teacher did not but its cool so read!! Well tell me what you think of it At ForTto@aol.com and read all my other stories at http://members.aol.com/fortto/mypage.html Archive - please tell me where you are putting my story before you move it thanx ~~~ DISAPPEARANCE ~~~ "Help, Help me, someone help me! Zach, help me!" Zoe screamed as she floated out the window of her house. Her brother watched paralyzed. He wanted to help his little sister, but he could not move. It was like there was an invisible force holding him down. She flew out of sight. She was still screaming, and there was a bright light and then she was gone. Zach jumped up and ran outside screaming, "Bring her back! Zoe, where are you? Come back!" He looked up, and there was a bright light flying away in the night sky. Zach fell on his knees, yelling, with tears running down his face. * * * Special agent Fox Mulder entered his office, which looked as if a tornado had blown through. He was shocked to see his partner Dana Scully sitting at the desk ruffling through some files. "I got us a new case!" Mulder said holding an envelope. "Are we chasing the Grays or the EBEs or some kind of mutants this week?" Scully joked. She knew her partner believed in that stuff, and chasing the paranormal was what they usually did anyway. "None," Mulder said dropping the folder on Scully's head, "we got ourselves a kidnapping." Mulder sat down on the other side of the desk. "We leave today for Virginia, I'll pick you up in an hour at your place." Mulder got up and left. * * * Mulder and Scully arrived at the house of the missing girl and went in. Local authorities were already there. A man came into the room, looking as if he had been through a lot. He was followed by a woman with long black wavy hair who looked about 33. "Hi, I'm Officer Willis, and you must be the FBI that I asked for," officer Willis held out her hand. "I'm agent Mulder," he said and shook her hand, "and this is agent Scully." They also shook hands. "Do you have any other info?" "Well Zoe Mulderake was taken from her house last night while her brother watched. He said he was paralyzed. Their parents were next door. Zach said Zoe was taken by a bright light." Scully looked at Mulder and he had that 'not again' look on his face. Officer Willis went on talking about what they had found out. There had been no phone call, no note, nothing. They went back to searching the house and interviewing the neighbors, family and friends. * * * There were piles of papers all over the table at the diner where Mulder and Scully were about to have dinner. "What do you think happened to Zoe, Mulder?" "Do you want to know what I think?" Mulder asked. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know" Scully replied. She looked at him and waited even thought she knew what he was going to say. "I think that Zoe was abducted by aliens and taken the same way Samantha was 24 years ago." Mulder could see the skepticism in her eyes, "Why don't you believe? Look at the evidence, its all there!" Mulder raised his voice; "don't you see it? Why don't you believe?" "I want to believe but there is no hard evidence, I'm sorry Mulder," Scully said as officer Willis entered the diner and walked towards them. "No evidence of what?" she asked politely. "Nothing officer Willis," Mulder replied and made room for her at the table. "Call me Samantha," she said. When she said that Mulder looked down, "what's wrong Mulder?" "Nothing, just..." he stopped, trying to keep his personal feelings about the case to himself. "Just what? You seem sad, why?" Samantha asked. "When you said your name was Samantha it reminded me of my sister, but she is gone. She was taken from me." Mulder put his hand out on the table and Scully took it. "Should I ask or would you rather me not?" Samantha asked kindly "Its okay. She disappeared 24 years ago from our house. There was a flash of light, it was blinding, and when I was able to open my eyes again she was screaming for help and floating out of the room. At the door there was this tall person, but he was not human, his head was too big. I tried to get my parent's gun to shoot him but it did not work. Then there was this force holding me down to the floor, I could not move, she was 9, I was 12, that was the last time I saw my sister. I watched her disappear just like Zach witnessed Zoe's abduction." Mulder took his hand back. Now Samantha had her head down as if trying to forget something horrible that had happened. "What is it Samantha?" Scully asked. "That sounds like the only memory I have before my foster parents. I was adopted when I was ten. All I remember from before then is playing Stratego with someone who must have been my brother because we were fighting about what to watch on TV, I wanted to watch a movie and he wanted to watch The Magician." She paused and looked at Mulder. He had that same look as before on his face, "but we never got to watch either. The next thing I remember is floating through the air screaming, being put on a table, waking up in the hospital not knowing who I was. All I know is my name is Samantha." Mulder looked shocked, "I have a stupid question," Samantha nodded so Mulder continued, "do you have a picture of yourself from before you were adopted?" Samantha nodded, "I have one that was taken when I first entered the foster home, if that is what you want." "May I see it please?" Mulder asked. Scully shook her head. "It's at my house," Samantha said and got up, "right across the street." Then she left the diner. "Mulder you cant be serious, you think that Samantha Willis is your sister?" Scully said. "Yes, it fits" Mulder practically yelled. "Think about it Scully didn't you hear her story?" "Yes I did Mulder but haven't you hearted all the other stories that the adult clones told you. And you believed all the other clones, and you thought the child in the field in Canada was your sister and she had not aged a day since she disappeared, and none of these "Samantha's" have been your sister. Don't you think that this is another government clone?" "It could be but this is to elaborate to be a government trick, I don't think they even have the ability to pull off a scam like this." "Mulder think about all we have found out. Every time we find something new the government throws even more scams at us." "I don't think this is a government conspiracy this time Scully. We will find out when Samantha brings the photo." "And what if it is not her? What if it is another clone? How will we be able to tell from a picture?" "We could look at her file and find out if her blood is green and if it is not then she is not a clone." "If you say so Mulder," Scully said as Samantha walked back into the diner with a picture frame in her hand. "Is this what you want agent Mulder?" She handed him the frame; he starred at it for a long time, studying it, making sure the young girl with long black hair and brown eyes was his sister. "This is her. You are her! YOU ARE SAMANTHA!" Mulder screamed, and everyone in the dinner looked at them but he did not care, he had finally found his sister. He jumped up and hugged her. They sat down at the table and began sharing life stories. Scully knew when she was not needed and said good night to them and left the diner. She was going to go look up Samantha's file to see if she was human. * * * Late that night there was a knock on Scully's motel room door that woke her up. "11:21 this better be important" Scully said as she walked over to the door to see who woke her up. She had to go up on her tippy toes to see who was at the door, it was Mulder, so she unlocked the door and took off the chain and let Mulder in. "What is it Mulder, its almost midnight?" "It is? I must have lost track of time. Sam and I were talking in the diner till they practically threw us out, and then we went walking and still were telling our life stories. She wants to meet our family, her mom and dad that she never knew. I told her that our father had been killed two years ago, that he was shot by Kryeck, and I told her everything that we have done and found out" Mulder explained. "What have you been doing?" "Well first I went down to the police station and looked up Samantha Willis' file, and after a lot of searching, I found out that she dose not have green blood. So that means she could be your sister. I did some more digging and found her blood type and your sisters match. Then I did some more digging and I got a copy of Samantha's DNA test and sent it to the lab in DC to have it compared with your sisters. If they are the same-" "Then she is my sister" Mulder finished her sentence, "when do we find out?" "In two days" Scully answered, "and then I came here and fell asleep. Then you woke me up!" "Oh sorry, I'll go" Mulder said as he left, "g'night Scully" "Night Mulder" Scully said and went back to bed. * * * They had gotten nowhere on the case so Mulder and Scully decided to go back to Washington. When they got back Mulder decided to go with Samantha to visit his family in Mass. Week's later Scully was going to her apartment. On her way up to the third floor she saw a little girl walking down the hall, she looked like a zombie. She did not respond to anything Scully said to her. Scully ran up to the girl and turned her around to see her face. Scully jumped back in shock, it was Zoe Muldrake. "Zoe? Zoe are you alright?" Scully asked. The girl collapsed on the floor. Scully immediately checked if she was breathing. She was, but she was unconscious so Scully called 911 on her cell phone. Ten minutes latter an ambulance arrived, Scully had not left Zoe's side. She rode in the back of the ambulance. On the way to the hospital Zoe had stopped breathing. The medical technicians put Zoe on a ventilator that would help her breath. Zoe's family came late that night. They woke up Scully who had dozed off in the chair. Scully decided to go home and rest in her bed. * * * When Scully got to the office on Monday morning, Mulder was sitting at the desk watching the TV that was in their office. "Morning Mulder, how is Zoe?" Mulder looked up and immediately turned off what he had been watching. "Oh, umm she's fine, she woke up early this morning." "That's good," Scully said as she hung up her coat. " Do I dare ask what you were watching?" "No?" Mulder said with puppy dog eyes. "Let me guess," she said walking towards him, "it is one of those tapes that is 'not yours'" "How did you guess?" Mulder asked as his face turned red. "How is Sam?" Scully asked trying to change the topic so Mulder would not be mad at her. "She's fine, she's staying with my mother for a while, you know, getting to know the family." "Hope she likes insanity." Scully joked. "Don't worry she does" END Well do you like it??? If you don't well tell me what you did not like at ForTto@aol.com If you liked it tell me at ForTto@aol.com